Danny/Lindsay #11 ~ "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

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Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Hmmm...I have to say, great question. A lot to thing about here...

Well, I think that Danny seeks someone who will let him have his space when he needs it and who will know how to deal with his colorful personality.
The example...well, I think that Danny is the kind of guy who keeps his shield up in the beginning of the relationship and he has a hard time crossing the line between two points: lovers and love. HIs conversation with Hawkes proves that.
And I also think that when he's the one "chasing", "seeking" the other person, he likes to be the one in control, but only because he doesn't like the feeling of being lost.

The thing that intrigues him the most, also scares him.

(OK, look at me going all psychological on poor Danny...)

As for Lindsay, I think that she wants something dangerous but safe at the same time, like Danny. He can be unpredictable, but also, she can always rely on him to ask her "what's wrong" when she's feeling down.

Big wave to all of you!!!
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Awesome questions, Mad! Awesome responses Misery and Dannyfangirl---I agree!

What is "D" need or what does he look for in a relationship?:

Danny needs trust above anything else. He needs to know that someone will 'have his back.' He has had issues with trusting his brother and he had a horrible experience with the cabbie back when he was 10 (Dove Commission). He needs to know that he can trust someone physically and emotionally. I don't think that Danny is a player, but I think he has had quite a few sexual relationships. I think deeper intimacy issues (marriage talk "Til Death Us Do Part" and then the cuddling issue) keep him from forming lasting relationships. But if he can trust someone, I think that he would put his whole heart into that relationship.

What does Lindsay need in a relationship?:

She's a little bit tougher to read. I think monogamy and honesty are important to her. I don't think that Lindsay would want a relationship that was not grounded in honesty or committment. I think also that Lindsay needs to know the every aspect about something before she can accept it. She needs information----she needs to know how something works. She needs to know people's motivation ("Stealing Home") before she can put everything that she has into a relationship. She wants to know that the man she is with will be honest and that he will remain true to her. She might be apprehensive at first until she knows that a man will communicate with her and be honest about his feelings. Once that happens, I think she will put everything that she has into that relationship.

I think that they are both intrigued by the other and their differences. Danny sort of represents 'New York' to Lindsay---he's almost kind of the bad boy of the crime lab. He has a sexual energy that fascinating, but yet has a sensitive side that intriguing as well. Lindsay represents a different "America" to Danny. Sometimes Lindsay surprises him. He was dumbfounded by her when she took her shoes off in "COD." A sign of respect to Lindsay, Danny saw it as sort of corny. But I think he likes that. She's sort of the girl next door to him. But yet, he's so damn curious to see what's lurking behind 'good girl's door.' LOL!

I had more, but my time got erased....It was a beauty. But I'm too tired try and retype it!! ;)
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Meaning in Auda speak, that she really doesn't remember what she was actually typing and its really a miracle that she did typed all of that.

Anyways, being the little angsty person that I am. I'm stealing Auda's answers and using them as my own.

Heres to waiting for the premiere!

*waves to all the angsty's, fluffy's, twins, minions, and Fluffykins, and D/L peoples
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

^What? I've written longer ones, dude! Iheart you. So you're stealing my ideas---hmmm....I guess they must be okay then.

Basically what this D/L thing amounts to----they were meant to find each---I think they have been looking for each other their wholes---but didn't know it! Okay, so that's my opinion. Maybe not everyone will agree. Or maybe all this city boy---country girl stuff amounts to one thing---they just really wanna jump each other's bones! LOL!JK!
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

audacity said:
^What? I've written longer ones, dude! Iheart you. So you're stealing my ideas---hmmm....I guess they must be okay then.

Yeah, so you have... :p .. They really are. yes.

Basically what this D/L thing amounts to----they were meant to find each---I think they have been looking for each other their wholes---but didn't know it! Okay, so that's my opinion. Maybe not everyone will agree. Or maybe all this city boy---country girl stuff amounts to one thing---they just really wanna jump each other's bones! LOL!JK!

Man, you really are a fluffy, aren't you? ....Now thats more like it! :devil:
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

**Moriel bounces in...reads posts...and grins!** YAY people! :lol: :lol: **waves!** Hi y'all! :D

Mad HI!!! Of course we have missed you...you never fail to make me smile with your awesome enthusiam and fabulous posts...I love them! **hugs to you!**
Nice "I love you" scenario there...that was great! And I agree I think it would go down something like that...and I love the "making out and gettin' busy!" :devil: Lol, sounds like a good plan to me! ;)
As for your question...wow, that's a really good question actually...hmmm, I'll have to think about that for a minute here....(first though...you work in a lab? Really? That's cool! Like as a CSI lab person? Cuz if so...I'm totally jealous! :lol: )
Okay back to your question....Hmmmm, I like both Mis & Aud's answers alot...those are some really good points you both made. For Danny, Aud I like that you said trust and I almost went with that too...but I think I'm gonna spin it a little ans say he needs loyalty. And I think loyalty implies trust...but I think it goes beyond that, because trust you know you can trust someone with your fears and secrets...and I think loyalty takes that a step further and says not only can you trust me with your fears and your secrets but I will stand by you, protect you, and love you when those fears and secrets come back to confront you. (I think an example of this is in RSRD-love this ep!-first where Linds comes to Danny first about the cig butt, and then when she watches him get his gun taken away..you can feel her thinking "I will prove you are innocent, I will!", and then again later at the end figuring out the tape and showing him right away-this is implied but I choose to see it that way!- I think these are all good examples of Linds proving she is loyal to Danny!)

