Danny/Lindsay #14 - "What'd You Have In Mind?"

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^^ Hmmm, it's okay Mo sweetie. You're not the only who is obsessed.
Danny going to Montana is just amazing. It really proves that he cares and I'm so happy to see him doing this!! He really is the perfect guy, almost too perfect for words! I'm so jealous(and SO HAPPY) for Lindsay! She's been through hell. They both have and they deserve real love and each other! :)
Thanks ICSIMfan for the clearing the spoilers up.
kissme, great icons
Thanks! :) I'm so glad that you liked them.
Dutch: I'm with you! Danny most definitely deserves a cape too, just like our Superep!
Lol, good to know Delia hon, good to know! Thanks! :D
So that's 2 eps that will have ended with a HUGE D/L moment...I dunno people I'm thinking that that just screams...."CANON BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" :lol: Gah, that's so fabulous...not only do we get sweet D/L moment, but it will be the last thing lingering in everyone's minds...making everyone want even more D/L! YAY!!

Awwww good times...fellow shippers...good times! Heehee, my brain isn't fully functioning...I feel like that commercial where the guys head is floating like a balloon above his body...all I can think right now is..."Wed., can't wait for Wed...good times on Wed!" :lol:

Aud where is you? I miss my Fluffy Twin! :D
^^ I know, I'm so glad that the spoiler is just before the hiatus would make it so special! :)

over here!

haha, only two days until Superep!!
Awww cute icons Delia hon! I like those, they're too cute! Aww the good times of D/L, those make me smile! That moment in "SoY" and then in "LRC" both of those were classic D/L moments...good times, good times! :D

Yeah I'm so glad that we get Super Ep BEFORE the hiatus, I would have DIED if we'd have had to wait until April for Super Ep, can you imagine, I think I would have gone insane! :lol:
Oh modie, how hard it must be for you to post these DL spoilers.. lol, I'm just messing with ya.
You have no idea. :p Since I'm here to help, I don't mind revealing what I know.

dutch, I had this huge spoiler post typed out earlier and then Talk decided to act up and I lost it all. :mad:

Anyway, to answer your question...Yeah, it's TV so I'm sure he can get there the same day. :rolleyes: I'm not sure if in reality it would be possible but I'm sure the trial has went on for several days and Lindsay is the last witness to be put on the stand. He also has the luxury of a two hour (??) time advantage too. Mercy, it is the last 5-10 minutes of the show. Nothing else but the court room scene. kissmesweet, Danny going to Montana would be a miracle (and I don't mean that in a bad way). Think about it...has he ever been out of NYC? Has he ever been on a plane? I just can't picture Danny ever leaving the NYC area. :eek:
lol yeah^^ but...wasnt danny in the LV and MIAMI eps? i never saw them so Im not sure if he was actually in miami or las vegas..or just in ny, but in the ep... :confused: either way, out of NYC before or not, this is a huge step for Danny-its probably the only time hes ever flown half way across the country for a girl!! :D I cant wait ttill weds!!
Awwww Modie thanks for sacrificing for us and posting all your lovely info! We DEFINITELY appreciate it! *Hugs!
Lol, yeah that's true...I tend to agree that Danny probably hasn't been out of NYC or at least not very far away from it...so for him to not only leave the city but leave the city for a hick town ALL THE WAY across the country...if that doesn't say LOVE y'all I don't know what does! Heehee, YAY!!
Thanks again, Modie!!
It is a miracle that he is leaving NYC. Such a huge thing for him to so for so many reasons, I agree with all y'all above saying especially since he probably hasn't wandered too far from home before! This just keeps getting better!
totally just keep getting better doesn't it! I swear D/L is SO CANON....gah I love it! The man flys to be with her on moments notice, that is SO freaking sweet...and then if it ends how I think it does, I swear I will be squeeing for like the WHOLE hiatus and probably the rest of the season! And just think this is probably only the beginning of the D/L goodness...cuz as the PTB said, "the Danny and Lindsay relationship is far from over!"

We are SOOOO sailing...yeah baby! :D :D :D

ETA: Yay I'm a CSI Level Three! Heehee, wohoo! :D :D
goodnite_tonite, Danny was in MIA/NYC NonStop and Manhattan Manhunt episodes but he didn't leave NY. Horatio left Miami and went up to New York. And in Felony Flight, Mac went down to Miami.

As for Vegas, there has never been a crossover between NY and Vegas. Carmine has been in a Vegas episode. 3.1 - Revenge is Best Served Cold, where he played a guy named ThumpyG.
"Thumpy G" :lol: I LOVED him! :lol: Carmine rocked that so well...it was awesome! Yeah Danny has yet to leave NYC...yet to... :D As for an LV/NYC crossover that would rock! They should SO do that! I'd love to see Stel and Cath get along...and somehow I think Lindsay and Danny would totally enjoy Vegas....wedding anyone? :lol:

"Wise men say...only fool rushes in...but I can't help fallin' in love with you!" :D
I still have to chuckle everytime I picture Carmine as Thumpy G.... :lol:

No spoilers but they just played the promo for next week's ep and it included a mighty nice Danny shot, yum! The case looks interesting so I think this is going to be an all together great ep... whispers *Super Ep*. Does anyone else stop all action when the promo comes on to make sure ya don't miss anything? :D

Hmm, D/L in Vegas? But in that case 'What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas' would NOT apply! :devil: :lol:
Pack your bags everyone, 'tis time to head into the sunset! WOOT WE'RE CANON BABY! Nothing can stop the D/L ship from sailing.

kissmesweet, love the pics hun :D She's totally eyeing him in the first one :lol:

Can't wait until Wednesday *jumps up and down with excitement* Don't think my little D/L heart can last that long :p
I still have to chuckle everytime I picture Carmine as Thumpy G....
Oh my God... that was just weird. Pretty much the exact opposite of Danny.
haha, yep. I can't imagine him in the countryside either, modie. I'm quite the city girl, but I love the countryside too once in a while... however, there are times when I feel like I can't breathe!
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