Danny/Lindsay #14 - "What'd You Have In Mind?"

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[.spoiler=words]stuff here[./spoiler] just remove the .'s

If you can go to Montana, then you can come to Logan, I'm freaking closer damnit! Mac does it! .. I mean Modie's closer, oh snap!.. PS: Please tell Mo to quit changing banners to much to confuse me and tell her to quit using CatNip/Cath/Nick to get to me. its not fair.

That sucks, I can't come up with anything cocky for Moo. Damnit.

What I mean dear Mo is, Melly likes to tell on me from the spoiler/triangle thread, but she's forgetting that I already told you what I thought of this seasons Linds.
hi! i'm new to the whole shipperness :p but i've joined carwash, sandle and now this one :D haven't read through all 16 pages but was wondering if you guys can give me any danny/lindsay gossip coming up?! i'm in the UK so we're behind and i hate it! lol. we've just seen the epsiode where lindsay stands danny up then tells him she needs to work some things out first. please tell me she sees sense!
^^ Welcome noealonso and csimonkey :D *throws confetti to celebrate new shippers* :D

csimonkey I hate to disappoint you but unfortunately there isn't much more D/L after that ep you've just seen. :( The only things left are:

a) In ep #5 she doesn't wanna talk to a dead girl's mom; they have a little talk about that and he confronts the mother for her, giving her enough courage to talk to the mom in the end after all. :)

b) In some of your upcoming ep's Danny's turning a couple girls down who are openly flirting with him :eek:...and of course we all believe he does that because he can only think about Lindsay ;)

c) In ep #14 she leaves for Montana to testify against the murderer of four :eek: of her friends, who were killed 10 years ago. She doesn't tell Danny in person but drops a card on his desk saying she'll see him soon -MOO- :p
And now we're all waiting for ep #18 where we get to see Lindsay's trial and according to the spoilers ;) Danny's gonna surprise her by showing up in Montana to support her :D. (Great thread title suggestion Mo!) In ep #19 they're back in NY again working a case together! :) And even the bugs are back :eek: :D
And I do think we'll get spunky smiling Linds back, that is who she is...the Linds we've got for now is one who is having to deal again with a horrid thing she thought was over and done with...that's all! She'll be back I have every faith in the world that she will!
Oh she will be back; I don't doubt that... :) she just never struck me as a person to let things (even something so horrible as this) get to her this much...let's just hope she'll be able to really put the past behind her in Montana and return to NY all ready to move on ;)
Hey all! Thanks for all the b-day wishes!

So does anyone know when Ep #18 is airing? Because I'm freaking out just a teeny weensy little bit here! I might have to miss it!

Mo, that new thread name that you were talking about back in the spoiler box thingy was totally awesome! So cute. I say we use it.
Welcome csimonkey :D

Okay I found this interesting so I want to share it with everyone. I was in a restaurant just a few hours ago with my rents and they were playing 'Take Me Away' by Lifehouse, which is a D/L song. As soon as it started I instantly thought of those two. If you haven't heard the song, it's amazing and totally relates to Danny and Lindsay :) Anyways yah just felt like sharing it, I found it kinda cool.
For ep. 18.I can't wait to see her face when she sees him sitting in the back of the courtroom. They will lock eyes and she may become speechless with his presences. I wonder, since this is a courtroom, would he be dressed up? I love the hot tight shirts he has been wearing but I would love to see him in a nice suit, a tight suit that shows off his "assets" so to speak!@
"What a Beautiful Mess, what a Beautiful Mess I'm in, spending all my time with you, there's nothing else I'd rather do!" :D Yeah I know this isn't the song thread, but for some reason I feel the need to pop in here with a song and that one is I think my favorite D/L song! It just SO fits them, ya know! :lol:
That sucks, I can't come up with anything cocky for Moo. Damnit.
:lol: :lol: Lynny I adore you, you know that right! :lol: And you can't think of anything cocky for it because my fluffy muse is inhibiting you from stealing our D/L stuff! ;) And you know you like my new avies! :D They's just purty! Come on, admit it! :lol:
What I mean dear Mo is, Melly likes to tell on me from the spoiler/triangle thread, but she's forgetting that I already told you what I thought of this seasons Linds.
Ahhh I see my dear Lynny! ;) And yup you did tell me that already.
Mo, that new thread name that you were talking about back in the spoiler box thingy was totally awesome! So cute. I say we use it.
Lol, yeah I think it's pretty fitting! It just depends on if we'll need a new thread before Ep. 18 airs...ya know...cuz we're flying through this thread as it is! :D (Yay us on that by the way! :lol: ) So yeah Ep. 18 airs on Feb. 28...in a week and a half! Gah I can't wait!! :D :D

Aud where is you Fluffy Twin?! :D
Ah, vex, your spoiler sent my mind on a happy little wander... :devil: thank you for that mental image.

Only two days till our new ep,
Only two days till our new ep, and nine till Super Ep (hmm, maybe it should have a cape... okay I am officially sleep deprived.) I am getting anxious about this ep in a good way. I am keeping the faith that it will indeed happen (please, PTb, please) but now I am super curious as to how it will happen, how much of the "going to Montana" thing we are going to see. Will we get no explanation other than the possible "I'm going crazy here" line and/or (to quote Mr Messer) 'boom!' he's there, or will they give us more? *sigh* Time will tell, I suppose.

So, my alarm clock is going to go off in 4 hours and instead of sleeping, what am I doing? I'm checking up on the latest in D/L-land, of course. :lol:
Lol, Mer you are too cute! Yup I think it should have a cape definitely...if I could find a pic of that I'd put it in here just for you! I am in the same boat...totally looking forward to our upcoming eppies, but starting to get anxious too...but I'm gonna keep the faith! I'm gonna, really gonna! :D

And as for sleep...ehhh, it's overrated! Especially when there is good D/L to be had! :lol:

*Mo climbs back in her fluffy bubble and wraps herself in all sorts of fluffy shippy goodness! :D *
Oh my god!! I've been away for something and I've missed 2 pages of posts! How you guys feeling? I'm still SO worked up from all of the exciting spoilers! We totally rock!
Oh my God! I just saw your signature again, Mo! All hail House + Cameron! As well as Sam and Jack! Im totally those ships too! heeheehee.

Hey all! Thanks for all the b-day wishes!
Sorry for being so late, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY smilee!

Ahh and Welcome, csimonkey! :D
So I posted my fanfic and only one person replied :( where are all my fellow shippers? ;) lol jokes luv ya all! It's in the fan fiction section, titled Hero - D/L. Please R&R if you don't mind. Thanks shipmates :D
I'm not sure who thought of the new name for D/L but whoever it was, it's amazing...luvin' it!! woot for Danny and Lindsay :D ;)
lol jokes luv ya all! It's in the fan fiction section, titled Hero - D/L. Please R&R if you don't mind. Thanks shipmates
Ummm, I only read fics I have on alerts and I've never read anything by you--so I didn't even know you had a story, but hint hint--if you put the link here, I might read it! :lol:

Oh and you're not supposed to double post, dl_shipper24 sweetie. Just to let you know!


^^ haha, I was really bored and I made it nice and pink!

^^ And that's just sooo pretty! Look how happy she is when Danny said, "Well, hello Ms.Monroe. You clean up nice." God, even his voice is full of want and lust!
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