Danny/Lindsay #11 ~ "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

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Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

**Moriel steps into the thread...looks around...hmmm, bit clean in here y'all...lol!** :lol: Good morning my shippys! :D

Soph you're a rookie! Congrats! And here just for you... **tosses a lovely key lime pie at Soph!**
Awww, bummer about not getting the new season so soon honey...man, that stinks! :( Where in the UK do you live?

P3k yeah that scene in the COTD is great! I love it! :D

Mis you're great...lol, I like that you wanted to watch all the eps before commenting...very cute! :D Awww, prom video fic Mis, reminds me a bit of friends...and I LOVE that...you should do that one, it'd be cute! And as for Catherine from LV being from Montana...I just went and looked it up and you're right Mis! In fact Catherine is not only from Montana, she's from Bozeman! So both she and Linds are from the same town in Montana...now that's kinda cool! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catherine_Willows
And I love that idea of Cath dating Linds' brother...that's a cute scenario! You should totally write that ficcie, it'd be great! :D

What is it now...35 days?! Or better...5 more Wed's!! :D

**Moriel dances out of the thread....tossing more pie as she goes!**
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

wow..coincidence..and i just spelled that wrong..i love how there are info on not real people..but real people ya know..like catherine isnt a real person..and yet..there is info about her..ok im off to eat..ta ta
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

hey guys u know what i just realized that when i first came to the thread i said u can call me 'svits' but there's not freaking i in my name so yea... ne ways... i think the thought of Catherine dating her brother, would be hilarious!! i'd also like to see what's it like when they first see each other, cuz it'd either go like option A.....

*at the airport picking up Catherine*

Catherine & Lindsay:*squeal* *they both run over to each other and hug*
Catherine: OMG!! i haven't seen u in forever!
Lindsay: I know it's been TOO long!
*they continue to talk, and not notice everyone else walk up*
Lindsay: Ohhh sorry guys, guys this is Catherine, Catherine this is Mac, Stell, Danny, Flack, and Hawkes.

or B.....

*in the break room, and Catherine walks in to see Lindsay*

Catherine: Hey Linds....
Lindsay: Hi... *lindsay looks slightly annoyed, and Catherine notices*
Catherine: Come on Linds I said I was sorry!
Lindsay: Yeah well, sorry doesn't cut it!
Catherine: *sighs* This is STUPID, that was like 10 years ago!!! and u gotta admit it was kinda funny!
Lindsay: *smiles* yea it was, u smelled like crap for 2 days!
Catherine: *smiles* so do you forgive me?
Lindsay: *whips around and sprays whip cream all over her* now i do!
Catherine: *flings hot fudge at lindsay* HA!
*the food fight continues, until Mac, and the rest of the teams comes in*
*Lindsay and Catherine look up at Mac and everyone else*
Catherine: well.... i'm flinging *reaches over to lindsay and takes a little bit of the hot fudge off lindsay's shoulder and tastes it* hot fudge at Lindsay.
Lindsay: and i'm spraying her with whip cream.
Mac: In my office NOW!
*Catherine look over at Lindsay* Friends again??
Lindsay: You know it!!![/i]

Which one do u like better A or B!?!? and i know it's long sorry but i can't write short, hehe
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Option B. And I think the other crazies would agree. (or at least would) ;) Just not sure who would be the one to start it. I think Catherine would want to get Lindsay to laugh it off.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

CSI_Watcher_8 said:
Option B. And I think the other crazies would agree. (or at least would) ;) Just not sure who would be the one to start it. I think Catherine would want to get Lindsay to laugh it off.

I second her. I like that one.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Lol, Svet both of those are hilarious! :lol: I'm with Lynn, I vote for B.! :lol:
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

i'm with the food fight, as always. *kicks Lynn before she can comment*

i really really want a LV/NY crossover. like NOW. cuz i think there would be some really great interactions there, and it would be fun. just think about it. the awesome characters from LV and the awesome characters from NY all on the same screen.

plus, greggo would flirt with lindsay and danny would get all over protective. it'll be adorable.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

*waves at everyone in the thread*
Sorry I haven't been posting lately, but school has - yet again - consumed my life. And not just school, but Mixed Chorus every other Monday and Ladies Ensemble every Tuesday & Thursday after school. So, yeah. LOL.

Duuuuude, an LV/NY crossover would be amazing.
And I loved writing an LV/NY/Miami crossover in my fanfic "Stories of the Past". Yeah, Greggo = LOVE. I am going to marry Eric Szmanda. For serious. Yep. And you can't have him. *sticks tongue out*

Wow. I didn't even realize that Cath and Lindsay were both from Bozeman. That would make a really good excuse for the writers to make a LV/NY crossover (since every other CSI show has been crossed with each other besides those two). All they need is Greg, Flack, & Danny in the same room, and by God, I'd be on cloud nine! :D

Hm, so I am really inspired to write a one-shot DL story. Anny suggestions? Challenges? (I'm always up for a challenge! Except smut. I can't do smut, so don't ask for it. I CAN do angst or fluff, so take your pick)

But for now, I am getting ready to go to sleep.
My alarm wakes me at 5:40 tomorrow morning.
(And you wonder why I hate school so much?)

