Danny/Lindsay #14 - "What'd You Have In Mind?"

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Stealing Home was ep 2x22 with the 'mermaid' country girl Sarah Butler. The major D/L moment there was that was when Sid corrected her misconception by telling her that Danny calls her Montana because he has a crush on her.

And "Make tracks, Cowboy" was in ep 2x16 Cool Hunter. I just rewatched it the other day, and the looks on their faces after he picked her up... it was just so sweet that they had that flirty akwardness from such an intimate contact.

*lets Stella have Mac for now 'cause she needs him lots and lots*
Aw, Melly, that is so sweet of you to surrender him to Stella, (albeit temporary :D)
^ Yeah gotta love Sid... :D :D

I suddenly know what I'm gonna do during the hiatus in March. I'm gonna print the D/L guide that's somewhere around here :) and I'm gonna watch all the D/L ep's (including #18 ;)). That will be a great way to pass the time.
Their chemistry is so obvous, EVEN SID KNOWS! I remember there was a thread called "Even Hammerback knows!" haha. :)
I'm gonna print the D/L guide that's somewhere around here and I'm gonna watch all the D/L ep's (including #18 ).
Awww, thank you! I'm so glad that people are actually reading the episode guide! :) It really means alot to me! I have this week off and I'll probably rewatch some episodes again!
Morning my lovelies! I missed you all yesterday! I was half afraid I'd pop back in here and find you all on page like 23...we're moving so fast! :lol: Which isn't bad...but I didn't want to miss that much! ;) Okay so I have decided that every week needs to start on a Tuesday, that way there are NO Monday blues, and we only have one more day until our NY eppy...and that is just fabulous! :D
*closes mouth* So nots!... If they bring back season 2 D/L then I might agree with that.
*stares at you and blinks* what?
Lynny you're cute!! :lol: You do SO! ;) And Pam is one of our D/L shippy writers...we like her! :D

Agreed, I think that despite Anna's pregnancy(congrats again by the way! ), this season has been nothing short of amazing. The characters' developement, the storylines, the cases were all fantastic!

Yeah I gotta say I agree with that too, Delia! It has been a different Danny and Linds yes...maybe less flirty, okay...but in a way more real, more emotional and definitely a deeper Danny and Linds...and I for one can definitely appreciate that! ;) I mean don't get me wrong, I LOVE the light banter, teasing, totally cute Seas. 2 stuff...but I LOVE the deeper more emotion filled stuff they've had in Seas. 3 too...and since it's been more angsty, I gotta say I'm kind of surprised you're not totally digging that as well Lynny! ;) :lol:

The marraige proposal(?) in Supermen was written by both Pam Veasey and Peter M. Lenkov.
Stealing Home, another great D/L episode was by Zachary Reier and Risk (God, bless Risk!!) was written by none other than Anthony Zuiker(The guy rocks!) and John Dove.

See and that is excellent, cuz those guys are the ones who wrote the next two eppies! So double yay for us on that! :D

Girl has got spunk!

:lol: Yeah she totally does Mer and you gotta love spunky Linds, she rocks! :D

Can't wait for our eppy tomorrow night y'all! I really really hope we get some good lead up to D/L or any lead up, follow through, continuity at all! I'm really really hoping!! :D

**Mo climbs into her shippy bubble and floats off to work, happy and secure in her fluffiness!** :lol:
Woot tomorrow!! Hopefully *someone* mentions Lindsay...it's kinda strange that not one of them has said anything about her...oh well. *hold up sign that says Messer and Montana rock my socks* :D kissme the guide is soooo awesome I love it! I've used it to find some eppys with lots of D/L action. Excellent job my friend *thumbs up*

I miss Lindsay *sniff* but I'm still luvin' the city skyline and wheatfields!
hey everybody :D

I was away for the weekend..and Ive been reading the pages I missed-is there some new spoiler or something? I saw this whole thing with "edited to remove direct quotes" bla bla and then everyones saying "oh this spoiler makes me smile!!" and now im confused! :confused: Is there any new info I should know about?? AHH! *takes in deep breath*
heh sorry, Ive been a little stressed lately...:lol:
yeh me too goodnite_tonite my internet has been down for aaages and i saw that post too about direct quotes and it making someone smile and now im all confused!!! - i also happen to hate missing out on spoilers lol - guilty i know lol
^^ There wasn't really new info...
...it was still about Danny going to Montana and showing up in the courtroom where Lindsay's testifying :D...it was just a little too detailed... ;)(if you wanna know more just send a PM)
Awww, thank you! I'm so glad that people are actually reading the episode guide!
Yeah I use it a lot! You did a great job! :)
but I LOVE the deeper more emotion filled stuff they've had in Seas. 3 too...
Well I like those kind of angty moments a lot too. Who am I kiddin'? :D...I love them... :p, but I think TPTB could have done a slightly better job. Why did Lindsay stand Danny up? Why did she say she could not be in a relationship? Why did she leave him with only a card? Why didn't she jump out of that cab? I know her past has a lot to do with answering those questions, :rolleyes: but I think all of those scenes could have been much more intense. I hope she will explain everything she has been feeling the last few months really, really soon. :D

