Danny/Lindsay #14 - "What'd You Have In Mind?"

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I had a dream that Danny pulled a Horatio and took off his sunglasses and did something like this:
"I'm going to Montana." :lol:

Peyton (Claire Forlani with Dougray Scott)

Even though I'm not that big of a Smacked fan anymore, I still don't like her.

Back to D/L, I suddenly remembered the time of the Superman case when he proposed to her! :) Wasn't that cute?
Danny: Don't tell me you know something about football also?
Lindsay: What--is that so hard to believe?
Danny: Just dangerous, I might ask you to marry me.
Hmmm.....I love your spoiler-ish dream :p

She isn't that bad, but I rather Mac be with me :devil: haha.....

and I love that quote.....wonder what would've happened if she took that seriously... :p
If you see her in the episode, I don't think you'll like her. Maybe you will. I'm not sure.
wonder what would've happened if she took that seriously...
Yep... I wish they both did!! Here are some caps! Soooo cute!


I'm listening to Justin Timberlake's SexyBack and oh my God!! It immediately reminds me of Danny! :lol:
I'll tap that.
And so the week begins again...I think Monday's are my least favorite days of the week! :p But on the positive side, it is one day closer to a new eppy, and one day closer to Linds coming back! :D

Awww, yay for the Supermen moment! I love that D/L moment...it's so cute! He says the line and then her face is like "Are you serious? Cuz I would in a heartbeat if you are!" :lol:

I can't wait for our upcoming eps y'all they are gonna be so good with D/L...I'm grinning just thinking about them now! Heehee! :D
*Mo grins and smooshes Andes mint ice cream on Chell's head!* Lol, thanks hon! Glad you liked it! I think it fits pretty well...and um yeah join the in love with Danny" club!

Hehe **Licks Mint chocolate ice cream off face and flick a lump at Mo!** :lol:

Bullet girl

just dropped in to say hi and that I'm really excited because NY premieres in Australia tonight! *squee!* what was in the first epi of the season? lol I can't help it I am a spoiler lover.....

:D i know the feeling huni!!! i was squeeeeeeeeeeeing so much when People with money was shown.. even tho i already seen it :lol: but sit back n watch! lol - and don't forget to drool over danny, and weep over the no DL :(


But the episode after, 02 is AWESOME! THE HUG!!! Squeals! It's amazing. I was grinning from ear to ear. I actually jumped on my couch and grinned.

great epsiode huh!! i love the eye!Smex they be havin when he hugs her and pushes her away a bit so he can see her face!!!! awwwww So cute!!! :D


can't wait for our upcoming eps y'all they are gonna be so good with D/L...I'm grinning just thinking about them now! Heehee!

right back at ya!! i feel the same.. even tho i know it will be longer seeing as we are only on epoisode 2 :( 3 this week!! Yay!!! i looove this episode... jus sooo.. soooo heartbreaking!!!! :(
^^ me too!
I hate mondays..(who doesnt?) but even thinking about the new ep makes me oh so happy! I cant wait!!!

I LOVEEE the supermen quote!! Its one of their cutest moments :)
^ Yeah that 'Supermen' quote is great! Txs for bringing back some happy D/L memories kissme (and for the lovely banners and pic's1). I would have loved to see his reaction if she had said something like this:

D: "Just dangerous, I might ask you to marry me."
L: "Well...why don't you'?"

Thanks all for replying to my ep #19 question
...that they are indeed more than just friends. That they somehow discussed their mutual feelings (and that we get to see that -please PTB- :D) and decided to be in a relationship but take it slow for a little while longer (just not wait till next season :mad:). I think they not make it another office secret (one is indeed enough! :rolleyes:), but that they just tell everyone, deal with the jokes :p and move on. Oh and look at the special guest stars for ep #19 :eek: :eek:

Dutch dang hon, that was fabulous! And if I may...a bit fluffy? Heehee, either way I really loved it!!
Aah, but Mo you know me....fluff can turn into angst in a heartbeat ;):

Roses are red,
Pink, yellow or white
Their scent is the same
Intoxicates the night
Fillin' my dreams
With memories of you
Since we've been apart
My roses are...forever blue
So we are talking about bad Mondays, fluff turning into angst, "Super Men," and mint chocolate chip. Yummy. :p

Kiss, great piccie---"Marry Me." What powerful words. Mo and I are still planning the D/L wedding. Now we just need to get these two to show up. ;)

Dutch, that pic---Whoa. :eek: The poem---a beauty. :)

If you really want to see some sweet D/L dreams...pop into my head on an occasion---or not. My D/L dreams might make your toes curl. But it is nice to have them...the alarm always goes off before Danny has a chance to take his p---- :devil: Oops. My kids might see this. :eek: :eek:

Just because I'm in the mood: This is what makes us tolerate the highs and lows of love! ;) :)

"Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind,
And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind."
~William Shakespeare, Mid-Summer Night's Dream, 1595
D: "Just dangerous, I might ask you to marry me."
L: "Well...why don't you'?"
:lol: :lol:
love it. :)

If you really want to see some sweet D/L dreams...pop into my head on an occasion---or not
:lol: gotta love those dreams...:devil:Ive had my share of D/L dreams too...well, havent we all??

