Danny/Lindsay #14 - "What'd You Have In Mind?"

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Fluffies and their fluffy bubbles.. I have bubbles. .. I'm already in one of Mo's bubbles! Dangit, gimmie some credit
It's okay to enter a fluffy bubble every now and then, but just never forget to bring a nice and sharp needle... :p

That ep is filmed after Anna's pregnancy. On the 'spoiler thread' there was something about casting a younger Lindsay for some flashbacks. And those scenes were going to be shot in the middle of February. :)
after re-reading what will happen in tonight's ep I think both Stella and Mac have to much on their minds :eek: to be thinking about Lindsay a lot, but maybe Danny could spill some coffee again :devil: and have another nice talk with Hawkes; telling him how much he misses her... :D

What I would really like is when D/L don't return to NY immediately after the trial. Wouldn't it be fun if they'd stay in Montana to assist the local police with something (in ep #19), giving Lindsay the chance to show Danny were she came from :cool: and help them get a little closer before they return home :D :D.
Can't wait for tonight's ep and next week's ep and the one after that :lol: :lol:
Thanks Kissmesweet and Dutch. :) And ditto, I like the way Dutch thinks too. All these D/L spoilers and speculations are giving me some fluffy giggles. :D
Okay, I don't
think there was any mention of Lindsay, whatsoever. Nothing that I recall, actually. But knowing what we know, I'm not really worried. Maybe next week!
wow, havn't been in here for awhile either, but heres my opinion on the promo for next weeks ep. ((shown with tonights ep))

aww...no D/L...BUT in the promo, which was very fast and confusing, it says that one CSI's life changes forever, i thought it was lindsey, cuz the man testifiing didn't do it, but i'm probably wrong on that. there was a variety of different things in the promo, like danny, stella, hawkes, mac, i'm thinking it might be Danny too, but like i said, i'm probably wrong.
It's Stellas life that might change. They say that when she got cut the glass might have the HIV virus on it.
**"Good evening ladies, good evening gentleman, good evening shippers, I'm going to sing to you now!"** :lol: Yeah I know, I know, that's not how that song really goes...but I started this singing when I enter the thread thing...and so I had to sing something! :lol: (Yeah I know I'm a dork...but I like it, so it's all good! :D )

Can't wait to see our eppy tonight, as always of course odds are very good I won't be able to see our eppy as it airs tonight, but I'm planning on watching it on tape right afterwards! ;)
Fluffies and their fluffy bubbles.. I have bubbles. .. I'm already in one of Mo's bubbles! Dangit, gimmie some credit.
:lol: I'll give you some credit honey, sure! You did ask to climb into my fluffy bubble...that's a good step toward fluff! ;) Well done!
I like my angst though, it keeps everything balanced.
Okay since you've climbed into my fluffy bubble, I can admit that I agree with this^ statement! ;) I'm not an angst fan, but it does balance things and make my fluff that much sweeter! :D
I just hope TPTB continues to play it out well, better than we ever imagined since the spoilers have been BETTER THAN WE'VE EVER IMAGINED. It's like out of a fluffy/angsty fanfic or something!
Yeah no kidding Delia the spoilers have been awesome...now we just have to hope/believe that the PTB will follow through with them and make the happiest shippers ever! :lol:
but just never forget to bring a nice and sharp needle...
:eek: :eek: GASP!! Lynny knows better than to do that Dutch...I don't whack often but if someone tries to pop my bubble, I'll whack em good!! Don't you doubt that! :p :lol:
So no mention of Linds tonight huh...okay, I can live with that knowing what we get in the future! And as far as the CSI's life changing yeah I think that's Stel...she cuts her hand on HIV infected glass...poor Stel!

Alright my loverlies...I'm off to distract myself until I can watch our latest eppy! And remember y'all...FLUFF Rocks and our ship wins and we're SO CANON BABY! :lol:
Moriel21 said:
but just never forget to bring a nice and sharp needle...
:eek: :eek: GASP!! Lynny knows better than to do that Dutch...I don't whack often but if someone tries to pop my bubble, I'll whack em good!! Don't you doubt that! :p :lol:
*sells tickets, then pulls up a chair and grabs a bowl of popcorn to watch that one happen!* :lol:

Gosh, it's been kinda quiet for a new show night, but understandable under the circumstances. Fate seems to be conspiring against me watching new eps (probably cause I teased mo about not watching them as they air; karma can be a ...yeah, anyhow :rolleyes:). This week my cable has been out for two days. (thank heavens for the DVR at my ma's house!) I really need to break down and put out the extra money for highspeed so I can watch online! :)

I am so looking forward to the upcoming eps! :D A little itty bitty teeny tiny bit of angst and a big fluffy follow up for D/L would be awesome. Has anyone heard anything new about ep's 16 or 18?

