Danny/Lindsay #10 ~ "Does IT Turn You On?"

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well Dingbat ... im so on the edge..i mean i want them to get together..but then agian.i also agree with you about it being to soon after all the bad stuff..im soooo on the edge..this sucks

and Radical ..umm i would love to see Danny ask Lindsay out, maybe he would be like . "yo montana, you wanna go see the real New york, and im not talking about the subway system."
[sorry that was cheesy but my best friend came up with it. and she would kill me if i didnt use it]


AHHHHHH! no that i have your attention..i know how we always talk about chemistry with these two..well i have a new d/l song that is just..AHHHHHHHH

ok im done :D
**Moriel runs in grinning, ducking all the flying m&m's and pie!**

Vex you have my sympathies hon, I've taken online classes before and the deadlines can suck sometimes! Grrrr, to the stupid thing posting 5 minutes after deadline! :mad:

Rad, Hi hon! **waves!** Yay for you getting to be here! Now to answer your question...(good one by the way...simple but good! :D) Let's see...
I think it would be fun to see Linds ask Danny out on a date, I think she'd be cute and a little nervous about it, which would be so adorable! But then again, I think she was probably the one who asked him to Cozy's (end of SoY) so we know for pretty sure that she's asked him out already. But then again Danny's already asked Linds to go to dinner, or for food at least, several times too...hmmmm, lol I don't know which one I want. Okay I think I'm gonna go traditional...and say I want to see Danny ask Linds on a date...and this time I want her to say YES!
Something like this...:

Danny: "Montana, wait up!" (he jogs to catch up with her in the hallway)
Lindsay: "What's up Danny?"
Danny: "Got any plans for tonight?"
Lindsay: "Depends on why you're asking Messer!" (she grins teasing him a bit!)
Danny: "Thought it was time you finally took me up on that dinner offer!" (he grins that adorable half smile of his!)
Lindsay:"Well since you asked so nicely...!" (she can't help smiling back at that gorgeous smile of his!)
Danny: "Great so I'll pick you up around 8!"
(Danny turns back the way he came whistling as he goes, and Lindsay keeps going her way, a huge smile on her face!)

but for a drama, it seems like too much, too fast.
Dingbat, Hi! First gotta tell ya, I LOVE your avie...that is so totally cute! And your banner...yeah can't stop staring at that one....gorgeous!
Okay anyway...Um I don't agree that it's too soon! I mean I think if they had showed them going home to one of their apartments and falling all over eachother right after leaving the hospital to visit Flack, or Louie...that would have been too soon! But now nope I don't think it's too soon, they've known eachother for a year (liked each other, like your avie says, at first sight! ;)) and have been through many issues and crises together...I think them getting together at this point is very realistic! (And I gotta say my fingers and toes are crossed at this point that they'll finally get together! :D)

Allie you crack me up! :lol: You're too cute :D Nice avie by the way...I like it!

Okay y'all here's another one just for fun :D....:
Would you rather:
A. See Danny ask Linds to be his girlfriend? (it can be in a heated moment, like the have-a-fight-then-have-a-passionate-kiss-moment)
B. Or see Linds slip and call Danny her boyfriend in coversation one day, like with Stella at work?

Okay y'all...I know it's Monday (yay for that!) but come on out here and let's play! D/L is starting to try and escape the closet in a big way...so we need reinforcements in here! :D
**Moriel skips over to peep in on D/L....and then falls into the gutter!**
I would rather see option B! I think it would actually be kinda funny for Lindsay to slip and then see her reaction. And then I would like to see the other person's reaction (if they didn't know).

Ha ha, nice scenario Moriel!
smiliee said:
I would rather see option B! I think it would actually be kinda funny for Lindsay to slip and then see her reaction. And then I would like to see the other person's reaction (if they didn't know).

Ha ha, nice scenario Moriel[b/]!

Awww thanks Smiliee! **hugs to you!** Yeah I think I'd want to see that one too...I can totally picture her face...she'd probably blush and then stammer a bit...it'd be totally cute! :D
Moriel21 said:
Allie you crack me up! :lol: You're too cute :D Nice avie by the way...I like it!

umm ok im so confused..thanks for the avvie thing..ive had that for a while..and i dont get it..i already know i crack you up and that im cute..but why are you saying it..just cuz you love me?..ok ..ok *nods* im down with that..just go check out the song..you will be like 'oh my gosh..d/l..ahhh where is the broom closet'
umm ok im so confused..thanks for the avvie thing..ive had that for a while..and i dont get it..i already know i crack you up and that im cute..but why are you saying it..
My bad on the avie thing...I guess I just didn't notice it til now...sad day! Lol :lol: But yeah...I like it! And yeah...things and people just randomly crack me up (what can I say, I'm weird! :lol:) so yeah...I just said that, just cuz! :D

Dear D/L...
Well hi! I'm not sure why y'all are trying to escape...I mean really, you've got food (yes m&m's count as food!) and a shower and each other...what more do you need? You'd think we'd be able to stop pointing this out to you...but Danny...look at Linds...Linds..look at Danny...you KNOW you want eachother...so get to it already! :devil: You've got like 60 more days in there ya know, might as well have some fun during that time! :devil: Lol! :lol:

Totally jealous!

