Danny/Lindsay #11 ~ "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

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Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Somebody ring me?

aww Auda took me off her siggy. Oh well, she knows I'm always rolling my eyes at her.

a D/L memory book?.. go for it, Auda.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

kissing under the mistletoe... I think a round of applause would break out through the lab and they'd do the whole smile-and-laugh-but-continue-to-makeout-cause-it's-oh-so-good thing.
Lol, Rad now that would be cute! :D I'd LOVE that if it happened! **picturing it in my mind...awww, sigh!**
And as for being a computer junkie...sweet! Cool beans I say! :lol:

Aud I thought it was you who came up with the bulletproof idea hon, I spaced for a sec! Yeah it's fabulous...can I steal the idea and make a banner of it? Is that cool with you? :D
And as for a D/L memory book...go for it, I think that's an awesome idea! :D
Somebody ring me?
That'd be me! ;) Hi hon :D

P.s. Okay y'all...I know it's Monday...but seriously where is everyone??
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Hello my second family, hope everyones day was splendid... found my self doodeling in english class today.. and it was def. D/L related... man I'm obsessed. hmmm, off to make avvies!
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Lol, Hiya Rad! D/L doodling huh...sounds like fun to me! Isn't being obsessed fun?! (Yeah I know I'm a bit of a dork, but hey...I enjoy it! :lol: ) And yay for new avies...I made a few myself...I think the newest ones I have are my fav's so far!

S.S. Hiya! Pringles you say? Sure...pass them over :D
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

lol.. I feel happy cause I just filled a request for someone... hopefully they like it... :lol: I fell so powerful muah ha ha ha.... :devil:

And I like your new avvies very much Moriel hre's a pie! *WHAP*

9 daysssss.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

9 days, really?

Mo and Twin, love your banners, they are so cute! Love yalls Avi's too.

Did someone say Pie? *throws pie at the thread*
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

I said Pringles *passes them out*, but I could go for pie

What flavour?
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

*licks off pie from twin*

glad you like the banner... I had fun making it... (it's so fun to say that... :lol:) And twin I'll say it again, you're banner is awesome... I laugh every time I watch it.

hmmmm.... DL QOTD
Do you think thet Linds and Danny would go out on dates or go to each other's houses on dates?
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Moriel is like the greatest person ever! Thanks for the credit---and thanks for the Lindsay letter---she will love it! Remember Anna is our a great ally for our D/L cause! LOL! :D

Good question, Rad. Would they go out on dates or stay at the other's house? Lunch at the lab I say! Jeez, I got nothin' here---I'm drained. :eek:

**throws pie and chunks cookies at nearby shippers! I heart Pringles!**

Why should Danny get all the fun---I say they hire a new lab guy to flirt insessantly with Linds....better yet....where's Pino...runs off to start "Bring Back Pino" campaign before she is harpooned by fellow shippers... :eek:
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Hello! *Dodges all of the pie throwing*

Radical618 said:

hmmmm.... DL QOTD
Do you think thet Linds and Danny would go out on dates or go to each other's houses on dates?

I think they would go out to a restaurant on a date. I think they would save going to each other's houses until they've had more dates.

:lol: Mo I love your avatar! ... Ha ha, it says Mo! I love that!
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Hey guys :(, i finally saw that promo, i love it!!!! there's so much D/L!!!! loving the hug!!!!!

im sry guys, i like totally bring down the mood, whenever i'm here, so maybe i should leave the thread. i'll read it but i won't post, if u don't want me to, and be BRUTALLY HONEST!

:( did u guys lose ne one, on 9/11??? :( i did, sry i shouldn't have said that, but i'm extra sad, cuz i've spent the entire day bawling, hehe:( so yea... sry.... bye :(
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Don't leave Svetlana ! I like reading your posts. I'm sorry that you lost someone on 9/11. *gives Svetlana a big hug and hands her a tissue* No more tears now, we must think of happy things like D/L and making sure our ship sails.

I'm glad that you were finally able to see the promo. I remember when I finally got my computer to work and saw it for the first time...I absolutely flipped out! I go back now almost everyday and watch it when I can. So much wonderful D/L potential. :D

*gathers all the pringles that are being thrown and scurries away to have a snack, but not before tossing a fresh batch of fudge at Moriel * :devil:
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Howdy y'all! Yay people are here! :D :D
And I like your new avvies very much Moriel hre's a pie! *WHAP*
Lol, thanks Rad! I likes them too! :D Ohhhh pie! Yummy, I was wanting some dessert! **licks yummy pie off her face...gotsta love pie!**

Lynn hiya hon! :D Yeah only 9 days, isn't that crazy! Wohoo, single digit days! YAY! :lol: **Moriel starts jumping...oh wait I already was...shrugs...oh well!** Glad you like our avies, I think we've decided to go on an avie making spree...huh, Rad! Lol! :lol:
Do you think thet Linds and Danny would go out on dates or go to each other's houses on dates?
Hmmmm, good question...I say probably out on dates...although I'd LOVE to see them go to eachother's houses... :devil: yeah baby! :devil:
Moriel is like the greatest person ever! Thanks for the credit
Lol, Aud Hi!! I adore you honey :lol: You're fabulous! :D And of course I gave you credit, you came up with the brilliant idea...I wasn't gonna just jack it from you ;)
Why should Danny get all the fun---I say they hire a new lab guy to flirt insessantly with Linds....better yet....where's Pino...runs off to start "Bring Back Pino" campaign before she is harpooned by fellow shippers...
Audacity! (Lol, I couldn't resist, kinda like when your mom uses your full name and you know you're in trouble! :p ) But seriously... Aud ya gotta stick with me here Fluffy Twin, don't get all angsty on me okay! Our ship is gonna sail okay...don't give up on it hon! :D

Smi! Hiya...yeah I put "Mo" in my avie...it makes me laugh every time I see it! :D Yay for nicknames huh ;)

Awwww Svet, yay that your finally saw the promo, cool beans! It's great huh...I'm totally loving it! :D And as for bringing the mood down, you're not bringing us down hon...it's a sad day for alot of people...it's okay to mention that...at least I say. ;) **here, hugs to you to make you feel better after crying all the day though!**

CSIfangirl lol... **catches flying fudge in her mouth...** Yummy! :D Thanks! :lol: **looks around and then tosses chocolate chip cookie dough right back at CSIfangirl!!**
9 days, 9 days, yay, yay for 9 days!!! :lol: :lol:
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