Danny/Lindsay #14 - "What'd You Have In Mind?"

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Even with out Lindsay I think we will get a mention. Because of some of the rumors about upcoming episode they will need some mentions of them still talking to each other to make what might be coming more believable. Hope that made some sense. ;)
^Yup it made sense and I totally agree! :D **Mo nods enthusiastically!** That's totally what I'm saying...it's all about continuity! And while the PTB are not always great at it...I'm hoping they will redeem themselves by continuing with the Danny missing Linds and making that whole storyline even more believable by having him mention her, talk about her, etc! We all KNOW Danny will miss Linds clearly, but it'd be nice to see too! ;)
I'm SOOO glad Linds is only gone for 3 eps...because even those 3 eps already feel loooooonng! I don't know what I'd have done if it was like 5 or 6 eps...ya know! :p Yup, very glad Linds will be back soon! Cannot wait! :lol: And I know Danny can't either! ;)
I keep having this short flash of a daydream...
How Horatio did his whole posturing/sunglasses thing and then said "We're going to Brazil." (and I started cheering at the TV)? Well I keep having a similar little flash of a daydream, but in mine Danny is standing up and clasps his hands together rubbing them, like he does sometimes when he gets a lead, and then says "I'm going to Montana" and then grinning at his own double meaning.
Awwwww Mercy...I LOVE that!^ :lol: That would be SOOO adorable! I can totally picture that in my head too...heehee, now I totally want that to happen! :D I'm so glad we've got this spoiler for D/L and I cannot wait, cannot WAIT until it happens! Heehee...the giddiness may be coming back here, just a bit! ;) :lol: Yay, yay, yay for our ship and our couple and the fluffy love! :lol:

Okay off to work before I'm late...**Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it's off to work I go...Hi Ho, Hi Ho, Hi Ho, Hi Ho, Hi....Ho...!** (And I'm a dork! :p :lol: )

Peace out! :D
Mercy... wow that would be great if that happened!!! soooo cute!!!! **squees** i wonder if .....

does danny ask mac's permission to go to Montana? or does he jus go and not turn up for work????? :confused:

But alas... i can jus imagine him now.. rubbing his hands together, on a cold blustery day with his scarf around his neck and that gorgeous leather jacket he wore in Sweet sixteen...... :devil:

I really dont understand how Lindsay can keep her self from pouncing on Danny at work either lol I would be sooo flattered that he wanted me, i wouldnt be able to ignore it!!! hehe
but hey.. if she doesnt want him..... ;) :devil:

Mo! lol did you enjoy the ice cream?! :lol:
Lol, if I'm tied up Dutch hon, it will be because Danny did it and he wants to have some fun!
Let's see if I understand you correctly :p You want me to give Danny the rope so he can firmly tie you up to have his hands free to play around and have some fun with me :devil:; that's just so sweet of you... ;)*hugs Mo*

hearing Danny say he missed Linds would make my entire week!
I would already be happy if anyone mentions her, but when he does it would be awesome! But in...
Isn't he suppose to be saying something like that in the message he leaves her?
It's going to feel funny not seening Lindsay in the lab
I agree Vexus! I will be expecting her to appear behind some equipment or desk everytime they go into to lab, only to realise she's not going to be there for 3 weeks :(
That's a lovely idea Mercy. Having him walk around untill suddenly we'll see his face brighten up when decides: "I'm going to Montana!". And it would be a nice twist when after he and Linds return we find out he didn't tell anyone :eek:, but just went to the airport and left :cool: LOL :lol:

PS our flame is already burning again! :) This ship is just too hot :D :D
Oh lordy yall are saps. Walk around and realize he wants to go to Montana?.. Such a fluffy thing to say..

^^Oh, lynn sweetie, don't be too jealous you don't have a fluffy bubble.
I'm sure Mo would be willing to share hers. :lol:
Always looking for angsties in need of reformation...
D/L can use all the fluffies they can get!