ETA: I forgot to mention, dutch, I love your ep 18 and beyond spoiler idea! Lovely, I can easily picture a scenario along those lines!
*sells tickets, then pulls up a chair and grabs a bowl of popcorn to watch that one happen!*
Lol, cute Mercy! Well just remember I gave fair warning...I may be a fluffy and sweet...but mess with my couples or my bubble (or my shippy buddies) and...well let's just say I would put all the strong CSI women to shame when it comes to a good ass-kicking! And of course I mean that in the nicest possible way! ;) Lol! :lol: :lol:

Lol, I think it is karma Mer hon! For all the teasing you give me! :lol: Yeah just invest in highspeed, it's worth it! ;)

And yeah I cannot wait for the upcoming eps...they are SOOO gonna rock! Wohoo...yay for our ship! Yeah baby! :D :D
they are SOOO gonna rock! Wohoo...yay for our ship! Yeah baby!
Absolutely!!! God, it's so amazing! I think I'm on a high.
Here's a pic to brighten up your days:

Dutch, great suggestion! Damn, you should be writing with our sweet Pam Veasey & Anthony Zuiker!!
Lol, I KNOW I'm a high, a D/L high baby! :lol: Yeah gotta love D/L high's in the morning before you've even had your coffee of the day! ;) Good times, good times! :D

Awww, thanks for the pic Delia, she looks so very pretty there...it makes me happy! I love her curly hair, it's SO gorgeous! And Danny in the blue shirt...yeah I could go for a while on that one! :devil: Really they are just to gorgeous people...and the fact that they're in love...heehee, just put it this way, their kids are gonna be...holy cow and hello hot stuff! :lol: :lol:

Dutch yeah I totally liked your future scenario too...very cute! ;) Definitely wouldn't mind seeing that happen! :D It'd be fluffy love continuing! ;) :lol:

**Mo giggles and plays happily in her fluffy shippy bubble!**
**Chelle bounds in with M&M cookies, and a handful of D/L Fanfics to keep everyone goin!**

Awwww Delia i love that pic! it was a beautiful scene.... awww bless! hehe
I totally agree with ya Mo.. that blue shirt does wonders for the heart rate! :lol: i swear, he could probably jump start someones heart in that shirt!! :D
Glad you loved the ice cream.. the chocolate sauce.. well it was very nice huni.. but i think it could have done with a 'Dash-of-Danny' :lol: :devil: that would have been good!!! :D

Ooohhhh another episode closer to That episode!!! yay!! im sooooo excited!!

Is anyone here going to be doing a 'Valentine's Day' Fici???

I bring a gift :D

The Look of love :Messer

The Look of Love: Monroe
chelliyah said:
**Chelle bounds in with M&M cookies, and a handful of D/L Fanfics to keep everyone goin!**
You're my hero! You've brought two of my favorites!

chelliyah said:
Glad you loved the ice cream.. the chocolate sauce.. well it was very nice huni.. but i think it could have done with a 'Dash-of-Danny' :lol: :devil: that would have been good!!! :D
Heck, forget the ice cream. That leaves us with chocolate sauce and delicious Danny.... :devil: :devil:

That blue shirt has got to be one of the hottest things Danny has worn (but oh it is difficult, there are soo many to choose from)!
The Blue Shirt

And of course as part of my constant obsessive CSI:NY over-analyzing:
As I was looking through the blue shirt pics, I remembered reading something about how when a person is lying, they tend to look away. As Danny is telling Lindsay he is just looking for drinks laughs etc his body language is definitely giving him away.
**Chelle sneaks in a small stash of M&M cookies for Mercy (ssshhhh!!!!) and her new chapter of TWMTH ;) :lol: hehe

Heck, forget the ice cream. That leaves us with chocolate sauce and delicious Danny.... :devil: :devil:

Hehe so true!!! which part of him do you want?! ;)

I remembered reading something about how when a person is lying, they tend to look away. As Danny is telling Lindsay he is just looking for drinks laughs etc his body language is definitely giving him away.

:lol: thats a great point hun! Naughty Danny!!!! ;) (but we all know why you lied Messer... so its ok) :lol: hehe we shall just have to teach him a 'lesson' ;) what dya say?! :devil:
In that case, at least we know that when Lindsay said 'I like you... Alot!' she was telling the truth! she didn;t look away! lol Yay!! i feel allll fluffy now Mercy! hehe
Too bad they didn't mention Lindsay last night :(, but it was still a great ep.
i swear, he could probably jump start someones heart in that shirt!!
I really liked that shiny brownish one he was wearing in last night's ep a lot too...yummie... :devil:
GASP!! Lynny knows better than to do that Dutch...I don't whack often but if someone tries to pop my bubble, I'll whack em good!! Don't you doubt that!
Well, Lynn probably knows better, but what if she suddenly felt the urgent need to return to the angst :D...just wanted her to have a quick escape from the fluff.... :p*DUCKS*....you missed!!! :lol: ;) But don't worry hon, we'll leave your bubble intact and if (accidentaly - whoops - ;)) something does happen to it...you can blow fluffy bubbles faster than anyone can pop them! :D

I love the pictures and how mercy and chell analyzed their body language...he is soooo lying :rolleyes:

Has anyone heard anything new about ep's 16 or 18?
Nope! Nothing, but actually I'm really even more looking forward to what will happen after that. My little scenario (how wonderfull it may be) is probably never gonna happen, :mad: but what have TPTB come up with? *curious*
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