P.s. Where is everyone?!! :confused: :D
Rad I`m going to go with B i would like to see Danny ask Lindsay on a date :D and Moriel i like A Danny ask Lindsay to be his girlfriend and the heated the better Lol,love that scenario Moriel

and yay i`m a witness i finally got my a avie
I'm here Moriel!!! I've just been waiting for someone to post! It's been really slow lately!

By the way, p3karen, I love your new avatar! That's such a cute scene! Ohh! I love your banner too! That's an awesome scene too!
P3karen Yay for being a Witness! :D And yeah I agree with Smiliee, great avatar and banner! Fun stuff, those were good times, indeed! :D

Smiliee Hi! It has been a bit slow around here lately! Wonder what's goin on?! :confused: Huh...well I guess it's up to us to keep D/L locked up tight until everyone else gets back!
**Moriel giggles and runs to check the broom closet lock and then peek in the secret spyhole!**
I completely and utterly agree with the "too soon for a relationship" comments. Personally, the whole ship would be thrown off balance for me if the writers did something like bring them together this early in the show's run. I mean, think about it: the reason we are so hooked on DL is because they have these little moments where we can pinpoint how cute they are, why they should be together, etc. but if the writers out-and-out already told us that they were in a relationship, all of that magic would be lost, and DL would become lost in the shuffle of the show. For me, I would rather see continuous flirting and banters - very subtle things - because I think those elements are what keep us intrigued and hooked on the couple.

That being said, when - notice I didn't say 'if'. LOL - the writers finally decide to put them together, I would really like to see Danny ask her out, but more or less try to ask her out. You know, he could be all flustered and ask if she wants to go out to dinner and Lindsay could just smile, very amused at the fact that he was so flustered, and then she would - of course - say yes, and they would go happily off on their date!

As for the other "would you rather", I have to pick an option C, which would be something along the lines of "Jackpot" in the original CSI, where Grissom is on the phone with Catherine, and Lt. Brooks thinks that he's on the phone with his wife, and Grissom doesn't bother to correct him. I would really like to see someone think that Danny and Lindsay are dating, say it, and then watch either Danny or Lindsay not bother to correct them. Although, watching them flustered would be quite amusing too. Could you see Danny and Lindsay trying to correct someone? "Oh, he's not my..." or "She's...we're not..." LOL. Priceless, yet totally clichéd comedy.

That was the longest post I have written, I think.
*throws a pie at whoever happens to be near me*

*sprays thread with whipped cream*

i like the option when danny asked lindsay out. because i'm old fashioned like that. i always like it when the guy asks the girl they really like out because then they get all cute and uncomfortable. it's adorable. :D
You didn't just spray me with whipped cream!

Well, I think I second you. I want him to ask her out..

{throws pies and m&m's everywhere}

Where have we been? {smirks} We're all stalking the closet seeing what they'll do next!.. oh and Auda's trapped somewheres. {shrugs}
Personally, the whole ship would be thrown off balance for me if the writers did something like bring them together this early in the show's run. I mean, think about it: the reason we are so hooked on DL is because they have these little moments where we can pinpoint how cute they are, why they should be together, etc. but if the writers out-and-out already told us that they were in a relationship, all of that magic would be lost, and DL would become lost in the shuffle of the show. For me, I would rather see continuous flirting and banters - very subtle things - because I think those elements are what keep us intrigued and hooked on the couple.
LadeeBear! Honey! I gotta say I do not agree with you! **hugs to you though!** But yeah, I think we would still have the "magic" if the writers put D/L together this season! They could still have all those little moments and flirtations we love so much, it would just be that much better cuz we'd know they're together! I totally think it could work! :D
I would really like to see someone think that Danny and Lindsay are dating, say it, and then watch either Danny or Lindsay not bother to correct them.
Now that I agree with! :D That'd be really fun to see...it'd be totally cute and I'd so be shrieking for joy! :lol: (Way to go with the long post, by the way! ;))

**ducks whipped cream that Em sprayed...and grabs a can of whipped cream to spray back at her!**
And Em I agree, I think it'd be cute to see Danny ask Linds out and watch him get all flustered and cute! I think he'd be kinda cool about it really...but still it'd be really cute if he did get all flustered and cute! :D

Stalking the closet huh Lynn, sweet! I'm up for that! :lol: And Auda's around...where? You hiding fluffy pal? :D

**Moriel sprays whipped cream at Lynn and runs! Heehee!**
Now that I agree with! That'd be really fun to see...it'd be totally cute and I'd so be shrieking for joy! (Way to go with the long post, by the way! )

Haha. Thanks. I would really like to see that happen too. Oh, the possibilities that the writers have...they have to pick at least a few dozen good DL moments for us next season.

Haha. The thread's getting messy already. We've got pies and whipped cream going...well, better add to the fun!

*grabs a bottle of spray cheese and sprays at Moriel, Lynn, and Em*

Ah, the power of cheese!

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