Danny/Lindsay #11 ~ "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

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Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

How sucky would this be --- suppose the reason why The Hug scene is so short because they didn't want to show us the shocking truth. What is Lindsay pulls away from the hug????

Arggghhhhh!!!! What woman in her right mind would pull away from Carmine Giovinazzo? I mean really...
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Okay, I'm still on my pessimistic streak. What if ---- and this is a huge "What If" ---- the Danny-Lindsay pair is going to be "resolved" this season. Meaning get them together then break them apart then never talk about it ever again. Would you guys still watch?

And I know this is gossip but I read in another forum --- and THIS IS GOSSIP UNLESS IT'S CONFIRMED --- that Anna Belknap looks like she's round in the belly....

Don't kill the messenger...
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Wow, that was great episode!
Unfortunately no D/L though. But the spoilers are promosing, and that's what matters. :D

lindsaymesser, I rewatched some scenes, and Anna's tummy looked perfectly normal. Even if she might get a little chubby, she's still cute. Jorja Fox has it all the time.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Anna does look a little different. Don't hate me for saying this but she looks a little on the chubby side. But yeah, she's still cute.

The premiere was good, though i have to admit I was hoping for something with a little extra coz it is the season premiere after all. Though we didn't get any DL,i enjoy the part where Lindsay did the demo on Mac. I thought that was really cute! :D And the interaction b'ween Lindsay and Flack at the beginning was a nice surprise too ;)
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Morning y'all! **jumps in waving and passing out M&M's!!** Smile everyone...the happy shippy patrol is here! :D :D
Okay so just like each of you, I too have my moments of pessimism, it's understandable...we're not in charge of our ship...writers somewhere else are, so we have to trust them to take up where we want to go right? And so far they've been giving us all these great shippy clues and we've been interpretting them in a nice shippy way.
I can understand that after the severe lack of D/L interaction last night (as in none) some of us are feeling like our ship is gonna crash...but allow me to pause any freaking out for a moment... :D This is just the first ep y'all...we knew before hand that there probably wasn't going to be a whole lot of D/L interaction...they had to set the stage for the whole season, plus introduce two new characters...so honestly I'm not really surprised we didn't get our D/L. (still a bit disappointed yeah ;) but still...)
I think we need to hold onto our positive outlook and have a bit more faith in our writers...(and come on y'all know I'm NOT a fan of TPTB, so if I can have faith...trust me so can y'all! :D ) We've got D/L moments coming up...and yeah we've got reports of possible angst, and as a Fluffy to the core, I'm not excited about those :p But again, angst does tend to make characters stretch and grow and who knows...it is very possible that the very angst we all (myself totally included) are afraid of, could be the catalyst that causes our lovely D/L to stretch and grow right into each other's arms, ya know!
So I say we all pause, take a lovely deep breath...ignore what all the D/L and Lind's haters are saying...and wait patiently for our lovely ep next week! Where we KNOW we'll get at least some good D/L interaction.
It never looked to me like Linds was pulling away from the hug in the clips I saw, rather it totally looked like she was leaning into him....so I'm not so worried about that, or not gonna worry about it! :D I do hope they don't cut it short on us, but they might, but I do think they'll show it, I don't see them cutting it out altogether!
Okay I know this has been really long here and probably a bit preachy which I entirely apologize for, I was going for half time pep talk more than anything! :lol:
Just one more thing I wanted to say...I've heard a bit of talk other places that people are not liking Linds' again this season because she acted a bit enthusiastic and sassy even last night, and I gotta say...I liked Linds last night!
As far as being over eager, I think Aud said it best that she tends to lead with her heart as we've seen so often...and at times, like last night...it can cause her to jump ahead of the facts. But I don't think that's a really bad thing...I mean she should learn to balance it yeah...but she will. And she always makes up for it and comes thru when she's needed. So yeah...I think Linds is growing and learning and getting more comfortable on the team and as a New Yorker and I'm loving every minute of it!
So yeah...okay I think that's the end of my pep talk for now! Hopefully this wasn't annoying to any of y'all...I just wanted to encourage any of you (myself included!) feeling like our ship was sinking...lol, it's not and it won't! (Even if I have to tread water to keep it afloat! :lol: )
**hugs to all my lovely shippy buddies...and a Big Hug to my Fluffy Twin!!**
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

