Danny/Lindsay #14 - "What'd You Have In Mind?"

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**Raindrops keep falling on my head! And just like the guy whose feet were too big for his bed, crying's not for me, and I'm not gonna stop the rain by complainin'...so....** Yeah I don't remember how the rest of that song goes, but it was in my head and it seemed fitting after the torrential downpour that soaked the entire SuperBowl! :D Talk about rain! :p But the Colts and Peyton Manning won and that is what matters! :lol: Now onto our lovely ship...Hi all! Wassup! ;)

Oh my God!! I'm totally going to see that. Anna is too adorable & gorgeous.
Yeah she's really funny in it...she has a really small part, but her scenes are totally cute! She's this little fiery girl, and yeah I just love her! :lol:

but according to IMDB it's a romantic comedy
Yeah it is Dutch technically! ;) But it's really funny and kind of odd, so I think you'd like it! Plus it's Anna come on! :D

And yeah Dutch Danny is giving her the bestest gift EVER in Ep. 18!! Yay, yay, double yay and lots of squeeeing! :lol:
And can I just say too...OMG! Hon, that wallpaper is gorgeous!! I LOVE it! Wow! You are mad talented, well done!! Totally snagging that! ;)

I can't get over how amazing and smart TPTB are being

Yeah Delia I agree...and that almost scares me a little. They are never this good to us...I swear if they take away our spoilers now....**Mo sputters and fumes for a moment...** But they can't, for one they're confirmed, for two we're canon dang it and unsinkable, and three...well let's just say it wouldn't be pretty! ;)

Mo i totally squeed when i read ya lil mini postcards from danny to linds n vice versa ... wouldnt it be great if they actually did that?!

Aww thanks hon! Yeah it'd be totally cute! I'm working on a ficcie where they do, so that'll be fun...and I love your avie...very nice! ;)

You're a bit more obsessed then I am, but in a good way ... *mumbles* Using my OTP thats just wrong..

Well at least it's in a good way! :lol: And yeah I am, I can admit that! ;) And yeah I used it, but it's with lotsa wub! :D And you know I heart CatNip too...so no worries there! :D

Mo already knows I live to whack..
Lol, she does Melly really! :lol: You should know that already too... :lol:

mini post cards? wth is mini postcards??
Lynny see my previous post with the "presents" D/L should send eachother while Linds is gone! :D

Aaaah *volunteers to keep him warm*
Lol, gotcha beat! ;) That's my job until Linds gets back! :devil: I ummmm...volunteered for that position a looooooong time ago! (And after writing position...Mo falls pleasantly to the gutter! Gah I'm bad! :devil: :lol: )

Oh yeah... Psst, melly, GO COLTS!
Right on Mercy! :D And hon how can you say that wall isn't artsy? It's great! It's simple but that's what makes it purty! I like it alot, really! Well done! :D

Okay fellow shippy buddies, obsessed or not...remember, our ship is sailing...the rough waters are calming and the sun is beginning to break through the clouds and make everything warm and beautiful again! And most importantly...no matter what anyone else says...remember...We're CANON baby! :lol: :lol:
Delia I have read all your fics and I love them!
Awww, aren't you sweet? Thank you. I'm glad you like them. It's always nice to get feedback from people... :)
I'll do it as soon as I've changed the tense on my parts
Sure, take your take sweetie. Do ya need me to help you? If you do, PM or email me on gmail.
She's this little fiery girl, and yeah I just love her!
Yep, Anna is. Can't wait to see her.
They are never this good to us...
YEAH well, they owe us after the whole missing-D/L for most of mid season. :(
remember, our ship is sailing...
That we are! We're the best. Long live D/L, baby. Don't screw it up like you did it with sweet Snickers.
**Mo pops in for a quick moment before work...singing "Monday, Monday"...and that's all I know of that song!** :lol: Still not a Monday fan! :p But I'm a D/L fan, clearly! ;) Yay for a new eppy this week...sad we get no Anna :( But the eppy still looks good! I saw an actual promo for it during the SuperBowl and it looked great! And my family was totally making fun of me, cuz I had been talking and then the promo came on and I got totally quiet and just stared at the tv until the promo was done! But hey, can't blame a girl for loving her show! :D :lol:

