Danny/Lindsay #10 ~ "Does IT Turn You On?"

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Heehee, I do what I can Jenn! :D
I would probably rather see option A happen, because it's subtle, yet completely flirtatious. I LOVE that scene because it's hilarious to watch Lindsay try and begin the conversation when she studies Danny. But I love the little moment between them when Danny replies: "Very attractive" to Lindsay's frustration. Sooooo, I guess I would like to see A happen.
Yeah I agree Jenn, I love watching Linds try to start the conversation, you can tell she's dying to ask him! I love it! And yeah the "Very attractive" comment, love that! I think more and more I'm leaning toward option A, like you said Jenn , it's flirtatious and fun and full of tension (the good kind! :devil:)!

So there are apparently two ways to Danny's heart:
1.) food
2.) beer
Lol :lol: Dannyfangirl, I'd say there are 3 ways to Danny's heart...your two and 3.) Linds and her smile! ;) After all, all she has to do is look at him and the boy melts! :D

**Moriel tosses chocolate and whipped cream at everyone as she ducks out!**
I'm sure she could say the same about his smile. I COULD!
**has now been covered in whipped cream and chocolate because she was too far behind to duck**
Dannyfangirl said:
I'm sure she could say the same about his smile. I COULD!
I am quite sure she could...and yeah so could I...that man's smile...gah...! :D
**Moriel fades away...picturing Danny's smile in her mind....hello handsome!**
**Dannyfangirl swoons at the thought of his smile...and his name hehe. Gotta love the name**
Umm...I'm too lazy to get the link but I have two or three Dantana fanfictions on my fanfiction.net account. It's Dantanashipper. Feel free to check them out.
Umm...I'm too lazy to get the link but I have two or three Dantana fanfictions on my fanfiction.net account. It's Dantanashipper. Feel free to check them out.

Oh! I read your stories before! They're good.
Mine are here if you wanna check them out. There are some soley DL ones, and "Stories" is told from an OC point of view, but it, along with its sequel does have DL in it too.

p3karen:*Is stunned* One of my stories is a favorite to someone? Wow. Sorry, I'm like...really self concsious of mine. What's your penname on ff.net?
LadeeBear: Thanks. I'll check them out.
heh. I hate being stuck. Well, when you write something let me know and I shall read and review.
Hmm...I'd like to bring a gift, but I never have anything good. I have to snag stuff off of here all the time.
I missed the turning of the page! {kicks Auda} It's all your fault, I don't know why. but it is.

{checks on the D/L} Well, update. ^.^ Danny's shirtless, Lindsay's uh...

shirtless, {haha Had yall there for a minute huh? :p} Anyways, They are enjoying themselves, and me and smiliee are filming as always! Send us food! please?
Dannyfangirl I loved "Next time formerly living with my partner" too...that was a great fic! Well done you! :D You shouldn't be self-conscious, you're a great writer! :D

Lynn honey...you crack me up! In a totally good way! (No worries ;) ) Don't kick poor Auda though! Not her fault I tell ya! :p Plus I need all my fluffy's healthy and not kicked thank you very much! :lol:
Danny's shirtless, Lindsay's uh...
shirtless, {haha Had yall there for a minute huh? } Anyways, They are enjoying themselves, and me and smiliee are filming as always! Send us food! please?
Lol! So now it's the "Shirtless Broom Closet"? Sweet!! :devil: So gotta get me a copy of that tape! :devil: How about I trade you food for a copy? :D
**Moriel hands Lynn and Smiliee plenty of M&M's, chocolate cream pie, whipped cream and cheesy bread (just cuz it sounds so good right now!)....and waits patiently for her tape! :devil:**
Moriel21 said:
Dannyfangirl I loved "Next time formerly living with my partner" too...that was a great fic! Well done you! :D You shouldn't be self-conscious, you're a great writer! :D

Seconds that! -- You really are!

Lynn honey...you crack me up! In a totally good way! (No worries ;) ) Don't kick poor Auda though! Not her fault I tell ya! :p Plus I need all my fluffy's healthy and not kicked thank you very much! :lol:

You and your fluffys. You know us angsty's are coming out :D

Lol! So now it's the "Shirtless Broom Closet"? Sweet!! :devil: So gotta get me a copy of that tape! :devil: How about I trade you food for a copy? :D
**Moriel hands Lynn and Smiliee plenty of M&M's, chocolate cream pie, whipped cream and cheesy bread (just cuz it sounds so good right now!)....and waits patiently for her tape! :devil:**

{Looks at Smiliee} We can deal with that. {hands you a copy of the tape} Food!
Wow. How many people here have read my stories? Hehe shirtless broom closet. I used to whenever I'd think of Dantana it would be fluff stuff, but now when I write stories they're not QUITE as innocent. Not like smut...but not so much innocence. Well, correction. Vacation Time is fairly innocent because it's the sequel to Next Time. But really calling be a good writer based on Next Time isn't a good idea. That was my best writing EVER. I'm usually not that good, but I read it over and I was like "Wow. I wrote this?"
You and your fluffys. You know us angsty's are coming out
Yeah me and my fluffies! :D We're growing in numbers honey...and we will take over the world! :lol:
**Think Pinky and the Brain only not as little or as mousy! Lol**
{Looks at Smiliee} We can deal with that. {hands you a copy of the tape} Food!
Yay, I got the tape...I got the tape...I got the tape, hey, hey, hey, hey! :lol: :lol:
That was my best writing EVER. I'm usually not that good, but I read it over and I was like "Wow. I wrote this?"
Lol isn't that fun when you write something and that happens! It's like "Dang I am good!" Lol :D And you are by the way! ;)
Moriel21 said:
**Moriel hands Lynn and Smiliee plenty of M&M's, chocolate cream pie, whipped cream and cheesy bread (just cuz it sounds so good right now!)....and waits patiently for her tape! :devil:**

Oh, I can deal with that! :lol:

p3karen said:
Dannyfangirl 'Next time formerly Living With my Partner' is one of my favorite fics

Same here! I absolutely love that fic!
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