Danny/Lindsay #11 ~ "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

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Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"


I'm sorry that you didn't make first cut. :( Here, have a cheesecake! :)

Oh, that what stays in Vegas thing...pretty spicy. I don't watch LV enough---*runs from Lynn* (that's because I am usually in class)---but I agree with Pizzapie that you don't need all the details to enjoy an episode. It would be interesting to see Mac send Danny and Lindsay to LV for a case. I could see this happening:

Silly Scenarios:
A gang of gamblers/thieves start on a murder spree in Atlantic City from there they head to NY, and then it's off to LV. D/L are sent to assist LV in their investigation. D/L investigate several gambling casinos. Craziness ensues. Danny bets that Lindsay will lose at the slot machine. She wants them to focus on the case. He flirts with a showgirl. Lindsay is pissed. Lindsay sets out to prove to the jerk that she can handle the slot machines but also the 'tables.' Lindsay doesn't want to leave the casinos. But frankly she's become a little too attached to gambling. Danny scoopes her up and takes her back to the hotel. He then proceeds to kiss her madly----losing the 'jerk' status.... :devil:

Okay so that's stupid...well, she could flirt with Greg. Danny gets jealous gets drunk, almost sleeps with a slutty showgirl...then comes knocking on Lindsay's hotel room in the middle of the night...for some strange reason he's wearing an Elvis costume...complete with dorky sunglasses. JK!

I would love to see Danny acting like Thumpy G, while Linds and Cath discuss Montana---hilarious. :)

For some reason I see Danny and Lindsay being pushed into a pool by a suspect---then suddenly kissing each other madly in the pool. Then they have to dry each other off! :devil:

Lynn, stop blaming me. You know that you accidentally misplaced the invitations. Now you are blaming me! BOO! :p

HI fluffy twin! :D

EDIT:Vex, if Danny flirted with Cath---Nick would punch his lights out! And then Lindsay would punch Danny's lights out too! Personally, I think Nick and Lindsay would get along great---country people! Love it! ;)

Okay, we gotta make longer, more relevant posts. :) So we probably need to come up with some more questions. I loved the LV question. What else can we come up with?
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

audacity said:
Danny bets that Lindsay will lose at the slot machine. ... Lindsay is pissed. Lindsay sets out to prove to the jerk that she can handle the slot machines but also the 'tables.'

I could see this. Danny thinks his "Montana" is too innocent to know how to gamble- so she proceeds to show him how experienced she is (for some reason, she knows how to gamble, or maybe she just gets lucky!).

I don't think Lindsay is really all that innocent. She had no qualms about asking about the "Walrus Documentary", flat out asked if anonymous phone calls (I know she didn't see the appeal of phone sex, but I doubt a lot of people do).
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

i'm having a party? wait! does this mean you guys are coming with me to arkansas! *looks hopeful then face falls*

don't worry, i'm sure i'll be mighty bored, and write some nice DL for you guys while i'm there.

back on topic:

i wasn't saying big things with the whole Thumpy G things. besides i would read too much into it and see it anyway, so the writers don't even have to realize it was there. i was just thinking it would be a cool thing for the fans. and i happen to agree on the fact that if danny flirted with cath, lindsay would definitely kick his ass. she's got to keep her maureen in line. can't have him running off with every montana girl he sees.

as for lindsay's innocence...i refuse to comment. not until i know a little more about her backstory. because people can very well act a certain way without letting in on different things about themselves. it can actually be a very useful skill. i could very well see lindsay pulling the innocent good cop with a perp, while danny or flack played bad cop, and then it easily flipping the other way around. so, again, no comment.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Lol, yeah I agree with y'all I think it'd be better if Mac sent Danny and Linds to Vegas...and they run into Cath there! And yeah I could see Cath and Linds reminiscing about horses and country life and then Nick joining in and poor Danny feels left out...( **gasps!** wait that sounded vaguely angsty! Lynn you're rubbing off on me! :lol:) But then of course I'd have Linds comfort him and kiss his jealousy away! :devil:

