Danny/Lindsay #11 ~ "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

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Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Moriel21 said:
Pizza lol, yeah Linds would be all over Danny if he were dressed like that! Heehee :D

Mis Wow, yeah Linds should totally dress like that! Lol...the girl is hot! :devil: I think Danny would have a minor coronary when he saw her like that...and then he'd grab her and shove her up against the nearest wall! :devil:

Hmmm, yeah I see this as a good thing...Linds is opening up to Danny that's good. And yeah I could see this leading into something about Linds' past...which is good, but angsty and that makes me sad. But at the same time I want to know what's in her past and I know it will probably lead to Danny being there for her and comforting her and that is always good...so I guess I have to take some angst to get the good stuff, lol! Yay for more D/L goodness though...maybe we'll get a hug this episode...ya know Linds has issues with mothers...and then Danny asks why, leads to tears or something and Danny hugs Linds to comfort her...works for me! My fingers are crossed for this!

It needs to be the premiere already y'all...really, really needs to be here! Lol, I'm getting more and more impatient! :lol:

**Moriel paces up and down...is it here yet? Is it here yet? Is it here yet?! :lol:**

That picture of Anna is from "The Handler".

I hope that Danny and Lindsay really open up to each other this season!!
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

*waves to everyone in the thread*
I am back, if only for a few moments to drop in and share some stuff. First off, Moriel: thank you for the comment! I ADORE Wicked, and am so excited because it's coming to the Tampa Theatre on March 9th, and I am going to see it! :D

Second off, my snow!fluff fic is finally finished and up right here. So, please check it out and leave lots of nice comments either here or over at FF.net!

Thirdly, I like the spoilers for the episode. I believe that we are going to see a growing relationship between Danny & Lindsay next season, in terms of them developing their own understanding of each other. I think that what I like most about the two of them is that they know when to joke around with each other, but they also know how to be serious and work-oriented, when need be.

I was curious about this today, and so I thought I would bring this up. My question is, say that Danny & Lindsay eventually started dating, and finally were up to the 'I love you' point in the relationship. Who would say it first? And HOW would they say it? I have a couple of scenarios running through my mind, but feel free to comment with your own:

A) In a fight. Wouldn't it be just comedic to see Danny and Lindsay have a heated argument and then one of them suddenly say it?

Lindsay: I can't believe you back there, Danny! What the heck was that all about?
Danny: Why are you yelling at me? I was just doing my job!
Lindsay: Well, you could try being a little bit nicer sometimes, Danny. Just because he's a suspect doesn't mean he's guilty. God, you are such a jerk sometimes.
Danny: Well, you're not perfect either!
Lindsay: Well at least I'm not egotistical like YOU!
Danny: Well, you know what?! I love you!
Lindsay: [blinks and is silent for a moment] What?

I think that would be funny to see happen. :p

B) Sap, sap, sap, sap. Candlelight dinners, romantic moments, roses, *gagging noises made by the co-workers of the two* LOL. This one needs no example. You know what I mean.

C) Something totally out-of-the-blue. You know, like they don't even think about what they're saying.

Lindsay: [rushes into the room] Have you got my DNA results, Danny?
Danny: Yeah, they're right over there.
Lindsay: [reads and smiles] Yes. We have a winner. I love you right about now.
Danny: [raises eyebrows]
Lindsay: Uh, what I meant was that...nevermind. [smiles and walks out of the room]
Danny: [grins]

Yeah, so those just ran through my mind.
Come up with your own and comment with 'em.
Oh! And one other question: (as we seem to have been on the subject of a DL wedding) how do you think Danny would propose?

Well, I am off to bed now guys.
Have a wonderful day/night/weekend (wherever you are!)

Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

I'm wondering about Lindsay's past.