I just read on tvguide.com about what the third ep is about. Danny and Lindsay had a dinner date and she didn't show up. He gets mad b/c she didn't tell him why. Now call me crazy but she doesn't seem like the type to just blow someone off with no explanation. It must be something big for her to do that to Danny. Just curious and I can't wait to find out what it is.

OMFG!!!!!!! is she CRAZY!!!!!!!! she's an idiot, to stand Danny up!!! my god she's a lunatic!!! and can u imagine how danny's gonna react to this!!! he'll prolly be all pissed and in her face about it!!! and then when they get to work it's gonna be all awkward and stuff!! and people will talk... etc.
i feel bad for danny... :(

ne ways, its gonna be a GREAT EPISODE also the one after that too, cuz that's when we'll see the awkwardness. *jumps up and down and cheers!!! YEAH! FOR AWKWARDNESS!!!!*

i'm so square! hehe
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Hello everyone!

Mo... the happy shippy patrol?! That made me laugh out loud!

I wasn't overly impresssed with last night's episode. (And it wasn't for the lack of D/L. ) I thought it was actually kind of boring. I thought that they should have said a little bit more about Flack's condition. But yeah, I didn't think it was the best episode ever.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Mo... the happy patrol?! That made me laugh out loud!
Lol, Hi Smi! Heehee, yeah I thought y'all would like that! :lol: I do what I can! ;)

Lol, Svet I love your enthusiam and passion hon, it's fabulous! :D And you crack me up...but no worries, that's a good thing! ;) Just so you know hon, I'm thinking that since we're not to the eps you mentioned yet, any info about those eps should probably be put in spoiler boxes...just to be nice to those people who are trying to not know anything, ya know! Thanks hon! :D

You like the awkwardness huh, mmmmm not me so much...not too crazy about the awkwardness! :p Fluffy likes happiness! But that said, I think Linds will have a VERY good reason for standing Danny up and I think he will be upset yes, but I think she will talk to him and he will confront her on it and she will explain what happened and they will actually grow closer because of it...that's what I'm saying. :D So while it's bad she stands him up, yes, it could actually turn out to make their relationship stronger and be better for them in the long run! So yeah! :D

Okay y'all since we're getting closer to needing a new thread...here's our final new thread title poll! These are the top 3 choices...("They've Been Made!" came in last, sadly...cuz I loved that one. But still...all of these are great!) So yeah...choose 1!!! And we'll finally have our new title! :D
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

First of all, uh---have we seen this episode? Then how do we know how exactly it plays out? We're already judging Lindsay before it airs?

Secondly...Danny in her face. I don't see Danny getting into someone's face, unless it's a suspect...he has more class than that. Anyway, things will be just fine. :)

Third, I guess I'm an idiot, too. Because I've turned down cute, sweet guys....doesn't mean I didn't have a good reason...also good, sweet guys aren't perfect. Dating someone isn't just about hotness or looks...it's much more complex than that. ;)

I choose to watch the episode first...then we'll see. :)

I'm positive for my ship and the two I ship...I think things are going to be great...I think they are both great.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Aud you are my D/L shippy hero...have I told you that lately?! :lol: **hugs to my positive Fluffy friend!** :D You rock! :D
I don't see Danny getting into someone's face, unless it's a suspect...he has more class than that.
I totally agree, especially since it's Linds we're talking about...I definitely do not see him doing that to her, no matter how upset he gets, if he does indeed get that upset instead of going and talking to her...
also good, sweet guys aren't perfect. Dating someone isn't just about hotness or looks...it's much more complex than that.
Mmmm, good point hon...that's true, and I've done the same thing myself (turned down good sweet guys I mean) so yeah it is much more complex than that. I do hope Linds has a good reason...but like you said...:
I choose to watch the episode first...then we'll see.
Yup I think that shall be my new motto :lol: Wait and see before presuming and assuming and freaking out...it will certainly save me some sanity and keep from spending time worrying! :D

