Danny/Lindsay #14 - "What'd You Have In Mind?"

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Good morning shippy buddies! Raise your hand if you LOVE holidays off of work! *Mo raises both hands and waves them happily!* :lol: Yay for sleeping in! :D

There you are Delia I wondered where you had gone off to...welcome back hon! ;) And yeah we're in a posting frenzy lately, but then again it is D/L and we go through threads like crazy...it's awesome! :D And yup YAY for Sam/Jack and House/Cam...I'm a HUGE fan of both! I have way too many ships! :lol: But they's all so good! ;)

Lol, yeah I love that moment in Risk...Delia! It's SO totally hot when he sees her and does his double take and then yeah his voice...it's totally his "I want to take you home with me now" voice! :devil:

ETA: I was looking at writing credits for our last ep and our upcoming eps...Pam Veasey co-wrote this last ep we had...(which totally explains the "I love you DL" on the glass...Shout Out To Shippers from Pam! :D :D ) and I was desperately hoping she was writing one of our next two as well especially Ep. 18...but as far as I can tell she's not listed for either of the next two eps! Peter Lekov wrote our ep this Wed. (but he's a shippy fan...Aud you know this...where are you?!) And then two guys I don't recognize wrote Ep. 18...so yeah, I havne't lost faith, I was just thinking how fun it'd be if Pam had written OUR eppy for us! :D
aww dl_shipper you'll be fine.

Lynny I adore you, you know that right! And you can't think of anything cocky for it because my fluffy muse is inhibiting you from stealing our D/L stuff! And you know you like my new avies! They's just purty! Come on, admit it!

*closes mouth* So nots!... If they bring back season 2 D/L then I might agree with that.

Pam Veasey co-wrote this last ep we had...(which totally explains the "I love you DL" on the glass...Shout Out To Shippers from Pam! )

*stares at you and blinks* what?
vex! Your little spoilerbox speculation makes me even more excited for that ep! That would be so great...I love it... :devil:

Aaaahh!! Why do nine days sometimes feel like nine weeks? I'm as worked up about 'the ep with the cape'(great one mercy! :lol:) as I was about NWILL when I heard the first spoilers for that one :rolleyes:. What will make it to the actual ep? Will there be stuff added that we did not know about yet? I'm anxious too, but I have faith...Maybe the promo after this wednesday's ep will give some hints about what we can expect next week... :D
Pam Veasey co-wrote this last ep we had...(which totally explains the "I love you DL" on the glass...Shout Out To Shippers from Pam!)
Yeah! Pam!
She's probably also the one who came up with the phone call that, unfortunately, got cut :(.

Great pic's kissme! Love that 2nd one. She's just so pretty when she smiles...I want that Lindsay back...now! ;)
Welcome to the Danny/Lindsay thread dl_shipper34. :D

Now the bad news. :( Posts in Shipper Central must be at least three lines of on-topic posting. You can thank people, talk about fanfics, and other off-topic things as long as it is brief and is in addition to the three lines of on-topic posting.

Also, ^^that's a reminder for everybody too. ;)
^^Vexus, I can't get that link to work.

Also, here's a copy of my post right above yours.

Now the bad news. :( Posts in Shipper Central must be at least three lines of on-topic posting. You can thank people, talk about fanfics, and other off-topic things as long as it is brief and is in addition to the three lines of on-topic posting.

Also, ^^that's a reminder for everybody too. ;)

It applies to everybody ;)
I fixed the link so it should work now! :)

Sorry about that (post above) :(

With the exception of Anna being pregnant this year, I have found this season to be pretty interesting in regards to d/l. The writers are finding clever ways to intertwine this two individuals together.
Hehe that was a funny story. Excellent job *thumbs up*

I totally agree with you on how the whole D/L thing has played out this season...now all they have to do is actually GET together. Gahh I can't take much more of this...when will the writers put us out of our misery? Ok so maybe not misery on a technical term but ya lol I know I'm not the only one here who wants some D/L action! woot for Danny and Lindsay! The ship is about to sail *does another dance*
^^ Agreed, I think that despite Anna's pregnancy(congrats again by the way! :)), this season has been nothing short of amazing. The characters' developement, the storylines, the cases were all fantastic!

To hold us over till the next episode, I started a fun/comedic/romantic/angsty fic.

Emotions of the Soul
Fantastic! I've just read it and I totally love it! Saving to favorites... :) Teehee and well done! Submitted a review too of course.

Pam Veasey is a goddess! She knows what we want
I know you guys love Pam, but she's not the only D/L shipper on the show!

The marraige proposal(?) in Supermen was written by both Pam Veasey and Peter M. Lenkov.
Stealing Home, another great D/L episode was by Zachary Reier and Risk (God, bless Risk!!) was written by none other than Anthony Zuiker(The guy rocks!) and John Dove.

I mean, I love Pam and all! But others do too!

now all they have to do is actually GET together. Gahh I can't take much more of this...when will the writers put us out of our misery
haha, the show wants viewers ratings and this season--we're usually #5 or #6 which is pretty amazing from #21 and #22 and according to the TV Guide article "Sex and the City" :rolleyes:, it's because of the cases and the romance(Mac/Peyton... Danny/Lindsay...) So I guess that it'll eventually happen, I personally think it'll be this season--but until then, they're gonna keep us on a string...
Thank you for the link, Vexus. It was a funny story, and something I can totally seeing Lindsay doing to get back at Danny. Of course, I can see Danny doing something like that to start things off, too. He got his, and I think he probably was mortified. You cheered me up today, I've been feeling down for a little bit. You did a nice job, and I look forward to reading more from you.
I agree with ya catey! Vex did a great job with that fic, playing off of their easy bantering gone a step further.

A good show related correlation is that Linds sometimes has those little stinger lines which lead us to believe she is indeed capable of holding her own in such a manner. Like in Stuck On You, when Lindsay said maybe Danny didn't know Mac as well as he thought he did, she was very sweet about it but yet Danny knew he'd been one-upped. Or also in Bad Beat... "Footage of your 30th birthday party, Messer?" Girl has got spunk!
I like the fic so far :)

I'll be glad when D/L is back...still got Smacked to occupy me but I miss them anyway. Darn, I'd forgotten about Supermen...I do like that part. Stealing Home...what was the DL there? I forgot. BTW Which ep was the "make tracks cowboy" one in? I love that one.

*lets Stella have Mac for now 'cause she needs him lots and lots*
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