Pizza yeah I agree...I could see Danny thinking Linds doesn't know how to gamble or is too "innocent" to do well...so they go to a casino and Linds proceeds to be brilliant at poker, and wins all Danny's money! That'd be awesome...I'd love to see that! :D

Pssssttt Jenn...I LOVE your avie! Wicked, rocks! :D

What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas!
LOL, that is SOOO true! And they would so take advantage of that... :devil: D/L's hooking up in Vegas! :devil: And it wouldn't really stay in Vegas...cuz we all know they are doing it....in Vegas, back home, in the lab...in the broom closet...heck everywhere! :devil:

Lol, Vex I am SOOOO ready for the premiere to be here! It should be here today...right now! :D Now, now, now...yay! :D

Aud I just adore you! :D You're post sounded a bit like you were on caffeine chica...lol! :lol: But it's A-okay...cuz it made me laugh and that's always good! ;) I like all the fabulous scenarios by the way...and I love how all of them end with D/L making out! Now that is totally how all D/L interactions should end! :devil: I especially liked the kissing madly in the pool...sounds good to me...MMM, Danny soaking wet...Oh dear... **Moriel fades off into the gutter at that thought...drooling and grinning madly!** Thanks for that thought Aud that just makes me happy! :D

Okay fogi is that nice and long enough? :lol: JK hon! :D **hugs to you fogi!**

**Moriel tosses whipped cream at everyone and skips out!**
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

I like the idea where the dark thing in Lindsay's past is tied somehow to Catherine. It would make a crossover so much more plausible! :)
I need to watch more CSI's!!!! :mad: I've never even heard of Thumpy G. Dang it...I need more money, to buy the DVD's of course, and more time, to watch the DVD's :(...I need some M$M's...can someone pass the whipped cream please? :)
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

**Passes the whipped cream to CSIfanaticgirl** here ya go!

I loved Carmine as ThumpyG, he was adorable! It's funny because that was was when Catherine was questioning him and he got districted, and Catherine called him "Thumper". It was hilarious because of the look he had on his face.

I would love to have a suspect be in LV and have the suspect be connected to Lindsay. It would be a interesting scenenerio and then Danny could comfort Lindsay like she was there for him in "RSRD".

Actually I would love for all the CSI to have a triple crossover.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Moriel, I just had to come up with something crazy. You know I need the season to be here!

I'm not sure if I will submit my D/L wedding fic that I wrote a while back. I've seen other wedding fics and I'm not sure if my ideas are all that original---even though I wrote it a long time ago---every one's into the wedding thing this time of year! I didn't realize! LOL! Cool!

D/L wedding---sounds so wonderful! :)

I would love to see Lindsay's past somehow connected with Catherine's that would be a new twist...I know Danny would be there for her if anything ever came out about it!
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

I wonder how Lindsay would react if she saw Danny in this outfit:

Thumpy G
Thumpy G 1

Btw, the crossover story is coming along nicely, and I think that the first 2 chapter should be finished by the end of the day (it's 4pm now). Hopefully, I'll finish this one, because I still have one CSI/Wet wing crossover to finish, which makes me sad. Because I got great reviews on that one...

The new season is coming quickly, which makes me very happy! I'm already looking forward to new DL moments that we'll get. And a LV/NY crossover should really happen, since it's the only one that still hasn't been made. Great opportunity for Danny to get jealous. It doesn't matter of who: Nick, Greg..it would still be a great thing! He always appears like jealousy is not his thing, but I think that Lindsay is the woman who can bring out those emotious out of him.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Morning shippy pals! :D **waves!**
Great opportunity for Danny to get jealous. It doesn't matter of who: Nick, Greg..it would still be a great thing! He always appears like jealousy is not his thing, but I think that Lindsay is the woman who can bring out those emotious out of him.
Mis I agree...I think Linds is just the girl to bring out all the romantic, jealous, sweet and every other emotion like it in Danny! And while I'm not exactly a fan of jealous Danny (what?! I'm a fluffy!)...as long as it ended with Danny making up and out with Linds then I guess I could deal with it :D
And Mis those pics are awesome! I would love to see Danny dress like that again...even just for fun! Ohhh, or undercover! Now that would be fun! D/L goes undercover together....Danny dresses up like that and Linds...hmmm what would Linds dress like then? :D