Mo and I are still planning the D/L wedding
oooh, yay! i better be on the invite list! :) :)

so 2 more days till ep16! cant wait!
Okay, only 2 more days till episode! Do you think that somebody (maybe Danny) will mention Lindsay?

And it doesn't have to be a strong comment but a small one would be nice!
Okay I officially had my worst day of work in my life today...I'm doing better now, but I managed to cry all the way home! :p So my fluffy bubble is getting blown up a little more at the moment as I do my best to insulate it with fluffy goodness to improve my mood! :D
D: "Just dangerous, I might ask you to marry me."
L: "Well...why don't you'?"
Dutch that would've been honest! :lol: I would have loved to see Danny's face if Linds had said that! :D It would have been priceless, no doubt! Even better if he'd replied, with a wink ;) ...
D: "I thought I just did!" ;)

Lol, yeah Dutch hon I know, you flip from angst to fluff in two seconds...still, the fact that you're sometimes fluffy is fabulous! :lol:

Hello Aud my wub! :D Heehee, yup we're totally planning D/L's wedding! Ohhh did I tell you, I got Danny on board! He told me he really did mean his proposal in Supermen and ever since he's wanted to marry Linds more than anything! :D They were gonna run away together apparently, but since we started planning they like our ideas better! :lol:

Hey speaking of weddings...do you think D/L would have a big or small wedidng and where would they have it? Who'd be in it...etc?

Awwww, I love that Cupid quote hon, totally cute and so true! ;)
in regards to a Linds mention...this is the ep where Danny calls her and leaves her a message, so we get a "mention" of sorts! A good one I'd say, for sure! :D I can't remember, does he say in the message that he misses her? I really hope so, that'd be totally cute!! Either way, yay for D/L! Wohoo! :lol:

Alright my lovelies...I'm off to relax and enjoy some downtime before getting ready for my youth meeting tomorrow night!

Peace out! :D

P.s. WE'RE CANON! :lol: :lol:
^^ Yeah, we are canon!
But on the positive side, it is one day closer to a new eppy, and one day closer to Linds coming back!
That is good! I'm so cheery from all the amazing spoilers. I've said this once and I'll say it again: it's almost too good to be true!
Smex they be havin when he hugs her and pushes her away a bit so he can see her face!!!! awwwww So cute!!!
I know, the hug is just HOTNESS!! :) Amaaaaazing. I mean, I WANT DANNY TO HUG ME LIKE THAT TOO! But I'll share him with sweet Lindsay, but not the rest of you guys! :p
(Hmm... do I feel a fight coming up?)
Mo and I are still planning the D/L wedding. Now we just need to get these two to show up.
I'll help you guys! I planned my older brother's wedding and it was amazing even though I'm not actually officially a wedding planner. I'm still a student. :lol: But I'm good with organization, wedding china, dresses, location etc! D/L deserves something amazing!
Do you think that somebody (maybe Danny) will mention Lindsay?
I definitely think so, especially of the spoilers coming up... We do need at least some continuity!
Hey speaking of weddings...do you think D/L would have a big or small wedidng and where would they have it? Who'd be in it...etc?
I can see Danny not really wanting a big wedding, but will get on board with Lindsay when she tells him how much she LOVES big elaborate weddings. I can see Lindsay imagining and dreaming for an amazing wedding when she was still a kid. Hey, I do that too. :)
i know the feeling huni!!! i was squeeeeeeeeeeeing so much when People with money was shown.. even tho i already seen it but sit back n watch! lol - and don't forget to drool over danny, and weep over the no DL
People with money has the dead woman that was in a mermaid thingy right? If not, I have just watched an old episode with Lindsay and a new one with Aiden. How is that possible you ask? Channel 9 cut the bloody season off 3 episodes early, but next week for me is "Heroes" :(
People with money has the dead woman that was in a mermaid thingy right?
No, People With Money is of a male DB dead on Brooklyn Bridge and the witnesses were the people having bungee sex. :rolleyes:

The mermaid episode is Stealing Home, 3rd last episode of the season and the other case was with a male DB with two wifes. Lindsay was very emotionally involved in this case as she was upset when she didn't find out why the killer killed the girl who was also from Montana.
yeah, the girl from Montana. okay, thanks for that......I should read CBS.COM more often :p

I knew I was doing that whole "Husband+wife+wife" thing for a reason ;) It actually seemed familiar, but I couldn't quite put a name to an episode...I hate it when that happens :p
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