As for Linds...hmmm...I think I agree with Aud here, I think she needs to know the real motives and feelings that drive someone....needs to know for sure that the person is sincere and means what they say and is genuine. For example when (and yes I do mean when!) Danny says "I love you" to Linds I think it will be very important to her that he is sincere and really means that...I mean obviously...but I really think she does not like pretense and not knowing...as we can see in Stealing Home where knowing the killers reason was so important to her. So I think once she knows Danny really loves her, I think she will throw herself into the relationship with all she has. The thing with this is...it opens the door for all the kinds of angst I hate, because I could see Linds' needing Danny to "prove" he loves her...and that always leads to angst.
But yeah...so Mad those are some of my rambling thoughts on that! :D Again, great question! And Aud, Mis y'alls answers were fabulous... Mis I loved how went all psychological on Danny...I have a psych degree so I totally feel ya doing that! :lol: And Aud I just adore you :D **snuggles my fluffy pal!**

Lynn Hi! You crack me up...lol! :lol: **hugs to my friend...the angsty thief! Heehee!! :lol: :lol:**

RAD!!!! YAY, my angst pal came back!! Hi Honey! I missed you! **Hugs to my fabulous angsty pal!!** Glad to see you back...yay! :D
Or maybe all this city boy---country girl stuff amounts to one thing---they just really wanna jump each other's bones! LOL!JK!
Lol, Aud sounds like a fabulous plan to me! :lol: Then again, heck anything that involves them jumping eachothers bones is a plan I Love! :devil: **high five to you fluffy bad girl!**

And Lynn yeah she's pretty much fluffy through and through...and I say Yay to that! :D :D

Pssstt... DB you there? SG-1 tonight...Jack's back!!! I have pics if you want them...pm me if you do!!

**Moriel skips out to her D/L gutter bubble...slinging jello as she goes!**
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

What Danny wants- Danny will want someone who can support him through tough times. He's also going to want someone that will not leave him during hard times- which for him will go far towards proving they really WANT a relationship with him, not just a one night stand. (like Lindsay did in RSRD)

I think Lindsay really needs for the person to be honest and trustworthy. She'd want Danny to be above anything willing to come to her about something, even though I think she would less willing to.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

I can't believe the change that I have seen since seeing Danny in season 1 and seeing him with Lindsay in season 2. It is two different Dannys. When he is around Lindsay he relaxed, and he spends his time trying to please her. I don't want to say that he was selfish in season 1, but didn't want to listen to Mac in "On the Job" and he was a bit reckless. When he is around Lindsay, he does more now to be a equal to her and he is pulling out all the stops to make her happy.

And I love it! ;)

I have a update for "Black eyes, blue tears." Right here
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

I have to agree with you vexus, he does seem to have changed since season one. I think that he acts like more of a gentelman when he's around her. He opens doors for her and he tries to make her happy. And I like that a lot about him, he's more caring. I think he's matured a little more since season one, too.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Pizza, Vex, Smiliee Hi!! **waves!**
Sadly I have not seen Season 1 yet...due to the fact that I'm broke and I can't find them to rent anywhere :(...so I can't say that I think he's all that different this season versus last season...I'll take y'alls word for it! :D
When he is around Lindsay, he does more now to be a equal to her and he is pulling out all the stops to make her happy.
I definitely agree with that Vex he definitely seems like he is trying to show her he cares about her and wants her to feel safe and comfortable and at home with him...and of course special to him! ;)
I think that he acts like more of a gentelman when he's around her. He opens doors for her and he tries to make her happy.
Yeah, again I don't know how he was in season 1, but he is very kind and gentlemanly towards Linds, I will give him that for sure! Gentlemanly with a few lustful glances in there for good measure...lol :lol:, but really you can't blame the guy! I mean look at Linds, she's pretty hot! :devil:

P.s. YAY!!! This was my 1000th post, wohoo! And I'm a Pathologist...YAY! :D :D :D
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Woot for getting home from work at *checks clock* 10:42pm!
Anyway, you guys have made a lot of nice points, and so I will just add to them & reiterate them:

Danny: Carmine explained - if you read the TV guide article - that Danny and Lindsay have this "country girl versus city boy" thing going, which I think really draws them together. They did always say that opposites attract. But more than that, Danny, I think, in his heart of hearts is afraid to love someone because of the fact that he has been hurt before in his past, and maybe not hurt in the romantic sense, but people whom he has trusted have let him down. You all: Auda, Misery, Vexus, pizza, & Moriel make very valid points, and I agree with them all wholeheartedly. Danny seems to me like the kind of character who needs to test the waters before he dives in. That's why he seems sometimes to be commitment-phobic. I think that this is also the reason that he teased Lindsay when he first met her. Think about it: after replacing Aiden - whom Danny could joke around with and mess with without her getting the least bit upset - Danny wanted to see if this new girl matched up. And sure enough, I think that in the scene where they are both studying the evidence, but more studying each other, they're kind of sizing one another up, to see if they meet each other's expectations. Danny, I also think, wants a girl who he can actually communicate with, not some air-headed girl he meets at a club. He admires Lindsay. He's already said: "I'm impressed" in SoY. I think that also, like you all said, he needs someone to be his rock, no matter how strong he may appear on the outside. And this is why I still love RSRD and think it is the most influential scene between the two of them - if we're talking about substantial evidence of a developing relationship. Danny pretty much feels like he let Lindsay down, and you can see it when they exchange that glance. Danny looks more dejected and ashamed that Lindsay had to see him vulnerable, while Lindsay's glance is one of determination and a "I'm not abandoning you. I know you're innocent." So, yeah, that sums up Danny. Haha.

Lindsay: Lindsay is more of a sketchy character, but here are the conclusions that I can draw from her. 1) She is emotional, and needs someone to assure her when she is uncertain of things ("All Access" - Danny chases after her, and she avoids his eyes at first, embarrassed at her outburst, and then softens as he calms her down). She needs someone to be her supporter and her comforter. 2) She needs a friend. Danny and Lindsay fit well together because they are friends, first and foremost. Lindsay needs not just a romantic relationship, but also a deep friendship with someone who she can openly talk to things about. I hope that I get to see this side of Lindsay more in s3. 3) She needs someone to tease her. This one sounds a bit odd, but honestly, I think we all know what I am talking about. As much as we say "I hate the fact that you tease me", when it's a guy who is doing it, and he kind of has that twinkle in his eyes so you KNOW he's kidding, you can't help but smile and laugh, even if you roll your eyes in mock frustration, which leads me to...4) She needs someone to make her laugh/smile/feel good about herself. She seems like the kind of CSI who is much like Sara Sidle in a certain respect: she would let the cases get to her. So, Lindsay needs someone who will counter that side of her by allowing her to smile, laugh, and get out from under the piles of paperwork that she'd consume herself in.

So, in summary: They need each other.
The end.

I am off to bed, but if you just read all that - kudos to you! *throws M&Ms and skips off towards her nice, soft bed*

"And if I'm flying solo, at least I'm flying free." - Defying Gravity, WICKED.

Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Hey!! and as for on the last page, i know a lot of people prolly don't want to see Danny and Lindsay in bed, so what if it went something more like this....

*the screen is black, and you can only here their voices*

Lindsay: Don't you dare touch that phone, Danny!
Danny: But I have to.... what if it's Mac?
RING... *camera comes on*
Lindsay: SHUT UP YOU STUPID THING!!! RING... ARGH! *looks at caller ID* It's Mac
Danny: Damn it, just like him to interupt my "activities"! :devil:
*flips open phone* Messer... yeah Mac I'll be right there... ok bye
*Lindsay crawls under the blankets* Go, so you can hurry up and get back!!!...... ohhh, and tell Mac i'm sooooo hating him right now!!

It's like sorta them in bed, but you don't see much, and it's, i think, actually watchable, lol. and i know they wouldn't have the screen be black for the first part of the show, but it would work for anyone who wouldn't to see, plus there's no rolling around, kissing, and that kinda stuff...
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Aud , excellent post! Too bad your time run out. :D

Moriel , loved your opinion on the "I love you" issue. Lindsay will definitely see that as the sign of Danny completely giving himself to their relationship and to her. I can also imagine Lindsay saying "I love you" first, to prove that she really loves him. I can see Danny as the type of guy who also needs convincing. But Lindsay knows that and she won't push him.
L: I need to tell you something, because you deserve to know it.
D: What's up, Montana?
L: I love you.
D: (raises his head, panicked look on his face)
L: Don't freak out. Let me finish. (takes a deep breath) It's how I feel. I was thinking of waiting to tell you, but then I figured out that my feelings won't change, that they are what they are and you deserve to know them. So, there.
D: (still stares at her)
L: Oh, and I don't expect from you to say it back. Just wanted you to know that I love you. Now, what do you want for breakfast?

Ladee, pizza, vexus , great thoughts!
I agree that Danny really changed since Season 1, in a good way. He's calmer and with all the stuff that happened to him, he's stronger also. He's been through a lot, and now he knows that everyone got his back.

And since Lindsay is still "the new kid", I think that he is suprised (again :)) by her ability to care for someone she met only a short while ago.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

I don't think they need to say "I love you" at all.

I think this past season, they both learned to trust each other completely. I think that would also be a major factor in their relationship. Danny doesn't strike me as the type where he needs to prove his love for her all the time. If he knows it, and she knows it, then it's fine.
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