Danny/Lindsay #14 - "What'd You Have In Mind?"

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I love her curly hair, it's SO gorgeous!
Yep, even though she's cute with straight hair--she's so gorgeous with curly!
their kids are gonna be...holy cow and hello hot stuff!
Awww, thanks Mo for saying that! I'm grinning just imaging it. But yep--they'll be gorgeous geeks (just like their parents!)
Is anyone here going to be doing a 'Valentine's Day' Fici???
Ahhh, everyone's talking about them. I think I might write a drabble or something. Something real short. :)
hat blue shirt has got to be one of the hottest things Danny has worn (but oh it is difficult, there are soo many to choose from)!
Yep, Chelle told me that it was also from Grand Murder at Central Station (Ep 1, Season 2)! :D
I remembered reading something about how when a person is lying, they tend to look away. As Danny is telling Lindsay he is just looking for drinks laughs etc his body language is definitely giving him away.
Yeah, I know... I remember calling him a liar after he said he wanted to have drinks and such with her. You could see it in his eyes that he did want a relationship, marry her and one day have kids with her!! :D :D I'm grinning from ear to ear just thinking about this!
but it was still a great ep.
That it was. :) Danny looked a little daydreaming at times too--maybe he's thinking about his Montana?
awww seeing D/L pictures make me warm and fuzzy. hey fellow shippers, i've been super mia. what has been happening/will be happening with these two kiddies? anything big??
That Danny goes to Montana?!?! What the...! =) wishing that the writers would write in a scene with danny and lindsay at big sky.

Did anyone else love it when Danny was talking to Nelly about what she was "expecting" because you imagined that Nelly was Lindsay and she (pregnant with their D/L baby) and Danny were just taking a stroll one day in the city?

anyone have vday fanfictions out there??

true. Danny does go to Montana for ep. 18. He comes and watches her testify. I'm glad to see it , though!

Danny and his body language! You know the "dinner, drinks, and some laughs" is what he wants, but he want's more with her. Love!
"Hello, is it me you're looking for?
'Cause I wonder where you are
And I wonder what you do
Are you somewhere feeling lonely or is someone loving you?
Tell me how to win your heart
For I haven't got a clue
But let me start by saying ... I love you!"

Yeah I just had to post that little tidbit, cuz I suddenly saw CSI:NY pulling a Scrubs moment and turning into a musical...having Danny call Linds and sing this to her! :lol: Come on that'd be so great! In a totally cheesy hysterically sweet way! :D
I totally agree with ya Mo.. that blue shirt does wonders for the heart rate! i swear, he could probably jump start someones heart in that shirt!!
Oh holy cow hon, I so totally agree! The man is basically smex on a stick in that shirt...I would definitely take a second helping of that...please sir, can I have some more? :devil:
I remembered reading something about how when a person is lying, they tend to look away. As Danny is telling Lindsay he is just looking for drinks laughs etc his body language is definitely giving him away.
Lol, yeah Mer I knew that when I was watching the eppy and that was my first thought...I actually yelled it at my tv! :lol:
just wanted her to have a quick escape from the fluff.... *DUCKS*....you missed!!! But don't worry hon, we'll leave your bubble intact and if (accidentaly - whoops - ) something does happen to it...you can blow fluffy bubbles faster than anyone can pop them!
Lol, Lynny's free to leave if she so wishes! ;) I think she likes the fluffy bubble more than you think, but if she wants to leave she can...but if it's by popping the bubble...beware the whacking! :p You're right though, I can blow a pretty quick fluffy bubble! ;) :lol:
Awww, thanks Mo for saying that! I'm grinning just imaging it. But yep--they'll be gorgeous geeks (just like their parents!)
Heehee, yup they'll be gorgeous alright...gorgeous geeks, I like that! ;) I found pics of them awhile ago, I'll have to find those again and post them! :D
I remember calling him a liar after he said he wanted to have drinks and such with her. You could see it in his eyes that he did want a relationship, marry her and one day have kids with her!! I'm grinning from ear to ear just thinking about this!
Lol, I totally agree hon! Heehee and yeah it makes me grin and giggle just thinking about it too! :D :D

Alright I'm off to watch some t.v. and possibly catch CSI at 9 if I can! :D

Peace out! ;)
Holy cow, delia! (btw, that’s one of my new favorite phrases to laugh at around non-CSI:NY watchers, moo). Four fics updated in one day? You’ve been busy!
And chelle thanks for the update on TWMTH! I’m lovin’ it! *hides cookie stash*
Y’all are keeping us surrounded in D/L goodness to get us through the next few eps!

