Danny/Lindsay #14 - "What'd You Have In Mind?"

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Hello, hello, hello! How are all my lovelies this fine evening? Did y'all watch the Oscars? They weren't too bad this year, I watched cuz I'm a huge fan of Ellen and I wanted to see Jennifer Hudson win...and Ellen was great and Jennifer did win...so yay!! :D Plus it was a nice distraction for a good couple hours this evening...keep from pondering too much on our spoilers, something I find myself doing more and more lately! You know it's bad when you're first thought waking up in the morning is, only 3 more days until (as Mer calls it..."Super Ep"!! :lol: I so cannot wait...I don't even care that once this ep is done we won't get a new ep until April...I want this ep and I want it NOW...yes as in NOW! :lol: (I'm laughing but I ain't kidding! :D Seriously!)

You all are too adorable...Delia, Dutch, Rad...sappy, but totally adorable! So you're gonna cry hmmm, I dunno if I'll cry...I'm not much of a crier when it comes to tv...I tend more toward pissed or ecstatic :lol: Which is funny considering how fluffy I am, you'd think I'd cry more...but then again who knows, this may be the ep to bring it out in me...guess we'll see! ;)

And yeah Rad I swear the next few days are going to take forever! At least though, the beginning of the week always goes by the fastest for me...so that'll be nice here! Before I know it it'll be Wed...hopefully! ;) :lol:

I'm so excited to finally see Anna again...and in the promo pics I've seen Danny is looking hotter than ever! It's gonna be great, I can tell! :D

**Mo skips off happily...already crossing her fingers and practicing her squeeing in preparation for Wed night!** :D :D
^^ Agreed, the leather jackets Danny has been sporting are hotter than hot. Anna was glowing as well!! :D He seems to be hotter and fitter than ever as well... He looked amazing when he took off his shirt, remember?
I also wrote a oneshot fic. It does CONTAIN SPOILERS though. The End
Fantastic, I hope it plays out that way!! Gave a review of course.
darx2mint4 love the fic!!! awesome job *thumbs up*
3 days and counting...all aboard the Dantana!
Hey, sweetie dl_shipper. I love you and all, but I think you should write more than 3 lines...

Chelli: Hey sweetie, I've already read your fic. It was amazing!! :) Gave you a review and Stella/Danny/Lindsay are BEYOND cute.

New oneshot:
The Proposal at the Game: haha, the name really says it all.
Morning shippy buddies! I think I'm coming down with something... :p Strep throat has been going around at work...so I am really hoping it's not that! Although that would ensure I would home and available to squee as much as possible come Wed...but strep sucks, so I'm hoping it's not that! Anyway...moving on! :D
Yup Danny in his leather jacket...gah I could eat him up! The man is SO gorgeous! :devil: And I'm SURE Linds will look just beautiful when we see her again...YAY for that! :D

Okay I can tell my brain is not all with it at the moment...I just sat there staring into space thinking about Wed. night for like 5 minutes before remembering I was in the middle of a post! :rolleyes: :lol: Awww well! So clearly I cannot wait until Wed!! Yay...yay...yay! :lol:

Okay off to work...here's hoping I make sense today! :p
In the spoiler thread they said that Lindsay's trial is in the last 10 minutes. So, Danny will probably be in New York until the case is over. I still have faith that he will be in Montana though, cause if not they'll have to go through Lindsay telling him and it would be kinda repetitive.

Hi guys! I haven't been here in like a week, so just wanted to say high.
Hey guys. I wanted to post in here yesterday and never got around to it. So, I'm here now.

From the looks of my spoiler sources, the trial looks to be about the last 5 minutes of the episode (maybe 10) and the show does end (unless they've changed it) at the courthouse with Danny and Lindsay. The scene where Danny says he's going crazy is kind of hard to tell what he's actually talking about. He's waiting for a test to finish running (I know he's not talking about that) but the first part of the scene isn't available. That scene is no sooner than halfway through the episode. Just guessing I'd say somewhere between 30 - 45 minutes into the ep. I'm thinking that Danny either overhears Mac or Stella mention why Lindsay's in Montana or he finally asks Mac. I'm thinking that maybe Mac tells Stella that Lindsay goes on the stand that day. Also, Danny quietly enters the court room and takes a seat in the back. Lindsay is surprised to see him (so she probably hasn't called him) but she's also conflicted. She doesn't want him there (she doesn't want him to hear her story) but she's also glad he is.
Oh modie, how hard it must be for you to post these DL spoilers.. lol, I'm just messing with ya. Thank you for that, it definately made me even more excited for Wednesday. And I'm still quite jealous that you can find out all this info. Hope everyone else is in anticipation for this big episode. I certainly know I am!
Just some quick remarks first:

kissme, great icons
chell, beautiful poem you've found
mercy, love the cap
darx2, that wall is hilarious...still grinning...those glasses...too funny :lol:

I will read all the fic's later.

I guess in television shows everything is possible. If Danny does find out that her trial is that same day wouldn't it be quite impossible to go to the airport, catch a plane, fly over there, catch a cab to the courthouse and still be there in time to hear most of Lindsay's testimony (wow if he pulls that of he deserves a cape too ;)). And when they are sitting together :D waiting for the verdict to be pronounced is that also on that day :rolleyes: or will he be staying in Bozeman for a while? :p
Mo! Here, *passes moriel strawberry cough drops, chocolate fudgecicles, and a big snuggly blanket* You must be able to squee for Super Ep!

Thank you for the spoiler, modie!

The scene may not be till near the end of the show, oh but what a scene it will be! Is it just a small portion of the last five-ten mins, or most of it? Even if it just a small scene (which would make sense because the main focus of the show is the cases :p :lol:) it means so much. I can’t even imagine someone being willing to do something like that for me. Amazing!
*looks at watch and then up at calendar while tapping foot* How much longer till our ep is on? Gah.
I am staying home on wednesday just for the show itself. I have to get the house ready for company, but it would be nice to see exactly what happens in Montana.....
2 days :)

wow, thanks for the spoiler :D Its ok that the scene is only 10 min- which is actually a long time on screen, if you think about it. ALOT can happen in 10 minutes...:) I cant wait till it airs!
I hope everyones having a good monday! ( i know im not..but thinking that we only have two days left brightens me up :D)
**Mo sniffles in, dragging from a full day at work while feeling crappy! :p ** Good ebening shibby buddies...thans bor da blangie and cough drobs Mer hon! Dab's bery nice ob you! (Sorry for the cold-speak...but my nose is plugged and I feel like whining! :lol: I know, I'm a total baby! :rolleyes: :lol: )
Thank you for confirming our spoilers again! You just made my night! I was all prepared to come in here and freak out and be scared that maybe it wasn't gonna happen for some reason and then I saw your spoiler box and now I'm giddy...sniffly still, but totally jazzed for Wed. again! YAY YAY YAY!!!

Okay y'all I'm off to catch some rest and hopefully feel loads better by tomorrow and Wed for sure...I have to make sure my "Squeeing" voice is back in full force for Wed. evening! :D Yay!

52 hours and 8 minutes for me! :lol: (And no I'm not obsessed! ;) )
last 5 minutes of the show will be a wonderful moment. When Lindsay sees Danny in the courtroom she will be shocked and amazed. She will not know what to say or what to do. She knows at that exact moment how Danny feels about her and vice versa. I do like that the scene will be the last thing we see when we have the hiatus. Think about it: what a way to go!
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