Danny/Lindsay #10 ~ "Does IT Turn You On?"

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Cheese! Yay! Thanks LadeeBear! Wohoo! :D Heehee! :lol:
Oh, the possibilities that the writers have...they have to pick at least a few dozen good DL moments for us next season.
Yeah I'm so looking forward to this next season! It's bound to have lots of good D/L moments! I so can't wait...it's gonna be fabulous! :D It better be anyway...or else! :lol:

**Moriel shakes her fist and pitchfork threateningly at TPTB!**
I think I'd rather see Lindsay ask Danny out. Because I think Danny in this case is going to be far more slow.

I think I'd rather see Lindsay slip and call Danny her boyfriend. Because I think neither would really talk about it, and it would come as a surprise.

I don't think it would be too much, too fast if they put them together towards the middle of next season. It's not realistic to keep the sexual tension up for so long and not do anything.
*gasp* you stole my spray cheese! have at thee!

*buries Jenn in whipped cream and chocolate sauce*

i'm hoping we get some good DL moments next season too. but if they aren't so...prolific...about it, i don't think i'll be that upset. a lot of ships are built on smaller moments, you know. i wouldn't mind so much if we only got a little DL moment every once in a while. would make them even sweeter.
Because I think Danny in this case is going to be far more slow.
Eh that's probably a good point Pizza! And it could be kinda cute to see Linds ask Danny out! :D
It's not realistic to keep the sexual tension up for so long and not do anything.
Totally agree! That's exactly what I'm saying! :lol: :devil: They need to get together already, dang it! Come on! :D
Waves at all the D/L shippers---especially the fluffies! :cool:

I agree with Emily. I love the little moments. They are so precious and dear. The looks, the smiles, the little jokes, the short hand holding scene---they all add up to nice, tender moments. Okay, I'm running off to cry now. Yes, Iheart, sometimes that stuff gets to me! :eek:

Romantic at heart here!

I'm a little old-fashioned sometimes. I want Danny to stand up and be man and ask Lindsay out. ;) But I can also see where some might want to see Lindsay ask Danny out. Let Lindsay be the in the driver's seat! :devil:
They are so precious and dear. The looks, the smiles, the little jokes, the short hand holding scene---they all add up to nice, tender moments. Okay, I'm running off to cry now. Yes, Iheart, sometimes that stuff gets to me!
Romantic at heart here!
Auda I adore you! **big hugs to my crying fluffy! :D** I totally agree with you, I too am a total romantic! I love those little romantic moments too...they are just so special and sweet...and yeah...
dang it now I'm gonna go off and cry!
**Moriel runs to join Auda as she crys over the sweetness of D/L 's tender moments!**
The reason behind my choice to have Lindsay ask Danny out- I think if it were ANY other girl, Danny would have no hesitation, but this is Lindsay, and he doesn't want to mess stuff up with her.

How are they doing in the broom closet?
Broom closet update---I think they're playing strip poker---JK!

That is really something to consider, Pizzapie. I could see Danny being really nervous about asking Lindsay out wondering if she's really as into him as he might think she is....It would show a different side to him...definitely a good option.

Hugs Moriel---let's cry together---we might be able to bribe D/L with our tears!!
pizzapie said:

How are they doing in the broom closet?

They're still locked in there! I don't think they're coming out anytime soon!

I think it would be kinda cute if Lindsay asked Danny out. I don't think he would be able to say no to her either.
{throws all kinds of random pies on LB and smirks}

.. How are they doing in the broom closet, you ask. {smirks and coughs} Their doing just fine, right smilez?

{Sees Auda and Moriel crying} Whimps. D/L said quit being whimps!
When has he ever said no to her? We know Danny tried to ask lindsay to lunch in VOTD. And when she invited him to Cozy's he was all over that. If its for a real date I would want Danny to ask Lindsay. So he gets the real feeling she is saying yes to him and only him. ;)
Danny and Lindsay playing strip poker! I wonder if Danny has less clothes than Lindsay. Seeing those arms of his is worth every card.