Mucho love, DL shippers!
(5 WEDNESDAYS FROM TOMORROW the new season airs! :D)

Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

For some odd reason, I decided to watch the Miss Teen USA pagent and Miss Montana is in the top 5 for the crown.

Let's pull for Miss Montana

I'm all up for a LV/NY crossover. For one, it's the only show that LV has crossed with and it would be interesting to see how all the characters react to each other. Plus it would be interesting to see how Grissom would react to find out that Lindsay and Danny ate insects. Cause' we know how Gil gets concerning the bugs.


Miss Montana WON the Miss Teen USA pagent. Go Montana!
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

LV/NY crossover huh? Sounds good to me!

When did I start shipping D/L? Definately Zoo York, it was the second CSI:NY episode I had seen, and I saw Danny and Lindsay interacting...Oh, yeah, definate couple!! Of course I didn't discover this site or this thread until I started looking for spoilers for CSI:NY, and voila! I signed up and now I am a happy little D/L Fluffy!! *dodges pies from Angsty's and returns fire*

Only a matter of weeks now till the Season Premier! *starts stocking up on M&M's* hee hee hee...

So how is the dinner on the roof going? I see we decided not to leave the two of them in the closet until the season premier...but that's okay, I'm sure all exits from the roof will be manned by D/L fanatics, we should be able to keep them in place.
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Party's ON! Miss Montana Won!! *throws confetti with pies* :D

CSIfanaticgirl, I think dinner is going well. Here's the menu...
Appetizers: Oysters!
Drinks: We're heavy on the booze tonight!
Main Dish: Grilled Fiesta Chicken with Spanish rice, etc.
Dessert: Montana Huckleberry Pie---yes, Iheart! Huckleberry!! :p

LadeeBear---challenge one shot----Greg flirts with Lindsay. Danny gets grumpy! LOL! JK! It doesn't matter what you write, but please no angst...let's have some fun! :cool:

Isn't it strange that two CSI characters are from the same place---Montana. Catherine also named her daughter Lindsey. Lindsay Monroe was going to be Summer Hamilton up until the last minute. Then they changed it to Lindsay Hamilton for a moment. Then they decided on Lindsay Monroe. Hmmm.... ;)
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

If anybody's interested in what Miss Teen USA Katie Blair from Montana looks like here Our pagents

Hey, I like the dinner menu. Danny and Lindsay will love the dinner menu.

And I can't believe that I couldn't even put the facts that Catherine and Lindsay are from Montana and that Lindsay is Catherines daughters name. Where is my brain lately? :confused:
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

Hell Yes! Lindsay and Catherine are both country girls. We know that guys just can't resist country girls.

I would love a LV/NY crossover. I still think Moriel's avvie looks like a major orgy between the NY/LV characters!

Lindsay seems to be whispering sweet nothings into Danny's ear---I think it's the tequila! :)
Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

An LV/NY crossover would be the best thing ever!!!!! and YEAH MISS MONTANA TEEN USA!!!!!!! i guess it just goes to show you that Montana girls rock!!!! YEAH!!!! i love montana, hehe i'm totally going crazy, and loving it!!! hehe
i wish i woulda watched it though so i coulda watched her win!!!! maybe i can download from somewhere...
Well i'm off to go to sleep, i start school tomorrow!! *growls* ooooo before i do wouldn't it be funny, if Lindsay was a Miss Teen USA, when she was a teen, hehe
G'night everyone, wish me luck for school, and tryouts, first cuts are tomorrow!!!!!
Re: Danny/Lindsay #11- "Don't Bet Against the Country Girl!"

**Moriel finishes reading the posts and cannot stop laughing!** Hello my fellow crazies...you all are fabulous...I love how coming here always makes me smile! You all never cease to crack me up and cheer me up! I love it! :D **huggles to all y'all!**

I love how all of you want an LV/NY crossover! I do definitely think it's interesting that they made both Catherine and Lindsay be from Bozeman....OH WAIT...HOLD THE PHONE Y'ALL....I'M ABOUT TO BE BRILLIANT!!!
So both Lindsay and Catherine are from Bozeman right...and there's supposed to be something tragic that happenend in Linds' past or at least some secret that she's "hiding" right? So what if they kill two birds with one stone...what if they had a crossover ep with LV/NY, like we all want, and during that ep something about Linds' past comes up and she gets emotional and leaves or whatever and since she and Catherine are both from the same town, what if Catherine knows what happened and fills in the rest of the team, or whoever needs to know, and so Linds' secret is revealed! Or even better...if Catherine revealed the secret to Danny who was very concerned and then Danny goes after Linds at her apartment and talks to her and comforts her! Leading to D/L love like we all want! THERE! How's that for a good LV/NY crossover...with angst, fluff, and D/L comfort lovin! LOL, now that I'd LOVE to see!! :D :D :D

Vex yay for Miss Montana...she's pretty :D

Aud nice dinner menu there hon! I'm impressed! I especially like the oysters and booze...well done! :devil:
Lol, and as for my avie...I never really looked at it that way, but now that you said that...I'm not gonna be able to see it any other way! :lol: **High five bad girl! :devil:**
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