Danny/Lindsay #14 - "What'd You Have In Mind?"

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well at least Cordy has a new banner, she won't CONFUSE me so freaking much anymore.

wonder why they changed eps, Haven't that place been wrong before though?

Thank you Dutchy -- I knew I kept you around for a reason. ;) wow, Mommy was in agreement too? *sighs*

Nikki -- Ya hanging where I hang. So weird. :p

Lindsay better explain her ass or I'm kicking her ass!

Well well ILuvJonathanTogo if it isn't you. I swear I'm gonna run off with your avi :D
CathStokes said:
Well well ILuvJonathanTogo if it isn't you. I swear I'm gonna run off with your avi :D
:lol: I love it too :)

Seriously, March 21st? Thats seems a very long time away but Im sure this past episode will hold me over because it was packed with juciy stuff :D

ETA: I have a few questions...what does "canon" mean. And why do we call the couples "ships or shippers"? Just wondering :) Thanks!
Canon is a generally accepted principle, and when used in conjunction with tv shows, etc, it mean something that has been shown on the show. For example, D/L is my OTP but I am also a Smacked fan. Their friendship is canon because it is on the show, but a romantic relationship for them is just in fandom until it is actually on the show (D/L is soo canon now!!! :D). And ship – relation’ship’, all that.

Holy cow! (moo). *reaches up and snags one of the m&m cookies out of the air that chelle tossed with one hand while typing with the other* I just got off a ten hour shift to come home and see y’all have been busy in here today! Delia, love the banner! I like all the fanart popping up with this scene. I am now just waiting for some awesome wps. If anyone in here does music fanvids, I have a song suggestion over on my new (first) livejournal. Okay, back on topic.

I get to spread the D/L love to a bunch of high schoolers next week! My older sister (the CSI:MIA fan who supposedly doesn’t like NY, but yet she quoted me lines from Super Ep… 64% of dead people polled..) teaches a Foods and Nutrition class and she wants to show them Fare Game (or as she put it, the episode where they eat bugs) to show exotic and unusual cuisine. So I am going to visit her in IL for a few days and sit in on her classes next Friday and watch D/L!! I’m excited!
Loved "Sleight of Hand"!

I'm new too and hope I do this right!

Wednesday nights are my "CSI NY Night" here at home...my kids are too young to watch it so I make sure they have something to watch in their room or an Xbox game to play or something (hey, it's just once a week!)

I've always enjoyed the show, but during the "Not What it Looks Like" episode, after the bang, when Danny pulled Lindsay to him and it was obvious that something might be starting up with them, I turned to my husband and just gasped! He and I both just sat with our mouths open!

Now maybe I'm dense, but I never saw it coming!!

Well, I was truly hooked after that. I was afraid that Lindsay might be written out but after the last episode, I guess I can breathe easier! I almost missed it...I thought it was a re-run, but my sweetheart of a husband checked and made sure it wasn't.

I think it makes for a very interesting dynamic between the two...a country girl who's kind but also courageous meeting up with a tough and courageous city boy who guess what? Is also, under that tough exterior and despite the hardships in his life...kind.

I'm so hooked!! Heh heh!! Are they seriously going to repeat an old show this next week??? Argh!
That was ADORABLE! I have to go change my pic now because I need one with a picture from that episode!
well at least Cordy has a new banner, she won't CONFUSE me so freaking much anymore.
:lol: Yep, it's much easier this way!!
Canon is a generally accepted principle, and when used in conjunction with tv shows
Yep, like Ross and Rachel on Friends!
Thanks for all the comments on the fanart again, guys! It really means the world to me.
"Oh happy day! Oh happy da-ay! Oh happy day!" *Mo dances into the thread, STILL giddy this many hours later!* Heehee, hi shippy buddies! Happy Friday and welcome to the thread of the obsessed...oh what joy it is to be CANON! :D It's the gift that keeps on giving! :lol:

Dutchie hon, I'm glad you couldn't stay away from us in here! Heehee, we miss you around here! I know right, trust me you'll love the whole eppy! It's great too! ;)

I agree with Mo that the night she stood him up was probably the night she was asked to testify, but I still think she should have called him; not to tell him about her past (because I can understand that would've been to hard at that moment) but to tell him that 'something' came up.
Yeah I gotta say I agree with you Dutch...I'm a fluffy who is hard core giddy about Wednesday night and I could not be happier that our Linds is back and looking more gorgeous than ever :D ...but yeah I do think she should have said/explained something to him as to why she broke their date...I would still like to hear her explain that to him in some part at least!
So although they absolutely are in love I don't believe that all issues are already solved.
Again, (Lynny look;) ) I agree with you...I too absolutely believe they are in love and are canon...but yeah I don't think that means everything will be perfect from now on...that wouldn't be real. Don't get me wrong I plan to float in my fluffy love bubble for as long as possible...but I do think that they need to solve some issues still.

