Danny/Lindsay #14 - "What'd You Have In Mind?"

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Danny goes to Montana in Episode 18 of Season 3.

That is a wonderful spoiler Catey, but I thought it said

Flack was working with them?


Thanks for posting that pic, dutch!

Bugs?! Roaches, even worse! *shudders in disgust* But it will make for a good case! Is it possible to do a poll in a spoiler? Cause I'm thinking we need to make bets on whether or not Danny will make another wisecrack about Lindsay eating the evidence. :lol: Sure they have done it before, but realistically, if you had a close friend who ate deep fried tarantula and grasshopper chutney would you ever let them live it down? :D And cool as Danny might be, his little boy side still comes out sometimes. Remember D: "Don't eat them." L: "You're a little late on that one." D: "Still doesn't mean it's not funny."
Welcome Toja! You'll love it here!
dbl4eva you're right. I first read that Flack was working the Mac/Stella case so I never gave it any thought that he could be working the other one too. But it seems he has at least one scene with Danny. I just was so happy to learn that D/L were actually working together again that I did not notice Flack's name. And mercy :lol:LOL:lol: I could totally hear him say something like that. The room is covered with 'creepy crawlers' :eek: and he's thinking about food :rolleyes:... again... ;)
I'm curious about the D/L moments. I hope that the scenes will be sweet and special like always. It would be cool if Danny says "Are you hungry" or something like that to Lindsay.

I'm sure I will have a lot of fun, dutch!
Dutch I had to go back and check too after I read yours, I got excited, so I went back to make sure what I read was right.

Welcome Toja!

On a side note can anyone show me how to create a screen saver?

^^I sure wish I could help you there, sweetie, but alas I know nothing about making screensavers, avvies, or banners. :(

Welcome newbies! :) Hi Daughters, Fluffies, Angsties, and Flungsties! ;)

I'm lovin' the "fluff muffin" too. Montana and her Fluff Muffin! I'm also lovin' these spoilers. ;)

You know these two---D/L, their fate was sealed the day they met at the Zoo. They'll probably always have some sort of storyline about bugs, cows, and exotic animals. I think they also talk about Buffalo burgers in episode 19?? It's fate. I love this buggy ship! :lol:

I miss seeing Lindsay around. We all know why she went away but I agree that the episode looked "lost" without her around. That's what I saw.
I agree, Dana. I miss Lindsay and so does Danny. :(

Where's Mo, my fluffy M.O.O High friend? I still love your M.O.O but I also think that it applies to them both ways---M.O.O.---Messer's One & Only. Hugs you and sings fluffy songs with you. :D :lol:

Delia, did I hear that you are a fluffy? Maybe? Does Lynny know? :confused:

Okay D/L poem time, only this time, we all get to make one up: :D

I'll start, help me please:

Roses are Red...
*squee!* OMG, OMG, OMG! I'm just so excited for all of you, but also for me because NY finally starts back on Monday in Australia! so, that'd be your Sunday :p

violets are blue.....
the cows are sweet, but so are you?!

I dunno :p
Roses are red
Violets are blue
I'll even go to
Montana for you

Hey, Toja welcome! :D

Thanks Catey so much for the spoiler! :D You've got me grinning and jumping.Great spoiler, thanks. From the looks of it--with everything that's happened in episode 18--with them holding hands (which sounds totally cute! :)) and him going to Montana and everything--and I think that they could totally be in a relationship now, since Lindsay figured everything up! :D Don't you guys think? I REALLY HOPE THEY ARE! I think that TPTB are delibrately putting D/L together to work again. Awwww, TPTB really can work their magic sometimes!And I'm so glad they're back on bantering! Sounds awesome!!! Yay! More insect-jokes! :D I'm so happy that TPTB are bringing back the old D/L. The D/L we fell in love with!
Delia, did I hear that you are a fluffy? Maybe? Does Lynny know?
Uhhh, I've always been a fluffy. :lol:
From what I've read
Flack's the detective mentioned for both cases. He might not be in either very long, but it is definetly Flack for both
Hey Mommy -- Nice try but I already knew Cordy was a fluffy. She's been one for a long time. traitor.

their bringing back the old D/L. hmm.... aww working my Flackie.. I mean Modie's flackie. around, poor boy.
I love Flack and am glad to see him out and about so much! That rocks and more importantly D/L will probably have more scenes together since Flack has both cases to go! CAN'T WAIT FOR EP 19! Does anyone know if they're in a relationship yet??? Or has any speculation? Since he WENT TO MONTANA FOR HER!!!!

Sorry my beautiful Lynny: I love you lots, but I heart fluff with all of my heart!!
Like Flack on the d/l case. He brings a sense of balence in the case. I do love the remarks that he makes to the suspects. I'm just glad that d/l are having a case together.

And how is everybody tonight?
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