Can't wait for tomorrow either...sounds like a great ep!
Evening shippers!!!!! And how are we tonight?? Hope u are all getting excited for tomorrows epi!!!! :D hehe

I have to say, i am totally loving all the D/L Ficis that are floating around right now!!! Vex and Delia im loving them so far!! Keep it up! am go0in to review when ive finished here!!! :D

Mo **Runs up behind and squirts cream over Mo's head before running and hiding behind Danny!** hehe aww i totally agree with ya about Danny n Linds having some more Deep and intense moments... it would make for some greast tension between them.. ahhh..... i can see it now :D hehe

Delia!...**Hugs** hows u doin huni?! :D i absolutely Love ur D/L guide!! hehe when i have absolutely nothing to do, i find myself skimming through the episodes to find Them special scenes hehe .. my fave one at the mo is Cool hunter- i looooove the way Danny and Linds look at each other when he is holding her in his arms... And deep down we aaalll know that he is secretly wishing that she was ina gorgeous white gown, him in a tux, and they were just about to cross the threshold!!! **Sighs** ahhhh...... How cute would they look??!! hehe

Dutch.. i totally missed that post too, can u PM me?! ;) Thanx Huni :D x
And deep down we aaalll know that he is secretly wishing that she was ina gorgeous white gown, him in a tux, and they were just about to cross the threshold!!! **Sighs**

:lol: How true that is. That was a great scene...Anna couldn't stop smiling!! Another wonderful squee moment. She's a lucky duck, being held by the smexiness that is Carmine :p
^^ Um, sweetie. You should be careful about suggesting something romantic or such between actors. :|
And deep down we aaalll know that he is secretly wishing that she was ina gorgeous white gown, him in a tux, and they were just about to cross the threshold!!!
Awwww, thank you for that little scenario... Mmmm, Danny is a tux. Yummy! :) God, I actually hope that they will get married eventually! We'll have a blast planning the wedding!

It has been a different Danny and Linds yes...maybe less flirty, okay...but in a way more real, more emotional and definitely a deeper Danny and Linds...and I for one can definitely appreciate that!
I'm seriously loving the deeper, the more romantic side of Danny. He's grown up so much since season 1. I remember in episode 'Til' Death Do We Apart', there was a conversation that went somewhat like this:
Mac Taylor: It could happen to you, you know.
Danny Messer: What, marriage?
Mac: Love.
Danny: Don't even joke about that Mac, it's not funny.

Oh, little did Danny know that a woman from Montana would come and steal his heart...

I've used it to find some eppys with lots of D/L action. Excellent job my friend *thumbs up*
Awww! Thank you!

my fave one at the mo is Cool hunter- i looooove the way Danny and Linds look at each other when he is holding her in his arms...
haha, that was so funny. They were just like STARING and he was like "Do you wanna get something to eat?" and she's all "Ummm.. we--uh---should get back to the lab." and he said something like "Yeah--Yeah, yeah." with a little bit of dissapointment. Poor boy, like he hasn't been through enough.
Mac Taylor: It could happen to you, you know.
Danny Messer: What, marriage?
Mac: Love.
Danny: Don't even joke about that Mac, it's not funny.

Oh, little did Danny know that a woman from Montana would come and steal his heart...

What a fic that could turn into... *sigh* that's just my fangirl side coming out again.

So tomorrow. I'm excited for it. Hopefully there's at least a mention of Lindsay from her beloved Danny. Maybe a look of loneliness in his eye or somethin'. That would be nice.
I just loved that scene with Mac and Danny in season 1. When I first heard that, I knew they were going to act on him being in love in the seasons to come.

I think he is feeling love for the first time and I know he never expected it.

It brings out a side of him that has grown on me! :)
Hopefully there's at least a mention of Lindsay from her beloved Danny. Maybe a look of loneliness in his eye or somethin'. That would be nice.
Actually in the last ep, Danny seemed a little more than distant as did the episode before that. :( Poor boy, he needs his Lady Love.
When I first heard that, I knew they were going to act on him being in love in the seasons to come.
Oh I had the impression that they were going to make him a player or serial dater. :lol: Apparently not.
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