Okay, so I just watched last night’s ep right before tonight’s CSI came on and I gotta say I liked it! I missed Lindsay, seems like Danny might’ve too. Just seemed like something was missing, you know? I know I rambled about this after the last new ep, but I love how they have been giving Adam more screen time! It was sad how he mentioned his dad was a bully. I don’t want him out in the field though, just more in-lab screen time. Oh gosh, and the way Reed told Mac he told the officer that he was family, to me that just seemed like a trasitional moment for them. Loved how Reed hugged him! (is it just me, or did Mac looked like he wished he was wearing a tie for that scene?)
ETA: Oh, and this ep was just full of great quips and witty comments! There are a lot of great quotes from this eppy!

dutch_treat said:
I really liked that shiny brownish one he was wearing in last night's ep a lot too...yummie... :devil:
dutch, as soon as I saw him in that iridescent shirt I knew it had to be the one you were talking about! I forget what they were saying in that scene, because I was just picturing how it would shift colors as it is being unbuttoned…:eek: :devil:

Okay, back on topic:
What with the Danny/Angell spoilers for ep 16, I specifically watched all of their interactions this week to see if we got any hint of it, to where if it happens next week we could say “well, yeah, there was this time recently where…” but no. Maybe I missed it, but I didn’t see anything. If this ‘sexually charged’ tension filled moment happens between them I’m thinking it might just be a one-time situational thing, rather than a moment that has been building. Unlike D/L of course. Gosh I am really looking forward to ep 18 for both Lindsay’s story line and the promise of mega D/L moments!
Mo, darling, have you watched the ep yet?
*wanders off to first find and then lurk around an Adam thread*
LOL I love you dutch!

Hmm why are we still doing Spoiler tags for an ep thats aired? .. but anyways, read another part somewheres, Yall thinkin' Danny's going to be fluffy. *ha* He's been near me, remember?
^^spoilered mine 'cause I was talking about next ep, too. ;)
I know I read almost any spoiler tidbit I can get so a lot of future stuff seems to me like it would be common knowledge, but weirdly enough (jk) some people really really don't wanna know. I don't always understand it, but I try to respect it *shrugs*

And fluffy it will be, this we forsee!
Mo, darling, have you watched the ep yet?
Nope, I haven't yet hon...my brother and my roommate currently have control of my t.v.! :p But I plan to watch it asap! :D From the sounds of the hotness of Danny...it will be worth it! ;) :devil: Heehee! :lol:
I agree about the Danny/Angell thing...if they do have this "moment" next ep, it's clearly a one time thing that has no lead up and NO MEANING! ;)
As for the lead up and build up and meaning for D/L...I was thinking about it today and they have had so much build up and screen time...think about how many eps we've had that have ended with a D/L scene...and an important D/L scene at that...I'm telling ya, they are so Canon y'all! It's freaking awesome! :D :D :D

ETA: Lynny hon, you're getting Danny and Macky confused...Macky's been around you too long, therefore he's angsty...Danny, he's been around me, therefore he is SOOO fluffy! ;) Heehee! :D
no way, Danny's been influenced by me as well, go ahead, ask him something that you know I would know the answer too.. or ask him about a certain camera or word. :devil: of course I agree on Macky, he has been near me .. I've even influenced Flackie, except Modie is way evil then I am, and I'm not saying more for fear of her.. She knows where I live, lol
Speaking of influences, dutch has totally influenced me into a little more angsty.
Still a fluffy no matter what though.
Four fics updated in one day? You’ve been busy!
Ohhh--thanks! I'll put them here.

And because of sweet dutch, I've written my first angsty story ever! Here it is:
To Capture the Past Poor Linds loses her memory of New York and Danny when she's involved in a carcrash. :( Danny won't give up on her though... First fluffy shot, so comments are very much appreciated.
25 Things A Perfect Guy Would Do!: The Sixteenth and Seventeenth!
Home: Chapter 3
Tsk, tsk, tsk...Lynny hon, you're cute and all, and I wubs ya and all...but you KNOW I'm the one who influences Danny...you try and then he comes back home to me and laughs about your attempts to "angst-ize" him...the boy's a born romantic hon, and as we all know Born romantic = total fluffy! ;)
haha, Cordy -- I knew you had a bit of angst in you someplace. :D

Sure, he is, Mo. Sure he is, ever think maybe he just likes to screw with you?.. Nicky tries that, but we all know he's angsty. ;)
Nah, it's you that likes to mess with me hon ;) Danny doesn't mess with me...he's my fluff-muffin...heehee, or Linds' fluff-muffin really, I just borrow him! :D But still he's fluffy...trust me, the boy is a total fluff-ball! Romantic and fluffy...no angst here, well maybe just enough to tease you a bit, but that's it! ;) Heehee! :lol:
Fluff-muffin? ROFL :lol:
See that proves Danny doesn't mess with you, cause if someone else said that, like Flack, he'd be getting a beat-down. That is hilarious! But I like the idea of him being Lindsay's fluff-muffin. (that simply cannot be said with a straight face!)
Lol, that's so true Mer! :lol: I couldn't help it...he's our fluff-muffin! He's all man though, so it's all good! ALL man! :devil: Whenever I say that I think he hears "stud-muffin" so his male ego is intact...cuz ya know he mostly hears it when he's making out with Linds in the broom closet and at that point it's kind of muffled...her mouth being covered by his and all...! :D But yeah, fluff-muffin it is! :lol:
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