Aud I like your something crazy, it's quite fun! :D And yeah I'm totally with ya the new season really needs to be here already, dang it! :D
Awww Aud you wrote a wedding fic? Yay! Now you have to share it...you told us about it...now I wanna read it!! Oh please, oh please! D/L wedding...cliched or not...it'd be fabulous I just knows it! :D Please fluffy honey!
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

OMG, Lindsay would be all over Danny if he were dressed like that. *fans self*

Apparently Danny and Lindsay are working together. Seems like there going to have to break bad news to a mother, and Lindsay asks Danny to do it becuase she has a hard time with mothers. Hopefully this is a good thing, at least on the D/L front, Lindsay is opening up to Danny. Semi-good news on the Smacked front, too, apparently Mac and Stella are going to have a conversation about church.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Moriel21 said: Now that would be fun! D/L goes undercover together....Danny dresses up like that and Linds...hmmm what would Linds dress like then? :D

Well, how about a waitress? :D
Imagine Danny's face when he sees her like this:
Lindsay as a waitress (from Medical investigation)

I think the rumors are great. It's obvious that Linsay is really opening up to Danny. And there's no way that he will let that be. he will ask her about it and I think that is the episode we will see a part of Lindsay's past.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Pizza lol, yeah Linds would be all over Danny if he were dressed like that! Heehee :D

Mis Wow, yeah Linds should totally dress like that! Lol...the girl is hot! :devil: I think Danny would have a minor coronary when he saw her like that...and then he'd grab her and shove her up against the nearest wall! :devil:

Hmmm, yeah I see this as a good thing...Linds is opening up to Danny that's good. And yeah I could see this leading into something about Linds' past...which is good, but angsty and that makes me sad. But at the same time I want to know what's in her past and I know it will probably lead to Danny being there for her and comforting her and that is always good...so I guess I have to take some angst to get the good stuff, lol! Yay for more D/L goodness though...maybe we'll get a hug this episode...ya know Linds has issues with mothers...and then Danny asks why, leads to tears or something and Danny hugs Linds to comfort her...works for me! My fingers are crossed for this!

It needs to be the premiere already y'all...really, really needs to be here! Lol, I'm getting more and more impatient! :lol:

**Moriel paces up and down...is it here yet? Is it here yet? Is it here yet?! :lol:**
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

The cap Misery posted is from "The Handler." Danny wouldn't be able to control himself if Lindsay dressed like that. He'd *gets smacked by the PG-13ometer)

Looks like Danny and Lindsay are working the A case- the vic is a country girl who needed to get away. Looks like Lindsay does share a moment with the mother, don't know exactly why. The vic is a member of this group, who are all suspects at first. At the end, Danny goes to tell them they're free, and one tries to pick him up, and he turns her down! You can PM for more information.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Yeah Auda wrote a D/L wedding fic. I stole it outta her notebook and I added an angsty twist for the fun of it.

Svets you know we love you. Seriously. :D

EDIT:Vex, if Danny flirted with Cath---Nick would punch his lights out! And then Lindsay would punch Danny's lights out too! Personally, I think Nick and Lindsay would get along great---country people! Love it!

:lol: Auda I can actually see of that happening really. :D

Yeah, D/L is throwing Em a going away party. They said they wanted Em to feel the love. :D ...

You all will be glad to know, I have to fics on the way. Just gotta type them. ;)
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

*Waves* Hey, y'all! I've missed you!

Interesting spoilers.

I find it very odd that Lindsay has an interesting relationship with her mother. I would have thought she would have had an interesting relationshp with her dad. But that's only because of what she said in Stealing Home. I hope that it has to do with her secret though because the fact that they haven't said much about it (well, they haven't said anything) is really starting to bug me!

Ha ha! That would be so cool if Cath and Linds met each other before they became CSIs!
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