I wonder if Lindsay had some issue with children in the past as a CSI in Montana. Maybe she could not save the life of a child so maybe that's why she may want Danny to talk to the mother

I'm wondering how Danny will respond to Lindsay this season. Will they finally admit that they have feelings for each other? I can't wait! :)
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Howdy my shippy lovelies! **waves and giggles!** I just love this ship it is so fabulous! :lol: We are SOOOO gonna set sail this season, I KNOW it! :D

Jenn hey hon! :D Lol, great question...hmmm who would say I love you first...I think my favorite scenario was something like the fight one you said. I came up with one similair to that for Mac and Stella...and I just love that idea! Like they're arguing about a case, Danny thinks it happened one way and Linds is sure it happened another...and finally Linds get's fed up and without thinking turns to Danny and goes "Gah sometimes I really don't know why I love you!" :lol: Or another one I like...more fluffy than an arguement...Danny is working on a case and he is totally stumped, and then Linds comes in for something else, takes a quick look over his shoulder, and goes "Oh it's this..." and solves it for him...and without thinking Danny grins at her and goes "And that is why I love you!" :D I could live with either one of those! Awww who am I kidding...if we got either of those I'd be jumping up and down and yelling for joy at the top of my lungs! :lol: :lol:

And Vex I totally think they will finally admit their feelings for eachother! And I think Danny will react very well to Linds this season! :devil: :lol:

Ahhh...I so cannot wait for the new season...okay, gotta calm down...calm down... **deep breaths....in, out....in, out....still got a few weeks to wait Moriel...calm down....** Lol, okay I think I need to go watch more Seas. 2 eps...to distract myself until our premiere!

P.s. D/L is SOOO doing it! :devil: :lol:
**Moriel flings lovely pie at all her shippy pals and runs off to her bubble to stare at D/L hot pics for the next 4 weeks!**
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

iheartnickcath said:
Yeah Auda wrote a D/L wedding fic. I stole it outta her notebook and I added an angsty twist for the fun of it.

My wedding fic was full of angst until Iheart added some fluff...she's a closet fluffy...I had to go back and add the angst... :p

Yeah, D/L is throwing Em a going away party. They said they wanted Em to feel the love. :D ...

Em's going away?? Okay, did I miss a post or two??:confused: :(

Okay, if Mac Daddy gets to take pics in bed with lovey dovey chick and Stella gets to roll around with that creep in bed...what about D/L?? Yes, I know we don't really need a bed scene..but I feel like they are getting left out of the fun...I don't want a soap opera here, but hey...I think maybe I just want to see Danny with his shirt off...or more...bed scene's the perfect reason for that :devil:...Lindsay could take pics and send them to us...hmmm?? :lol:....As for slutty, flirty chick...down with her...who's gonna take her down first?? Lynn, you hold her down...Rad grab her legs...Moriel and I will take care of her! :mad:

Okay, who's gonna write a D/L porn flick?? If we can't have some risque stuff on the small screen, let's have it in fan fiction! We're going to need smut to help us make it through the last 30 or so days before the premiere...well, at least Moriel and I will. I can't speak for Lynn---she's an angel who doesn't like smut or porn or that naughty stuff... :lol:

Who's game?? :confused: :devil:
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

I will not help with any smut. I don't read it, even though I like to go to the gutter, reading it makes me uncomfortable.

And I will say it again. We do NOT need a bed scene between Danny and Lindsay. I would prefer for there not to be any on this show.

How would Danny propose? I don't know. I think it would be something different.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"


It's a joke...it's not real...I don't think anyone wants to see D/L reduced to smut and look like two horny kids. ;)

I could see Danny proposing all the sudden----like he didn't even know he was going to---it's just something he had to suddenly do. I could see him getting down on one knee after work or out somewhere in public. He wouldn't care if he embarrassed himself. Lindsay would be suprised but love how sweet the moment was...:)
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Auda has a weird sense of humor really. I don't think D/L will become a bunch of smut ridden ppl. Its nice for fanfic though. Shut up Auda, It does!

I see him doing it someplace out in public, like a romantic dinner... I did not just say that.