Delia you have the same screenname over on ff.net, yeah? Can't remember! ;)

Um yeah the PTB totally owe us after the complete lack of D/L for half this season...but still them being so nice scares me a bit...don't get me wrong I'm insanely excited for our spoilers still, they are going to be amazing! But now I'm past the initial first thrill and so my lovely backup pessimism is trying to sneak in and go, "They're just messing with you and they're gonna yank all those scenes out of those eps!" No!! Be gone Pessimism!!! :p :lol: The PTB won't do that to us...I'm gonna believe they're better than that...and I'm gonna believe we WILL get all our lovely spoiler scenes! :D We Will, We Will, We Will!!! :D

**Mo climbs into her fluffy bubble to re-read all the happy spoilers and finish writing her totally fluffy happy-ending ficcie and just to bask in the fluff in general! Awww love!**
I say me and dutch tie you all up :D

Everyone usually has the same name in places....except me, I have IHNC in places and CS in others :D

thanks for pizza's username :d

Well at least it's in a good way! And yeah I am, I can admit that! And yeah I used it, but it's with lotsa wub! And you know I heart CatNip too...so no worries there!

Quit using that point, You make it VERY hard to be mean to DL at the moment..
hi everybody! only 2 days :D

i feel like Ive been gone for a while, but really it was only for the weekend..wow. Even though I know this ep isnt going to have any D/L im still really excited!! Ep. 16 is going to be good, and 17? i forget what happens it that one. ANYWAY, even though it hasnt even been one ep yet w/out Anna, i miss D/L and am feeling a little withdrawal. Im gonna go head over to FF.net to read some good ficcies!! :lol:

Haha, Mo, I had some second thoughts too, but I trust TPTB, they wont let us down!! And we totally deserve some AWSOME moments after the non-existent D/L weve had so far... :rolleyes:

I love the new avvies and fanart! :p
I say me and dutch tie you all up
*brings some strong rope* If the fluffy spoilers for #18 get to stay, so will our angsty spoiler for #16 :p and we'll make sure y'all watch it :eek: (I will be there to hold your hands though - love our fluffy pals :D). And if Mo's tied up I can take her 'position' :devil: :p

I've updated a lot of fanfic if anyone is interested
kissmesweet's and my first co-written story
I am interested kissme, but since the alerts on ff.net went all haywire I kinda felt behind with a lot of stories, :( but will catch up soon (I hope). *runs to check out the co-written story*

I love the laughing cow container. I think I had one of those when I was younger
I had one too...and I can't remember what happened to it - perhaps my mom had something to do with that too... :mad:

according to IMDB it's a romantic comedy
Yeah it is Dutch technically! But it's really funny and kind of odd, so I think you'd like it! Plus it's Anna come on!
I will definitely check it out, if I can find it... :rolleyes:

mercy, great WP! I've added it to my D/L WP folder :)
Monday is over, Thank heaven for that! :D Today was like the Monday from Hell! Seriously...work was insane and all I wanted was to get home, or have Danny show up and give me a neck massage! Now that would be HOT! :devil: Such a nice thought...mmmmmmmm! ;) Heehee! Hi shippy buddies, on that lovely note...how's it goin' in here?! Is everyone fluffy and happy and enjoying our ship! :lol: Yeah that includes you too Lynny, Dutch! Even if you won't admit it, you know deep down you eventually want fluff for our couple! I know you do! ;) :lol:
I say me and dutch tie you all up
Lol, you and what army, love?! ;) We fluffies are on the verge of taking over the world, I don't think you can corral us now! :lol:
Quit using that point, You make it VERY hard to be mean to DL at the moment..
**Mo huggles her angsty buddy!** Good silly goose! I don't want you being mean to D/L...that's the point! :D
only 2 days
Wohoo! Ya know what's really sad, okay not sad more funny...I realized why I'm excited for Wed. because on tvguide.com they show listings up to two weeks in advance...so on this Wed. tvguide.com will show the listing for...oh wait crap! :p I thought it would show the listing for Ep. 18...but that's 3 weeks away, dang it! Well there goes that excitement! :p :lol: :lol:
and we'll make sure y'all watch it (I will be there to hold your hands though - love our fluffy pals ). And if Mo's tied up I can take her 'position'
Lol, if I'm tied up Dutch hon, it will be because Danny did it and he wants to have some fun! ;) :devil: and if that's the case, then I am most definitely keeping my position! :lol: :devil: And....
watch the Danny/Angell moment...fine, but we'll know who Danny is really thinking of...case and point he goes to call Linds right afterwards! ;) Yay for Fluff!! :lol:

Angsty buddies...Lynny, Dutch, Rad, Vex, and all the others we fluffies love y'all...but it's time for some fluff for our couple! Really! :lol: Right Aud! :D
Even if you won't admit it, you know deep down you eventually want fluff for our couple!
Yeah.....fluff!!! haha

Lol, if I'm tied up Dutch hon, it will be because Danny did it and he wants to have some fun! and if that's the case, then I am most definitely keeping my position!
Where do I sign up?!?! :lol: It's like 'Slim Macky and the Taylor girls' Except it's 'Sexy danny and his fan girls/ *slaves*' haha :devil:
Lol, BG you are so totally my minion, it's awesome! Yay fluff indeed hon! Good job! :lol: Heehee, fluff rocks! :D
'Sexy danny and his fan girls/ *slaves*'
:lol: That's SOOOO true! Heehee, I love that! Seriously that man is so amazingly gorgeous! I do not see how Linds keeps from jumping him all the time! I swear I would not be able to work with him, without constantly wanting to kiss him! Here's hoping she won't have to resist doing just that for very much longer! ;)
Oh, we are Danny's slave's! Oh, I love that! Of course we would have to line up to do his bidding! :)

And the new eppie is only 2 days away. It's going to feel funny not seening Lindsay in the lab.
Lol, somehow Vex lining up to Danny's bidding doesn't sound like such a bad thing...mmmmm, nope not a bad thing at all! ;) :devil: And I'm off to the Gutter! :devil: :lol:

Yeah I agree it'll be weird not seeing at least a glimpse of Linds, hopefully we'll get some kind of mention though, that'd be nice! :D
That's SOOOO true! Heehee, I love that! Seriously that man is so amazingly gorgeous! I do not see how Linds keeps from jumping him all the time! I swear I would not be able to work with him, without constantly wanting to kiss him! Here's hoping she won't have to resist doing just that for very much longer!
Man, I hope that too haha :D If I was working with Danny, I'd be like 'Oh, if only he'd ask me to bend over his desk...' :devil: I'd do it without a second thought! :D

Yeah I agree it'll be weird not seeing at least a glimpse of Linds, hopefully we'll get some kind of mention though, that'd be nice!
WHOOO!!!! I'm all for a mention of Lindsay haha
If I was working with Danny, I'd be like 'Oh, if only he'd ask me to bend over his desk...'
:lol: OMG BG you rock! Lol! That is the funniest thing...and yet, I'm so totally with you...gah if Danny ever said that to me...yeah I think I'd swoon myself right into a puddle at his feet! :devil: :lol:

Yeah wouldn't it be nice if Danny said "I miss Linds!" Or "I hope Linds is doing okay..." or something like that! That'd be so very sweet....Awwwww! :D
Hehehe.....see I rock! whooohoo!! haha.....oh god....here comes some D/L smut ficcies...... :eek: :devil: :p It is funny but...oh wait....... how long has it been since I swooned at something? haha *swoon* :p

"Oh, baby! Lindsay I miss you so much!" :p That is something I could hear him saying, but not in the gutterish sense haha
Ohhhhh, D/L smut?! I want some good D/L smut! :devil: I gotta say though, as much as I love me some D/L smut, at the same time they are by far my fluffiest pairing so I tend to not like as much smex for them...weird I know, being the gutter queen I am...but I like more of the fluffy love pairing for them...with a bit of smex mixed in maybe! ;)

Lol, yeah hearing Danny say he missed Linds would make my entire week! :D That'd be such a very nice addition to the eppy! :D
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