Now whether the writers address those issues on the show or not remains to be seen. Although I certainly hope they do.
Yeah that's the real question...we know there are still issues to address, it's just whether or not the PTB show us them working it all out or if we just get the fluff...(not that I'd mind getting the fluff! ;) ) But I would like to see D/L have a good serious talk too!
Mo, whatcha doin'? Are you still jumping around in total fluffiness?
Here I am Aud love! Yup I'm totally still jumping around in total fluffiness! *Mo grabs Aud and dances around in giddiness...yet again!*

Aunt Mo I like your avvie and banner a lot. It's perfect!
Awww thanks Rad niece honey...that's so sweet of you! I'm kinda proud of them...it's the pics that are perfect though...I just thought of a pretty way to combine them! ;)

and the 'eskimo kiss'
Chell Hi Honey! Lol, that's so what it was...an almost kiss that was SO fabulous! When I first heard they almost kiss I thought like they got a foot away from eachother and then were stopped...but dang if their lips didn't barely brush! YAYYYY!!! :D

is scheduled to air March 21. Don't know why the change, but that is now the projected airdate for Days of Wine and Roaches.
Wow, really Catey? YAY! That's awesome hon, thanks for sharing that! That makes me happy...I was so sad to have to wait that long for a new eppy...but I can make it 3 weeks...I think! ;) :lol:

Awww my fellow shippy buddies what a good time to be a D/L shipper! I'm so in love with our couple right now...they have made me so very happy...*Sigh...Squeeee!* Aud sing with me..."Love is in the Air! Everywhere I look around!" :D
but yeah I don't think that means everything will be perfect from now on...that wouldn't be real.
Without sounding harsh, TPTB wouldn't be stupid enough to give them the happy ending just yet. A little awkwardness, arguments, fights--are bound to happen.
Mo grabs Aud and dances around in giddiness...yet again!*
*Kissmesweet* joins in the fun! I'm totally jumping with joy and fluffiness!

My friend on thefashionspot, the beautiful franchaise* requested these two, as well as a Smacked one--but wrong thread! haha. :lol::


Just thought I'd share them. :) God, I'm on a D/L Sleight Out of Hand graphic high! haha. :)
Yeah I agree hon, on the one hand I gotta say I wouldn't mind ALL fluff (I am a TOTAL fluffy after all! :lol: ) but I know that wouldn't be real and plus the occassional angst makes the fluff that much sweeter! :D

Sure Delia hon join in the fluffy dancing...it's cool with me! :D Heehee! :lol:

Awww love the graphics babe...those are gorgeous! ;)
^^YEAH *cheers for kissme and Mo*.
I'm glad that even you die-hard fluffies agree :p that not everything can be totally okay all of a sudden. I think we'll probably have to wait a long time before TPTB decide that all issues are solved. ;) I can't wait what they come up with in future ep's. :D

I think it makes for a very interesting dynamic between the two...a country girl who's kind but also courageous meeting up with a tough and courageous city boy who guess what? Is also, under that tough exterior and despite the hardships in his life...kind
Sleepless_in_OK that's exactly what I like so much about them too. Welcome BTW! :)

And kissme those graphics are beautiful - I really like the "you've been here all along"-line on the first one - that's just perfect!
^^ Awww thanks! I'm obsessed with making D/L graphics. :) They're so perfect, individually and even more perfect together--that's why I love making graphics of them! :) Love your siggy by the way! I am sooo angry at the reporters! :lol:
Carmine and Anna acted their hearts out and were absolutely perfect! It came out better than the spoilers! They acted it out better than I ever imagined! :) And the almost-kiss was beautiful. Their little secret smiles are stunning. It's almost as if they're sharing a private inside joke. Danny looks a little nervous just before he was about to lean in to kiss her. Awww, how cute! Danny's nervous! D/L look so sweet and absorbed into each other. You know when someone says that lovers don't see anything or anyone but each other--that fits D/L as well! They're so smitten! :) Ahhh! I'm so happy, floating around my fluffy bubble with my beautiful shippers and friends!
God, I'm on a D/L Sleight Out of Hand graphic high!

Amen sister friend, but I must say, I'm on a Sleight Out of Hand high in general! Everytime I see any picture of the two together this episode pops into my mind. *sigh* And what an eppy it is...
^^ I love everyones graphics!
Nice work, kissme :)

my avvie was too big-now I have to fix it...oh well.
Hope you all are enjoying your day!
*sighs* *gets into the bubble* The NY thread depresses me lately, or at least the episode thread. Why can't they see the goodness that is D/L? hehe. *pokes Lynn* I may have been quiet but I'm not gone, and you still can't have Mac :p
OK since were on page 23 already (woohoo! :D) I thought that it's about time we started talking about new thread titles.

We already have the following suggestions:

Danny/Lindsay #15 - He went to Montana for her
Danny/Lindsay #15 - "Go with your instincts!"

And I'd like to add:

Danny/Lindsay #15 - Speaking without words

Since many people (like me) didn't even notice that it was all in their eyes and body language. :lol:

If you guys want a poll I will check to see how many suggestions we have by midnight US westcoast time and make one. We can let it run till it's time to open the new thread. :)

And I wanted a WP of this ep so I made one:

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