Danny/Lindsay #14 - "What'd You Have In Mind?"

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YAY!! BG, you're gonna sing "Love is in the Air" with me? Awwww, I knew you were my minion for a good reason! Yay, rock on hon! Heehee, and I know so many people in here love that song too...it'll be great!
I love it :D *dances off humming/singing*

Lol, Catey yeah ever since you linked "that" song to Viagra I cannot for the life of me sing it without cracking up and picturing things I shouldn't!
LOL!! :lol:

I remember seeing this get its fair share of discussion in the last thread :p But a good laugh is always appreciated! :D

Awww if ever you're in need of fluff, come see me and Aud we're fluffy to the max and tend to be able to produce it on cue, when necessary!
Shippery comedy type stories are counted as fluff, right? If so, I can do it on cue too! :D
^^ Hey, sweetie Bullet. You know the stories we've done, do ya wanna do the honour of uploading it onto fanfic & on talk?

Mo, it's nice you didn't sing what I will refer to as the Viagra song. I thank you for not doing that.
:lol: That's all I'm thinking of now!

ETA: My roommate found this movie called "Alchemy" and it has Anna in it...it's a tiny part, but she is adorable! Younger and tiny...but so so cute! She's in love and so dang cute about it...it's a good movie over all too...so I say check it out!
Oh my God!! I'm totally going to see that. Anna is too adorable & gorgeous.
^ I'm gonna find it too. When I first read the title I was kinda hoping for Lindsay being a witch or a sorceress or something (I know...I read too much Harry Potter :)), but according to IMDB it's a romantic comedy :p

happy Groundhog's Day to y'all!
Please don't tell me that's a real 'day'? :lol:That's just too funny!! :lol: I never knew that
*points at own hair* -blonde - duh :rolleyes:

Hmmm if Danny sent Lindsay a present like Grissom did Sara...what would it be? Or should she send him one? Or both?
I think it would be so cute if she'd sent him a

(picture was easier than trying to explain it :))

is already sending her the best present ever....HIMSELF ;)

Mo, it's nice you didn't sing what I will refer to as the Viagra song. I thank you for not doing that
Oh that's just great. Now 'love is in the air' and 'it's time to rise and shine!' :devil: are taking turns in my stupid head :mad:

*hugs all*
Cute wall, sweetie. :lol: Love the moo in the cow box. :D

Oh my God, it's been days and I'm still squealing over D/L like the girl that I am!!!! :D Spoilers rock and I'm sooooooo glad. It's almost too good to be true.

I can't get over how amazing and smart TPTB are being... Did you hear that? Now, can we please have more D/L-goodness to come?

God... I LOVE MY delicious Zoo Babies soooo much!
Dutch aww that is such a cute wallpaper there!!! aww i snagged it ;)

Delia hehe i thought you didnt wanna know about the spoilers?! huh? huh?! ;)

Mo i totally squeed when i read ya lil mini postcards from danny to linds n vice versa ... wouldnt it be great if they actually did that?! :D
pizza's still on LJ, you say??

Lol, honey it was my last resort! And you know it wasn't anything personal...I wubs ya, but you know better than to mess with a canon ship! Besides you know you want D/L as much as me! (Okay maybe not as much as me...since I'm a bit obsessed, but still! )

You're a bit more obsessed then I am, but in a good way :D ... *mumbles* Using my OTP thats just wrong..

*points to NY section* Lynn's talking about whacking D/L over there! Naughty girl lol. Only they get to whack each other. *whacks you* hehehehe

NIce try Melly but Mo already knows I live to whack.. just like this. *whacks Melly*

mini post cards? wth is mini postcards??
*ducks* Ha missed! *hides behind Mac*

Poor Danny...if it's as cold there as here, he's gonna NEED to go to Montana just to find Lindsay and warm up lol. The poor boy is all alone in the cold now :(
mini post cards? wth is mini postcards??
I was wondering about that too, but I scrolled back a bit and found Mo's post :):
I think it'd be cute if Danny got a postcard of the New York City skyline like at sunset or something and on the back wrote..."Montana, even if this skyline doesn't beat the wheatfields, I can't wait 'til you come back to enjoy this view with me anyway! I miss you...see you soon...Always, Danny" And then Linds could send him a postcard of the wheatfields and on the back write..."Danny, the wheatfields are beautiful, but it feels like there's something missing now...I miss you too, but I'm coming home soon...Forever, Linds
Aaaah, that's so sweet that my enamel is probably lost forever :D ... but I totally like the idea of him sending her a card to show that he's not mad at her for the way she said goodbye to him (I hope that made sense :rolleyes:). And the skyscrapers/wheatfields remarks are funny :lol:
The poor boy is all alone in the cold now
Aaaah *volunteers to keep him warm* :devil:

Txs to all for the compliments on the WP! :)
Nice wallpaper, dutch! I've just checked in, so didn't see it until now. Sorry for reminding about that commercial,Mo. And yes, pizza is still around, she's over on dlc alot.
mini post cards? wth is mini postcards??
Without sounding like a horrible person, but isn't it obvious? Mini postcard. Like a small postcard? :lol: Stil love you guys though.

pizza's still on LJ, you say??
Yep, she is. Her account is pizzapie_84.

Oh I've updated a lot of fanfic if anyone is interested.
Home:Chapter 2
25 Things A Perfect Guy Would Do: The Fourteenth and Fifteenth
When You Were Mine: A drabble for my ficlets collection-- Crazy For You
Baby, Take A Stance -- Chapter 1

Hey, dutch Your wallpaper was aweeeesome! Did you screen it with a texture/pattern or something? I'm thinking of making some more WPs.
Delia I have read all your fics and I love them! They are all very good and well thought out ( I especially love the Baby, Take A Stance.

And I love the laughing cow container. I think I had one of those when I was younger (and then it mysteriously disppeared, I found out later that my mom got rid of it beause it drove her up the wall!)
Hey, sweetie Bullet. You know the stories we've done, do ya wanna do the honour of uploading it onto fanfic & on talk?

Yeah, ok :D I'll do it as soon as I've changed the tense on my parts :p I always have trouble staying in past tense haha....

And the skyscrapers/wheatfields remarks are funny
Are they ever?! :lol: I think I made a D/L WP with caps for that scene:D It's over in the WP thread :p

I'll give y'alls the link to one of mine and kisses stories as soon as I upload it :p
MacsGirlMel said:
...if it's as cold there as here
Oh yeah... Psst, melly, GO COLTS! :lol:

Love the fics! I know it hasn't been that long but I am already starting to go through D/L withdrawal. Sad ain't it? Fanfics and fanart are keeping me going, so keep up the good work, y'all! Even though I know there won't be any of our pairing in the next ep, I am looking forward to it. The spoilers remind me of what all is to come for D/L!! :D
I made myself a very simple wp (not what I would call artsy). Thought I'd share, just 'cause.
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