*waves to all my angsty!twins, and angsty!friends, and fluffy!friends, and minions, and fluffykins!*
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Aud hey honey! :D Lol, I totally agree... Lynn is a closet fluffy! ;) She just can't admit it :lol:
And yeah I didn't know Em was goin' away either...what's up with that? Em where you going? :confused: :(
And Aud anything that has Danny shirtless, I am TOTALLY okay with that! :devil: And hey if he happened to be shirtless in bed...well I can't say I'd complain! :devil: :D And as for D/L smut...um yeah I would LOVE more of that! :devil: I mean um...yeah sure whatever...I guess some more D/L smut would help me pass the time until the premiere...but it's not like I'm salivating over the thought of that or anything... :lol:
( Aud quick help me out here...I'm revealing gutter!whore tendencies! :lol:) Oh and as for the beatdown of slutty girl...hell yes I am all over that! Rad, Lynn you two hold her down...me and Aud are so taking her out!! :D

Lol, Lynn yup Aud does have a fabulous sense of humor...loved that "Lynn is an angel" line....you'd think she didn't know you were a Gutter!Buddy...but I know! :devil: You cannot fool me! :lol:
And I caught that "romantic dinner" suggestion Lynny you are SO a closet fluffy...I knew it!! :D Heehee! Awwww... **huggles to you!**

And Pizza no worries hon...D/L won't be reduced to horny smutty folks on the show...(that's just in our imaginations :devil: ) I think the most we'll get in that area is some kissing and a hug. I think they'll stay mostly classy :D
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

LadeeBear said:
*waves to everyone in the thread*
I am back, if only for a few moments to drop in and share some stuff. First off, Moriel: thank you for the comment! I ADORE Wicked, and am so excited because it's coming to the Tampa Theatre on March 9th, and I am going to see it! :D

Second off, my snow!fluff fic is finally finished and up right here. So, please check it out and leave lots of nice comments either here or over at FF.net!

Thirdly, I like the spoilers for the episode. I believe that we are going to see a growing relationship between Danny & Lindsay next season, in terms of them developing their own understanding of each other. I think that what I like most about the two of them is that they know when to joke around with each other, but they also know how to be serious and work-oriented, when need be.

I was curious about this today, and so I thought I would bring this up. My question is, say that Danny & Lindsay eventually started dating, and finally were up to the 'I love you' point in the relationship. Who would say it first? And HOW would they say it? I have a couple of scenarios running through my mind, but feel free to comment with your own:

A) In a fight. Wouldn't it be just comedic to see Danny and Lindsay have a heated argument and then one of them suddenly say it?

Lindsay: I can't believe you back there, Danny! What the heck was that all about?
Danny: Why are you yelling at me? I was just doing my job!
Lindsay: Well, you could try being a little bit nicer sometimes, Danny. Just because he's a suspect doesn't mean he's guilty. God, you are such a jerk sometimes.
Danny: Well, you're not perfect either!
Lindsay: Well at least I'm not egotistical like YOU!
Danny: Well, you know what?! I love you!
Lindsay: [blinks and is silent for a moment] What?

I think that would be funny to see happen. :p

B) Sap, sap, sap, sap. Candlelight dinners, romantic moments, roses, *gagging noises made by the co-workers of the two* LOL. This one needs no example. You know what I mean.

C) Something totally out-of-the-blue. You know, like they don't even think about what they're saying.

Lindsay: [rushes into the room] Have you got my DNA results, Danny?
Danny: Yeah, they're right over there.
Lindsay: [reads and smiles] Yes. We have a winner. I love you right about now.
Danny: [raises eyebrows]
Lindsay: Uh, what I meant was that...nevermind. [smiles and walks out of the room]
Danny: [grins]

Yeah, so those just ran through my mind.
Come up with your own and comment with 'em.
Oh! And one other question: (as we seem to have been on the subject of a DL wedding) how do you think Danny would propose?

Well, I am off to bed now guys.
Have a wonderful day/night/weekend (wherever you are!)


C. That's the kind of moment I LOVE!!!
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Good morning all my shippy pals...Happy Friday! :D **Moriel looks around for a minute...shrugs...sprays the whole thread with a thick layer of whipped cream and fudge sauce!** Where is everyone? Aud, Lynn, Rad, Smiliee, Vex, Allie, Jenn, Em....anyone? Are y'all being good and responsible...working or going to school unlike me who is being a bum and hanging out in this thread all day? :lol: :lol: Well if y'all are doing that...then well done to you :D