If we will get some mention of Lindsay in tomorrows episode.And I hope it's Danny that mentions it not, Stella, Mac or Hawkes. I want Danny to know that Lindsay does want to be with him. I have a feeling that the writers would write it in till episode 17.
^^ Read the spoilers on the pages back. :)
Delia you have the same screenname over on ff.net, yeah? Can't remember!
Oh sweetie, I don't blame you. My penname over there is all the glitters
ANYWAY, even though it hasnt even been one ep yet w/out Anna, i miss D/L and am feeling a little withdrawal
Same, love your icon by the way, goodnite. She's so sweet

but will catch up soon (I hope). *runs to check out the co-written story*
Awesome. Or you could just follow the links. It's up to you.

I do not see how Linds keeps from jumping him all the time!
She has much more self control than I ever do.
Even with out Lindsay I think we will get a mention.
Same, like we get mentions of Grissom now and then. (Miss him to death by the way!)
I keep having this short flash of a daydream...
Me too, that's how I imagined it to be like!
"Ladies and gentleman, I'm going to Montana."
New eppy today! New eppy today! :D **Mo pops into the thread, totally excited at the possibility of Hot Danny tonight and hopefully a nice Linds mention by Hot Danny!**
Good morning shippy buddies! How are you all this fine Wednesday morning? Well and good and high on life and love! Wow I haven't even had my morning coffee and I'm waxing poetical...not sure if that's a good thing or not! :lol: :lol:
I don't really see him just taking off for the airport without telling anyone...I think he'll tell Mac or Stella, at least...or really I see him moping around and "going crazy" and Mac coming up, taking one look at him and going "Danny get out of here!" and Danny looking at him like "What?" and Mac going "You miss her that much, you're no good to me here, so go to her, take the next few days and go!" And then Danny would jump up and run to the airport! :D :D
Mo! lol did you enjoy the ice cream?!
:lol: Yup I most certainly did...do you enjoy chocolate sauce?! ;) **Mo sneaks up and dumps a huge can of whipped cream and Hershey's chocolate syrup all over Chell!**
to have his hands free to play around and have some fun with me ; that's just so sweet of you... *hugs Mo*
Hey! You're cute but that's not what I meant! :lol:
At your service, Lynny! How can we sap up your day today? :lol: !!
^^Oh, lynn sweetie, don't be too jealous you don't have a fluffy bubble.
I'm sure Mo would be willing to share hers.
Lol, yup Mercy, Lynny knows I'm always willing to share my bubble with her, she's just in denial about wanting to climb into it just yet! ;) :lol:
My penname over there is all the glitters
Yay! That's what I thought it was! I totally love your stories by the way and your reviews rock, cool beans! :D

Alright my shippy buddies...I gotsta be off to work! :p But have a ship-tabulous day and see you all here tonight for our new eppy! :D Which means only two more after tonight and Linds will be back, bringing D/L back with her in full force! :lol: YAY!! :D
Do we know if the court episode has been filmed yet? I know its superficial but i'm hoping Anna will be post-pregnancy in the ep so the D/L scenes will look more believable.
Fluffies and their fluffy bubbles.. I have bubbles. .. I'm already in one of Mo's bubbles! Dangit, gimmie some credit.

I like my angst though, it keeps everything balanced.

you really think my Macky's going to do that? he's probably gonna see Danny being annoying and tell him to get the hell outta here... Plus i want a Mac/Danny scene.. and if the Stella's ep this weeks, I really doubt she's going to have time to mention Linds, unless she does it in the beginning, so its probably gonna be Mac and Danny or even Hawkes
Anna Belknap already gave birth and is supposed to be back on filming scheduele a few weeks after, so they could be filming really soon or maybe now! :D
Yay! That's what I thought it was! I totally love your stories by the way and your reviews rock, cool beans!
Awwww, thank you! I'm glad you liked them. :) Oh and I love your little scenario of Mac telling Danny to get the hell outta the lab! Fanatastic! I just hope TPTB continues to play it out well, better than we ever imagined since the spoilers have been BETTER THAN WE'VE EVER IMAGINED. It's like out of a fluffy/angsty fanfic or something!
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