Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"
Grrrrr! I'm so mad right now!!!!
My game went late and so I didn't get home until about 10 minutes ago! Here I was insanely excited to be home and ready and watching my favorite show and now I have to wait...! Man! I mean I'm taping really I only have to wait until the ep is done taping and then I'm totally watching it right then...but still, I wanted to be watching it now!
**pouts!** Lol, I know I'm a big baby! :lol: But still...anyway, at least my VCR is working! I'm watching it like a hawk...heehee!
P.s. I just had to come back in here real quick and....
***SQUEEEE!!!** Lol, I'm a TOTAL dork I know, but I'm sitting here watching the ep and beginning song just came on with starting credits ya know...and I just got the hugest ever smile on my face!! I'm so freaking happy our show is back! Lol
Okay off to watch the rest of the ep, yay!
(Oh and everyone looks SOOOO good!
Okey dokey...first of all...where'd you all go?? I thought we'd at least have some action in here after our premiere, so what's up?? And now...yay for not having to have Spoiler boxes!!
I'm a bit bummed that we didn't get a single D/L scene, that was a downer
But both of them look amazing! :devil: Seriously! And Linds is a lot more animated and cute in this one and I LOVE it! I'm a bit confused, cuz they have Det. Angell in this one, and I thought that she wasn't gonna exist anymore?
I'm not a fan of her, mostly cuz she worked with Danny and that's Linds' job!
But yeah, great start to a great season...and YAY for the preview for next week...WOHOO!!
Okay I think I'm off to sleep now..hopefully we'll have more talkin' goin on when I wake up!