Danny/Lindsay #14 - "What'd You Have In Mind?"

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haha, Cordy -- I knew you had a bit of angst in you someplace
Yeah, like 2% of me is angst, the rest FLUFFY!!
Danny doesn't mess with me...he's my fluff-muffin...no angst here, well maybe just enough to tease you a bit, but that's it!
That he does! He's totally cute while doing it. We all know the crime lab is like a high school and he was pulling Lindsay's pigtails because he really does like her!! Silly Danny-boy, but we love you no matter what! and Danny always loves Lindsay! W
the boy's a born romantic hon, and as we all know Born romantic = total fluffy!
Yep, he is! He chose the nicest restaurant in town on their failed date and he was about to order wine and he says the sweetest things! :) He's definitely the perfect man!! Lucky Lindsay! We want him too!

I'm with you Mo sweetie: He's definitely a man's man. But at the same time, I love how sensitive he is. Like in RSRD--you could really see how much he cared for those ones he loved & I cried when he did too! And I love his more sensitive and romantic side now. He really does care about Lindsay! No, more than that--He loves her.
Yeah no doubt about all of that Delia hon! ;) Danny is definitely a man's man! And a gorgeous man's man at that! ;) But yeah he's like an M&M...he's "tough" and manly on the outside, but on the inside he's melty and soft and sweet! (How's that for a good analogy! :lol: )

And yeah lucky Linds, that's for dang sure! But then again, she's pretty fabulous herself, so really I say lucky both of them! To have found love and with eachother who are as imperfectly perfect and fabulous as can be! Gotta love it! :D

That is a wonderful analogy. Yes they are both extremely lucky. I can't wait to actually see them together. Is is not getting here fast enought for me.

I was having serious problems getting through the episode Wed. without Lindsay. It was like there were not enough people for the episode to work the cases.

I am anticipating next week, just to see how it plays out. Because we know how it will end anyway.

Heehee, thanks dbl4! ;) I thought it was fitting, especially since M&M stands for both the candy and our lovely couple! :D I think that fits both of them actually, they both project this tough-I-can-handle-anything-exterior, but really inside both of them are soft and romantic and in need of eachother! ;)

Yeah I can't wait until next week either....really, really can't wait for when Linds gets back!! I miss me my Linds! ;) I mean I love my Danny, no worries...but D/L, they just make me SOOO happy! :lol:
I'm gonna catch up on all the posts I missed!

I just wanted to come in and say that I was mad that no one (not even DANNY!) made any sort of comment about Linds in Wednesday's episode! I found it very annoying! I wish Linds wouldn't have left! We're not getting any sort of D/L! I'm having withdrawls!

By the way, Mo your banner is really hot! Especially the D/L and the BB!
I haven't watched the eppy yet, and I haven't posted in this thread in ages. I feel like a very bad shipper, but I haven't had anything to say. I just want Linds to come back so I can talk about DL again, cause with her gone, we can't. Or well I can't, you guys have been doing an excellent job. So I haven't been avoiding you all, I just haven't been a good poster.. I do love my M&M's though.
^^ haha. You're not bad shipper, Rad! I looooove your icon. :) Pure love.
yeah he's like an M&M...he's "tough" and manly on the outside, but on the inside he's melty and soft and sweet! (How's that for a good analogy! )
That's one hell of a analogy! :) Great, it gives me a warm and sweet feeling inside too! [sigh] I wish all guys were like him.

have found love and with eachother who are as imperfectly perfect and fabulous as can be!
Absolutely! They compromise each other oh-so-perfectly.
It was like there were not enough people for the episode to work the cases.
:( I saw that too!
I miss seeing Lindsay around. We all know why she went away but I agree that the episode looked "lost" without her around. That's what I saw.

-Whoever said that Danny was like an m&m, they were right on the money. :)
episode 319
Danny and Lindsay are working a case involving cockroaches. From what I've read, it involves banter between the two more like it was in season 2, then what it has been now. Very promising followup to 318
More news, not necessarily good. After 318 airs Feb. 28, there will be a break and the next new episode won't air until April 11. this is according to the Futon Critic. So, if you didn't like waiting through December, March isn't going to be any better by the looks of it.
catey, you flungsty! You giveth fluff and then you taketh away! :mad: :)lol:)
You need a cookie - *pulls an m&m cookie out of hidden stash and passes it over*

Totally happy about the 319 spoiler!
right. It feels right. :) 318 is an awesomely huge step in the D/L relationship, and now that they will have apparently cleared that hurdle, they can progress. I am looking forward to seeing them on cases together again, it feels like forever since that has happened. What was the last case they worked together on? :( (I mean other then the few cases that involved the whole team). In OH maybe? And the banter? Great! :D This ship is headed in the right direction, and sounds like it is going at a good speed - not too fast, but not backtracking either... slow and steady :devil: Dang, my mind slipped back into the gutter again ;) :devil:
They can't make us wait again! *scowls* What on earth would they take another break for? Are they trying to stretch the season out through summer so that the finale is the week before the season 4 opener? <just being sarcastic, not a serious question. :p
I suddenly saw CSI:NY pulling a Scrubs moment and turning into a musical...having Danny call Linds and sing this to her! Come on that'd be so great! In a totally cheesy hysterically sweet way!
LOL Mo That's cheesy alright, but you should definitely post those lyrics in Our Danny & Lindsay soundtrack

I've posted one for Lindsay to sing when she calls him (back ;)):
I just called to say I love you
I just called to say how much I care
I just called to say I love you
And I mean it from the bottom of my heart

I really liked that shiny brownish one he was wearing in last night's ep a lot too...yummie...
as soon as I saw him in that iridescent shirt I knew it had to be the one you were talking about! I forget what they were saying in that scene, because I was just picturing how it would shift colors as it is being unbuttoned…
Well seeing how it follows the contours of his lovely body I don't think I can be patient enough to actually unbutton it :devil: ;)

And because of sweet dutch, I've written my first angsty story ever!
*blushes* I left you a review sweetie - great start! :D

With Lindsay being away I agree with Rad that there isn't much actual D/L to discuss, but fortunately we have all these wonderful spoilers to keep us occupied. Speaking of which
I have to agree with those who said they didn't see anything between Danny and Angell in last week's ep. So that scene in next week's ep will probably be meaningless after all. Ep #19 sounds great. They're really working a case together again :D and there's not even a detective (neither Flack nor Angell :p) working with them. I really can't wait for a scene where they are suppose to be in a room filled with roaches :eek: :eek:(I hate bugs :mad:)

Comparing Danny to a M&M changed my way of thinking while eating them forever :devil: *jumps into the gutter to enjoy her M&M's*
That spoiler sounds awesome. I miss that between them. I can't wait till 18 and 19. What's weird is how close that is to the end of the season already. The last eppys better be mostly DL, or I might jump into my TV and show them whats right! :lol: Thanks for that spoiler though, it just made my DL slump not as bad!
@dutch: Thank you sooo much for the pic! You've saved my day! And that day was bad..very bad :(

Omg girls, do you know how happy you've made me with all the spoilers?!
Because you know, i can't see Season3 :( Right now is see Season2 again..which i love the Season.

But can anyone from you tell me, when Danny goes to Montana? Thank's.


Edited to add spoiler box to info on a future episode.
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