Well since I'm here and not working or going to school I thought I'd check on D/L in the Broom Closet...yes we did return them to the closet after Aud's lovely dinner on the roof! (Well done on that dinner by the way Aud honey! D/L let me taste it after they were done and it was great! :lol: :lol:) Anyway...I checked on them and they're definitely making the most of these last few weeks before the premiere...they's getting busy! :devil: :devil: D/L babies anyone? :D

I feel like we should have a question or two...but for the moment I can't think of a fluffy question, well or an angsty one for that matter either... Aud help!! You have any questions? :lol:

What is it now y'all...32 days left! Only 4 Wed's YAY!!! :D

**Moriel skips out...tossing key lime pie as she goes!**
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Allie's online. I'm afraid I've got her slaving away on one of our rp games so she probably hasn't had time to post. *sheepish look* I must be the evil admin. I've been on here talking to you guys and she's on the CSI Chicago game writing a case for us.
As for school...I don't go on Fridays. Longer Thursdays no Fridays.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Hi Hi Hi :) - *waves and grins at all my lovely D/L friends * and how are we all today? * hands out the D/L cookies and cakes, with little Hershey kisses * What's that? Only 4 Wednesdays left? *squee* :D Yes, I know! How fantastic! :p

Okay, and on to the real meat: man, I haven't posted in a while, since like page 2 :eek:...y'all miss me? haha, j/k, anyway :lol: ...to weigh in on topic -

I think Danny would propose/tell her he loves her in a public place, most likely the lab, and I think it would be rather informal - meaning no candlelight dinner or prep plans. I think Danny will be the first to say "I love you". And I think that Danny will say it as a mixture of Jenn's A and B choices: he'd be in a fight with Lindsay over something, and it would be lab related. Like:

D: (groans and begs Lindsay) Please, Montana, you can't do that. It's too dangerous!
L: (rolls her eyes) I'm doing it whether you like it or not. We need to catch this guy. Besides you can't tell me what I can and can't do, you're not in charge of me!
D: (frustrated and upset!) No, I'm not in charge with you, but I love you, Lindsay!
L: (Stares at him) Wow!

- then they would sort of devolve into making out and getting busy * squee and grin * oh wait, that was just my imagination! hehe :devil: :D

anyway, moving on: I was reading some articles today and I decided that instead of thinking of D/L moments from S2 as just flirtations or lovey moments, I'm going to refer to them as "Intellectual Foreplay". ;) That way I reflect my positive attitude that they WILL get together. :D * sighs dreaming of D/L canon goodness * ;)

I do have a question for everyone. :D As we all know, everyone looks for different characteristics in relationships, and as we all know, there are certain values people claim as being the most important to have in a relationship to make it longlasting. So! The question is....* drumroll *:

What do you think D would consider the most important value in a relationship (with anyone, ex. include: trust, honesty, etc.)?
What do you think L would consider the most important value in a relationship (with anyone, etc.)?
Oh, and if possible, cite maybe a scene or two that supports your choice, e.g. if you pick trust for D, cite a scene where you think it shows him really valuing that...

I'm so interested and excited to see what you all come up with. :D On a sorta OT note: I love the music that plays when they're doing their kickass science-y scenes, I wish that would happen in real life! :lol: As someone who actually works in a lab, I wish we had cool tunes like that that played when we were working! Haha * giggles at her own dorkiness !* :lol: Oh and I saw a website that said "Have fun with Montana!" but it wasn't about CSI:NY or L at all, but it made me think of D/L sweetness ... :D

:lol: * waves adios, blows kisses, gives hugs and cookies and pies and chocolate to all, smiling a D/L grin before heading to get ready for work * :D

~*~ Mad

(does double take) "Well Hello, Ms. Monroe!" Danny Messer
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Danny would consider someone sticking with him through hard times a valuable trait in a relationship (and Lindsay's done that time after time.) And Lindsay...she wants to fall in love with someone she wouldn't expect to. And what tough Montana girl would expect to fall in love with a stereotypical Staten Island guy who calls her Montana and thinks(at first) that she's not so tough because she wasn't raised in New York. That's my opinion anyway. Maybe I misread them.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

okay so I've been gone for 10 years... Hope everyone is good! Waves to Twins and Moriel The premiere is so closssse! I'm so excited! DL=Life-- Not Gonna Lie!
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