Danny/Lindsay #10 ~ "Does IT Turn You On?"

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My gosh, I never realized how many times they ate together! That's a ton! I totally forgot about the time during "Supermen"! But my favorie one was by far the one in SOY!
I see where you're coming from and I agree to a point. Yea, it is a bit early, but if it were to happen, I'd be okay with it.

Guys, we're so slow in here lately!
Hi Rad! **waves & hugs!** And my silly angsty girl, lol...it's not too early for D/L to get together! :D They're perfect together and now is a fabulous time for them! :lol:
**tosses a lovely coconut cream pie at Rad and runs giggling to hide by the broom closet!**
*hey, I've run out of chocolate cream pie, can I have another one?*

*goes back to the broom closet to see if Danny lost all his clothes during strip poker, and guess what girls? He has no clothes!*
Vex you want pie...oh hon, I got loads of pie! Heehee! :lol: Here ya go...have some! :D
**Moriel heaves several big ole chocolate cream pies at Vex!**
As for Danny having no clothes on...good lord! This I gotta see! :devil: Man he sucks at poker then...not that I'm complaining mind you! :devil: And I'm sure Linds is fairly happy too...I mean she's winning and gets Nekkid Danny...it's like two prizes in one! :lol: :devil:
Hey! Can we have some snacks over here? {points at me, Rad, Vex, Smiliee} We're so enjoying Danny strip Lindsay right now! Oops, did I say that outloud? I meant to say. Lindsay watching an emotional movie and Danny holding her. Yeah thats it. {nudges my triplets and my smilieez}

{sees LB throwing Cake and Sprinkles} Hey! Cake is nice... Is it chocolate?
Awww my poor, poor Lynn, Rad, Vex & Smiliee are you starving over there? So sad! :lol: Here ya go... :D **Moriel tosses M&M's, pie, and whipped cream at the Angsty's!**
We're so enjoying Danny strip Lindsay right now! Oops, did I say that outloud?
Oh you SOOO did! **Moriel dashes over to join y'all spying on Danny and....what he's...doin...wohoo!! :devil:**

P.s. a little off topic I know...but here's a wall I made of all my fav ships...there's some D/L so it's kinda relevant! :lol:
(Thanks to Lynn for the quote!)
{sees LB throwing Cake and Sprinkles} Hey! Cake is nice... Is it chocolate?

Of course it's chocolate. That's the best kind. Alright, I won't throw the cake. *passes out cake and forks* Eat up shippers!

Moriel, that wallpaper is cuuuuute! I love the DL pictures and the Booth/Bones ones too.

*eats chocolate cake with whoever wants some*
Our thread has gotta be the most - uh - decorated thread out there, with all this whipped cream, chocolate, spray cheese, and God knows what else. LOL.

Awww Jenn you gotta throw it, lol! That's half the fun! :lol: And of course chocolate is the best, yummy! :D I love our decorated/messy thread...we're like the fans who never grew up and still love food fights...except now we have them in the gutter instead of the lunch room! :lol: (Well some of us have them in the gutter...right Lynn! :devil: **Moriel winks and nudges Lynn!**
Glad you liked the wall, little O/T I know...but it was too fun :D

Speaking of the gutter and looking at our thread title... :lol: There's got to be a gutter-y question here somewhere!

How about this: Would you rather...:
A.) Have Danny and Linds have a "sexy" conversation like in LOLD about the phone sex?
B.) Have Danny or Linds blatantly check eachother out and comment on it to each other...like Danny checking out Linds in her dress at the beginning of Risk?

(Not the greatest question I know...but hey I just got up and haven't had coffee yet! :p :D)

**Moriel dances off to get her morning coffee, tossing pies back at y'all as she goes!**
I would rather go with option A. Definately option A. I liked their phone sex conversation!

And I love that wallpaper! I really love the Booth/Bones pics too!
I was supposed to go to sleep, but I couldn't resist posting. ^_^

I agree with the too soon to get into a relationship. But when the time comes, I'd rather see option B happen. I imagine Danny stammering and floundering for words, while Lindsay just stands there smiling shyly. :D

Okay. Off to bed. :D
Yeah that convo was totally great wasn't it Smiliee I love both their expressions throughout it...priceless! :D I still can't decide...lol, it's my question and I still don't know which one I'd choose...although I might be leaning toward A but I just don't know! :lol:

Glad you liked the wall...fun stuff huh! Yeah Bones is another of my fav ships...fun times! :D

Hi Keich! Sleep good...glad you popped in :D

P3karen thanks for the info! I'm hoping that's the official word on the release date! Oct.3...wohoo! Cool cover pic too...I like that! :D And yeah option A...seems to be popular :lol:
Hm, you had to pick a tough one, didn't you Moriel?

I would probably rather see option A happen, because it's subtle, yet completely flirtatious. I LOVE that scene because it's hilarious to watch Lindsay try and begin the conversation when she studies Danny. But I love the little moment between them when Danny replies: "Very attractive" to Lindsay's frustration. Sooooo, I guess I would like to see A happen.

But, I also love B, though I don't think it would come into play as much as A would in the show, unless for some reason next season Lindsay dressed up again. *shrugs* I think A is my pick, then. LOL.

*throws Kissables at everyone*
They're M&M's and Hershey's Kisses put together!

LadeeBear said:

Danny asked Lindsay to lunch/it is implied or stated that they are sharing a meal/moment together:

-during "City of the Dolls". Danny asks Lindsay if she's hungry and she replies that she has to get back to the lab.

-during "Supermen". Danny replies: "Let's get something to eat. I think better with food." And, of course, Lindsay suddenly has an epitome about the case, so we never see them share that meal.

-during "Cool Hunter". Danny: "Look, you promised me drinks for this, but I think I'm gonna need some dinner too."

-during "Fare Game" they were eating together.

-end of "Stuck on You" at Cozy's, they were having drinks.

See any pattern here?
The writers sure love Danny asking Lindsay out.

All in all, our thread is amazing.
*throws cake, not pie, in all directions*

(HA! How's THAT for a long post?!)


I noticed in all of those(I actually noticed during the show) but everytime they spend time together out of work, they're eating or drinking. So there are apparently two ways to Danny's heart:
1.) food
2.) beer
lol as with most guys but I just found that funny.
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