I have a scenerio of Danny asking Lindsay out. We all know that Danny like to play "tough" but I would just love Danny to be a softie when he asks Lindsay out. I would love to see him nervous, stutte alittle bit and becaome all shy. It's unlike Danny but when you like someone, those traits come out and I think it would be adorable on Danny.
I think if it were ANY other girl, Danny would have no hesitation, but this is Lindsay, and he doesn't want to mess stuff up with her.
Pizza that's a very good point! I think Danny likes her alot more then just some casual fling, so that could make him a bit more cautious...since he wants to do right by her and not mess anything up. :D
Broom closet update---I think they're playing strip poker---JK!
Sweet deal! That sounds as fun as Nekkid Twister! Lol...such fun naughty times they have in that Broom Closet, who ever would have thought it'd be so full of all that guttery stuff? Oh wait...I did! :devil: **Gotta love the gutter!**
Auda I'm up for bribery...anything that works to get D/L together! :lol:
I don't think he would be able to say no to her either.
Oh Smiliee there's no way he'd be able to say No to her! Lol :lol: The boy's over the moon for her...he'd jump on that chance in a second! :D Although he might play it cool for a sec, just so no one suspects that inside he's jumping for joy like a 5 y.o. with a new toy! :lol:

Lynn we are SOO not wimps! :p Romantics at heart sure...wimps, no way! :D Just cuz we're fluffy's does NOT mean we're soft...lol, trust me! :D
I have a scenerio of Danny asking Lindsay out. We all know that Danny like to play "tough" but I would just love Danny to be a softie when he asks Lindsay out. I would love to see him nervous, stutte alittle bit and becaome all shy. It's unlike Danny but when you like someone, those traits come out and I think it would be adorable on Danny.
Vex that'd be totally cute! I'd love to see that :D And it's so true too...good point! :D

**Moriel tosses chocolate cream pie and whipped cream at all y'all and runs for cover giggling!**
*gasp* you stole my spray cheese! have at thee!

*buries Jenn in whipped cream and chocolate sauce*

*arms self with more spray cheese, whipped cream, and a non-edible ammunition: silly string!*

I love DL shippers.

The reason behind my choice to have Lindsay ask Danny out- I think if it were ANY other girl, Danny would have no hesitation, but this is Lindsay, and he doesn't want to mess stuff up with her.

EXACTLY. That's the essence of this entire ship: the country girl versus the city boy personas. Danny has grown up in the city his entire life, and no one has quite affected him like Lindsay has. That's what makes her a great character in general, is the fact that she is a country girl at heart, living her life in the city. So, I can totally see your point. But, like Auda mentioned, I would love to see the whole romantic-Danny-asks-Lindsay-out-and-is-flustered-about-it scenareo. It's 'cause I'm a fluffy to the core. LOL.

{throws all kinds of random pies on LB and smirks}

*begins to throw sprinkles at Lynn*
Sprinkles = FUN!
And, they're pretty too!

When has he ever said no to her? We know Danny tried to ask lindsay to lunch in VOTD. And when she invited him to Cozy's he was all over that. If its for a real date I would want Danny to ask Lindsay. So he gets the real feeling she is saying yes to him and only him.

Danny asked Lindsay to lunch/it is implied or stated that they are sharing a meal/moment together:

-during "City of the Dolls". Danny asks Lindsay if she's hungry and she replies that she has to get back to the lab.

-during "Supermen". Danny replies: "Let's get something to eat. I think better with food." And, of course, Lindsay suddenly has an epitome about the case, so we never see them share that meal.

-during "Cool Hunter". Danny: "Look, you promised me drinks for this, but I think I'm gonna need some dinner too."

-during "Fare Game" they were eating together.

-end of "Stuck on You" at Cozy's, they were having drinks.

See any pattern here?
The writers sure love Danny asking Lindsay out.

All in all, our thread is amazing.
*throws cake, not pie, in all directions*

(HA! How's THAT for a long post?!)

LadeeBear nice post there, sweet deal! :lol:
no one has quite affected him like Lindsay has
That is for sure! :D
It's 'cause I'm a fluffy to the core. LOL.
Yay! **Hugs to you!** Another fluffy, wohoo! :lol:
See any pattern here?
The writers sure love Danny asking Lindsay out.
Very true hon! Now he just needs to ask her to be his girlfriend already! :lol: Come on Danny! You can do it! :D
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