They ARE great aren't they, they really are...and I agree...things will be great! I stand by what we've said...our ship will sail! :D :D
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Okay the premiere. I loved it. Everyone was spectacular. Loved the little Flack/Lindsay scene at the beggining, it was cute. Lindsay was great in this episode- the dynamite thing was great. I loved how she brought that up and then figured out how it all played in and how it worked with Mac and his tie. Spectacular!

Danny was fantastic too, but he seemed a little ummm, aggravated? Does that sound right? He didn't flirt with the New Det. (forgot her name), which made me happy. He was very sarcastic with her at the beggining there- it made me think "That's Lindsay's man... BACK OFF!"

They were both great in the eppy, and the reason why I think that there wasn't any interaction between them is because of next weeks eppy... :D Bring it on baby... bring it on!
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Rad and Moriel=shipping buddy heroes. I have I told you all lately that I wub you both! :) And I agree with you both.

No shippy moments...but we are a spoiled ship aren't we? We'll get plenty this year...believe me.

Cheers to all fluffy and angsty D/L shippers! Our ship needs our love and support! :)
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

have I told you all lately that I wub you both!
Right back at ya Aud for sure! **huggles!** :D
we are a spoiled ship aren't we? We'll get plenty this year...believe me.
Yeah we are spoiled aren't we...we've got well probably more good moments than lots of other ships...and yup there will plenty more lovely ones to come...YAY! :D

Lol, Hiya Rad! How's it goin' hon?! :D
Yeah wasn't Linds cute in this ep...I loved her little demonstration with Mac, that was great! :D
And her little "thing" with Flack at the beginning totally made me smile! :D (I gotta admit Flackie is growing on me...don't get me wrong, I'm still totally LOVIN' Danny...but yeah Flack's growing on me ;) Not as someone for Linds mind you... :p But as a hot character good guy :lol: Yeah! :D )

And yeah Danny did seem a little more on edge this time around...but there could be a million reasons for that...Didn't he look SO AMAZINGLY HOT this season? Good Lord the man is like human candy! :devil: :devil: (And yeah Rad I'm with ya, glad he didn't flirt with the new Det....who might get together with Hawkes...now that'd be cute!)

And yeah I agree...our lack of D/L last night could totally just be leading up to next week...makes sense to me! :D
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Yeah, I did notice that Danny was a bit "edgy", maybe it was because his wasn't working with his "Montana", heh? That's what I hope!

As much as I wanted to see them togther for the first episode, it really didn't bother me that they were not in this episode. It just means we'll have great moments down the road.

And btw, I love Hammerback! He was awesome! And he should be put in the opening credits, I love him!

And I've started a Hawkes/Angell thread because I saw budding chemistry between those two.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Vex hiya hon! :D
maybe it was because his wasn't working with his "Montana", heh? That's what I hope!
Lol, now that is an excellent point... **Duh Moriel! :rolleyes:** Heehee, of course that's probably why he was edgy he needed him some country lovin! ;) :lol:

Yeah Sid was funny in this ep...I loved that little scene with him and Hawkes..."Sid...ya know your creepy place? You're going to your creepy place again!" Totally cracked me up! :lol:

Can't wait for our upcoming eps...I'm getting excited and impatient and we just had our premiere yesterday, lol! :lol:

**Moriel looks around...I think I'm kinda stalking this thread...lol :lol:...well that and I'm a bit bored waiting for the start of CSI:LV!!**
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