Danny/Lindsay #11 ~ "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

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Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Thanks for the pie Moriel, appreciate it! :lol: I live in Nottingham btw, where all the gun crime is, or so they say.

Anywayz, a LV/NY crossover would be wiked! and i like the idea of Cath revealing lindsay's past to Danny. That would be so cool, you should write a fic on that.

Peace out guys :cool:
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Well, since Catherine is about 15 years older than Lindsay, that makes a problem. However, maybe a member of Lindsay's family had some issues with Cath's family...

Anyway, it would be great to see the moment where Catherine and Danny meet. I can just imagine:

C: (stares at him) Have we met?
D: Ahm...no.
C: You look so familiar.

:D Maybe they can play it like Danny way undercover when he was in Vegas doing his Thumpy G role. :D
Lindsay would have a blast.

Yup, I'm writing a fic based on that. :D

To get back on the topic, I have a question:
If Danny an Lindsay would ever place a bet, what will the winner get? And what kind of bet it would be? And let's be realistic. :D
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

i, for one, would love the return of Thumpy G. that would be all kinds of awesome.

and i kind of like the way Moriel's crossover idea panned out. that could be kinda cool.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Yay for Miss Montana!!! I watched it, and when she was announced..i wasnt even mad that iowa won..[iowa never wins]..but what was in my mind is that the judges really like CSI NY..;)
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Svetlana said:
hey guys u know what i just realized that when i first came to the thread i said u can call me 'svits' but there's not freaking i in my name so yea... ne ways... i think the thought of Catherine dating her brother, would be hilarious!! i'd also like to see what's it like when they first see each other, cuz it'd either go like option A.....

*at the airport picking up Catherine*

Catherine & Lindsay:*squeal* *they both run over to each other and hug*
Catherine: OMG!! i haven't seen u in forever!
Lindsay: I know it's been TOO long!
*they continue to talk, and not notice everyone else walk up*
Lindsay: Ohhh sorry guys, guys this is Catherine, Catherine this is Mac, Stell, Danny, Flack, and Hawkes.

or B.....

*in the break room, and Catherine walks in to see Lindsay*

Catherine: Hey Linds....
Lindsay: Hi... *lindsay looks slightly annoyed, and Catherine notices*
Catherine: Come on Linds I said I was sorry!
Lindsay: Yeah well, sorry doesn't cut it!
Catherine: *sighs* This is STUPID, that was like 10 years ago!!! and u gotta admit it was kinda funny!
Lindsay: *smiles* yea it was, u smelled like crap for 2 days!
Catherine: *smiles* so do you forgive me?
Lindsay: *whips around and sprays whip cream all over her* now i do!
Catherine: *flings hot fudge at lindsay* HA!
*the food fight continues, until Mac, and the rest of the teams comes in*
*Lindsay and Catherine look up at Mac and everyone else*
Catherine: well.... i'm flinging *reaches over to lindsay and takes a little bit of the hot fudge off lindsay's shoulder and tastes it* hot fudge at Lindsay.
Lindsay: and i'm spraying her with whip cream.
Mac: In my office NOW!
*Catherine look over at Lindsay* Friends again??
Lindsay: You know it!!![/i]

Which one do u like better A or B!?!? and i know it's long sorry but i can't write short, hehe
I like option B i think that would be cute all the team would go to the airport together to pick up Catherine

Misery said

To get back on the topic, I have a question:
If Danny an Lindsay would ever place a bet, what will the winner get? And what kind of bet it would be? And let's be realistic.
I think they would bet on a case like there were two Suspects Lindsay would think it was one and Danny would think it was the other one so they would bet on it and the winner would get drinks and dinner or get a shift covered by the other one
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Good morning my fellow cruise ship buddies! :D Lol! Our ship sets sail in only 4 more Wed. after today! :lol: WOHOO!!! ** "Do a little dance....make a little :devil:.......get down tonight!**

Soph Nottingham huh? Like the town in Robin Hood's stories? :lol: Cool! Well ya know other then all that gun crime :p Lol! Hey I like your avie too....very nice! :D

Lol, Mis Hi! :D Yeah seeing Cath and Danny meet would be awesome! She'd look at him totally suspicious for a long time....like "I swear I know you!" :lol: Yeah I think they should play it like Danny was undercover...good one! And yeah I'm sure Linds would have a blast with that! :lol: She'd tease him forever! (and then have him pull out the Thumpy G clothes and attitude and do a little role playing with her! :devil: :lol:)
Lol, you should TOTALLY write a fic about that Mis! That'd rock! :D

Em Hi honey :D Glad you liked my lil idea :D It was seriously like an epiphany last night...lol! :lol:

Hi Allie :D

P3k mmmm, yeah I could see Danny and Linds maybe betting on a suspect...if that was the case though, I'd say it would be suspects in some silly case, ya know! Like a really dumb robbery where there were two suspects and both were stupid in their attempts ya know! Something that wasn't serious...cuz I don't see them betting on like a murder case, know what I mean? :D
As for me...I see them betting mmmmm....like on how Stella will react to the new ME coming into the office! Ya know...like Danny (being a guy) says Stella will be cool with it and won't make a big deal, or that she'll befriend her...whereas Linds (being a woman and aware of Stella's true feelings!) says that Stella will "tolerate" the new ME or not really like her at all! :D How's that for a bet! Lol, it's a cross-ship bet I know...but still! :lol:

Aud, Lynn... where are you two?! :D

**Moriel tosses pie and whipped cream randomly on her fellow shippys and runs out the door!**
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Oh, wow, everyone has ideas about an LV/NY cross-over.
I actually, would LOVE to see that little moment between Cath and Danny:

Mac: And this is Detective Messer...
Catherine: [raises eyebrows and stares at him for a few moments] Don't I know you?
[the rest of the two teams continue to look back and forth between the two of them]
Danny: Uh, do you?
Catherine: I swear, you look like...nah, couldn't be.

That would amuse me. I wouldn't think that it would make sense to have him do his Thumpy G role, since the writers just used him for that episode, and since there wasn't a CSI:NY at the time, it doesn't quite sound like the writers would revisit that role. You all know what I mean, right? LOL. Though, I could also see Lindsay and Catherine getting on a roll about Montana, talking about horses, the country, the need for both of them to be independent, etc. etc.

But like someone mentioned, remember, Catherine is probably a good 10-15 years older than Lindsay, so it's not like "OMG! Lindsay Monroe! I went to high school with you!" Yeah, but other than that, I think that the writers made them both from Montana (and the same town, nonetheless) just so that we could have a crossover sometime.

Oh, and I decided what my one-shot would be.
Inspired by Em's story, I decided to start writing snow!fluff

Yep. Let's just say, when the CSIs act like kids and have an all-out snowball war, things get interesting...


Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

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Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Jenn said

Oh, and I decided what my one-shot would be.
Inspired by Em's story, I decided to start writing snow!fluff

Yep. Let's just say, when the CSIs act like kids and have an all-out snowball war, things get interesting...
I cant wait to read it Jenn

Moriel i know what you mean i see them betting on something dumb too
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

LadeeBear said:
That would amuse me. I wouldn't think that it would make sense to have him do his Thumpy G role, since the writers just used him for that episode, and since there wasn't a CSI:NY at the time, it doesn't quite sound like the writers would revisit that role. You all know what I mean, right? LOL. Though, I could also see Lindsay and Catherine getting on a roll about Montana, talking about horses, the country, the need for both of them to be independent, etc. etc.

i think there would be plausible ways to make it work. the Thumpy G-ness anyway. I think someone above mentioned the idea of danny being undercover while he was posing as Thumpy G, or maybe having danny gone through a little of trying to find himself and maybe experimenting with the alter ego of Thumpy G.

but, honestly, i would be happy, if said crossover happened, little hints at Thumpy. like maybe danny having slight hearing problems (from the blaring stereo) or knowing something about cars, a slip in the speech, something like that, just to give the fans a laugh.

and, on another note, yay, snow!fluff. :D
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

I'm going to weigh in as someone who doesn't watch LV. While I'd love to see a crossover, I don't think prior knowledge of LV/the characters/cases should be required for watching. Small, subtle things would be okay (like Mac is from Chicago, Gary Sinise is from Chicago), but something too big might take away from watching.

Now, maybe Mac could send Danny and Lindsay to LV. Flack, Hawkes, and Stella could tell them to be naughty- you know, "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas..." :devil:

And of course that was what Mac had in mind when he chose the two...
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Lets see. D/l are still on the dl for now. because Auda lost their invitations to Em's bash.

LV/NY crossover huh? Hmm. Well me and Em would love the thumpy G moments! I think Cath would be starin' him down for a few, and Danny will freak out. :lol: But a crossover would be cute.

So what happens in vegas stays in vegas .. {smirks} ooh EM!.. lets push Auda in the pools of M&M's...the peanut kind.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

OMG!! like the season premiere is getting so close, it's scary, and like there's gonna be an interesting moment for the DL, and i can't stop thinking about it!!!!!!!
:(and oh yea you guys didn't wish me luck and guss what, i didn't make first cuts, i'm pissed as shit!!!!! :mad:
But i still can't wait for Danny and Lindsay's Flirtation to go to the next level!!!!
i'm still mad though, excited for Danny Lindsay, but still mad! :mad:
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Aww...at least you got to audition. What I wouldn't give just to audition. But...I has school in de way. So that sux.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

I would love to see a Ny/Lv crossover. I wonder if it would be like the previous crossovers where the suspect comes to NY or LV and the CSI Teams must go to each other cities to investigate.

I wonder how Danny would react to Catherine? You know, he even flirts with Stella a bit.

And can you believe that we onlly have 34 days to go? Time is flying by. Are you ready?
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