Danny/Lindsay #11 ~ "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

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Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

So many great D/L episodes!! It's so hard just to pick one. I love RSRD and Access. Any episode that D/L are in rocks!
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

spader said:
auda....You Make me wanna do a D/L Mastercard commercial...LOL..

That can be the next promo... :lol: Then we'll really be jumping out of our seats.

I think it was in this thread that someone said something about how in "Heroes" Lindsay said Danny talked about Aiden a lot, so tht must've meant that they talked besides when we see them. I like that thought, it's a happy shippers thought, and it makes me very happy indeed, so kudos to you for whoever made that comment!
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

spader said:
auda....You Make me wanna do a D/L Mastercard commercial...LOL..

LOL! After "Fare Game" when D/L had the bug dinner, I left a message in the D/L thread that to Danny having dinner with Linds was priceless. Inspired, Boleyn came up with this:
Exotic Cuisine: $60
Bet with Mac: $5
Eating with Linds: Priceless

Or something like that. At least I think it was Boleyn...come back Boleyn!

I understand that your ideas are now making it onto t-shirts, Spader! ;)

That can be the next promo... :lol: Then we'll really be jumping out of our seats.

I'm writing Mastercard today to tell them that D/L should be in their next batch of commericals! :D

I think it was in this thread that someone said something about how in "Heroes" Lindsay said Danny talked about Aiden a lot, so tht must've meant that they talked besides when we see them. I like that thought, it's a happy shippers thought, and it makes me very happy indeed, so kudos to you for whoever made that comment!

I always thought that too, Rad. But whoever mentioned it is an outstanding genius!! I know that they must have talked a lot....beyond work maybe?? :devil:

Where's my fluffy twin? Come back, Moriel! Where's Lynn---she's been neglecting me---No pies in my face in a while now! :p

Throws a pie at Lynn while she's sleeping! Ha,ha---you know I heart you.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

I'm here Aud! Hiya hon! :D **hugs to my Fluffy Twin!** Did I hear you ask for pie...lol :lol: Here hon, I can't resist! **Moriel smooshes a very lovely pie into Aud's face as a nice present! :D**
Exotic Cuisine: $60
Bet with Mac: $5
Eating with Linds: Priceless
I LOVE that...that's great! :lol:
You totally should write Mastercard with these Aud! Who cares that only D/L shippers would get them, I still think it'd be awesome! :lol:
And as for D/L talking outside of work...I totally agree, especially I think after they meet at the bar in SOY...after that I'm thinking they made it more of a regular occurrence, ya know...meet after work for dinner or a drink...or whatever :devil: Lol! :lol:

Yeah Aud where has Lynny been? :confused:

Rad Hi hon! Hey so how was the dance? How'd your hair turn out? Was it just like Linds'! :D
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

uh-oh... I have anawesome avvie in mind with that mastercard thing... :D

And Moriel the dance was awesome, and my hair looked like the way her ahir looked in DWF
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Lol, Rad you should totally make one like that! It'd be awesome! :lol: Although I love your avie now too... ;) But yeah the MC one would be too cute! :D

Sweet glad your hair turned out well, that's fabulous for you hon...yay! DWF, I actually haven't seen that ep (sad day I know! :p )...I'll have to go check out a pic so I can really see what it looked like! :D
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

here guys... simple, but yet oh so satisfying...

glad you like the avvie I have now... haven't been able to make up my mind lately... I might change it to this one though... maybe next week when the premiere airs.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Hello All! *Waves*

I love your avvie Rad! It's really cute. And the one you made is cute too! I love the Hugs because she's safe: Priceless That is adorable!
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

That is awesome Rad !

Just think...only one more Wednesday of repeats and then...New and beautiful D/L moments to enjoy! :D :D *stocking up on popcorn and M&M's* Do you think they will have a "squee" worthy moment in the first episode? Or will we have to wait? :(

Okay, who has the whipped cream? And will somebody take the chocolate fudge sauce away from Moriel before she strikes again? :p
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

with Moriel it's hard to tell when she'll strike with that chocolate fudge.

I hope that there's something about the "Still want the ride?" in the first eppy... that was foreshadowing something, so they need to so some closure on that subject.

And glad you guys like that avvie... it makes me laugh.. :lol:
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

I love it Rad totally, totally love it! :D Well done! :lol:
Hugs because she's safe: Priceless That is adorable!
Lol, Hi Smi! yeah isn't that totally cute! :D Rad...was it Aud who originally came up with MC idea...it was wasn't it, or was it you? Now I don't remember...lol! :lol:
CSIfangirl did I hear mention of fudge sauce?!!
**lets out an evil chuckle before grabbing the bottles of sauce away from all her shippy pals and spraying them heavily with chocolatey goodness before sprinting away to safety! :lol:**
Hey Rad hon, I so loved your MC avie, that you inspired me...so here...I made this for ya... :D:
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

yea, now if I could make moving avvies, I would've. Need to learn how to do that... I love it Moriel very well done!
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

I totally wasn't trying to one up you or anything Rad just so ya know! ;) **hugs to my angsty pal!!** I just found a program the other day that does all the work for me...that's the only reason I can make them Rad...lol, I'm pretty uncool :p when it comes to trying to make stuff like that, so the program doing it all was pretty sweet! :lol: It is kinda fun huh...if you want to find a program to help you...go to download.net and then type in GIF Animators and a bunch of programs should come up and then you can pick one and download the trial and you should be able to make moving ones :D
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

freakin' sweet... Moriel I owe you one!

and hugs back, I know you wouldn't try to one up me... throws pie in your face
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Lol, I take it you found the site Rad? Heehee, glad I could help hon! :D Anything for you! :lol:

**ducks the pie and whips back some whipped cream at Rad!**

P.s. Just be fore-warned Rad once you learn how to make the moving avie's they're totally addicting! As you can see, I've made yet another new one! :lol: (It's just SO fun! :D )
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