Danny/Lindsay #10 ~ "Does IT Turn You On?"

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audacity said:
Okay we need a question or two to get some thread discussion going:

What is your D/L wishlist for this season (realistically)? (list and discuss about 3-5 things, maybe??)

Since there are so many broad hints about Danny and Lindsay on their way to becoming more than "just friends" (it's either that, or very loud wishful thinking), I'd like to see them continue as they are for the meantime. Helping each other at work, and exchanging snark, wit, and humor while they're at it. Half the fun of watching a relationship grow is the UST factor -- though of course if TPTB drag that on for too long, the viewers are going to get anticipation-of-resolution burn-out!

If they become canon, I'm torn between wanting their declaration of feelings to be in a dramatic fashion (like after a loud argument where he kisses her to shut her up), or in a quieter way (at the end of a case that pushes the unit's squick buttons). I certainly would like to see them an established pair, the way things are going right now.
Well said Starshadow I too am torn between hoping they declare their feelings in a highly dramatic fashion (I like the loud arguement followed by Danny kissing her to shut her up! :D) But I like the quieter option too...(like their buttons are pushed on a case and Danny shows up at Lind's apartment and says "I need you!") So yeah I can't decide which one I want...I like both :D

Allie you're funny! :p **throws m&m's at you!** Hey by the way hon, I can't read your fic...so could you pm me the password to read it...please! :D

Hi Rad! **waves hugely!**
Moriel21 said:
Okay let's play this game... which would you rather have happen? A new guy starts flirting with Linds and asks her out...or the new detective starts flirting with Danny and asks him out?

I'm an equal-opportunity flirtation person here. Your question got me to thinking...

What if a guy asked Lindsay out, right under Danny's nose, so to speak? Then just before she gets a chance to say yes or no, one of the female CSI's/new detective asks Danny out for dinner?

Think of the possibilities. Would Danny rashly accept, taking it for granted that Lindsay is attracted to the other guy (blasphemy!) and will accept the dinner invitation? Danny would be rash enough to do that, I think. Then there would be the "I can't believe you did that...why should it matter to you?!" kind of argument, both of them would go on their respective dates, be miserably polite to their dinner companions, and then while Danny's date is in the powder room, he sends a text message to Lindsay to say he's sorry. Which message then catches Lindsay just as the guy is dropping her off at her place. She accepts his apology at work the next day, they are totally professional, but the tension is all over the office and Papa Mac has to *do* something!

Or maybe not. I like the idea of one or the other turning jealous and being able to wreak minor mayhem on their rival. Especially the idea of Lindsay doing major kick-butt on anyone who would try making googly eyes at her man. (As soon as she admits that he *is* her man, finally!)

Waugh. Am sleep-deprived. Must seek bed now. ;)
*waves hugely* Back at ya Moriel

And I dont know if I want the to declare theor feelings all dramatically either. I'd rather it be.

Danny: Montana, you hungry?
Linds: Yea, why?
Danny: Wanna get some dinner, see a movie?
Linds: Are you asking me on a date Messer?
Dany: You said it, I didn't!
Linds: Sure, let's go!
Lol, Rad that's awesome! I like that little scenario! I gotta admit if they did make it all dramatic I wouldn't be entirely opposed to it! **Moriel stands up, "Hi my name is Moriel and I am a closet drama queen!** But I like your little scenario too, very cute! And I think the more likely to happen of the two! :D
I'm glad you guys liked it!!! I thought it was perfect how that sounded between them... I love my M&M's *pops one in mouth*
i actually think danny would be rash enough to accept another girl's offer just on the basis that another guy had asked lindsay out. because danny does rash things. that's his character's purpose in this end of CSI. so yes, i think it would happen.

but i would totally love the whole showing-up-at-front-door-i-need-you scenario. that works for me.

now, another note:

Dear Danny,

Would you please just make a move already? I really don't think Montana is going to object. Let's face it, you're hot. She's hot. It works. Just kiss her already. She'll kiss you back. If she doesn't, then there's something wrong with her, and the population of this thread is going to whack her with something for being insane. The end.

Just popping in to give starshadow a warm welcome! Whee, a fellow Filipino! :D

Okay, gotta go to sleep. See y'all in the morning! :D
Hey starshadow! Welcome! Glad to see you!

My gosh I wasn't even gone for a day and there was another page! We're gonna get through this thread really fast!
Yay! New thread! New thread! *dances around happily* Plus, I love the name. ^_~ Also, welcome to the newbies, it wasn't long ago that I was a newbie myself...*sigh* Good memories.
So, how are our closet prisoners doing? *watches monitors avidly* they are certainly taking their time... *praying to the shipper gods* Please let there be an abundance of D/L in season three...
Welcome starshadow!
You'll learn to love the *cough* insanity that is the DL thread.

Oh, and to answer Moriel: I am not sure what her past is, but I am thinking that it has something to do with death, tragic or gruesome. In "Manhattan Manhunt", the convo with Danny goes like this:

Danny: Are you upset that Mac dismissed you?
Lindsay: I can handle it.
Danny: It wasn't about that, he was, he was looking out for you. You saw that place; it was a slaughterhouse in there.
Lindsay: What? You think I haven't seen blood like that before?
Danny: I don't know to tell you the truth. Have you?
Lindsay: Yes. [drifts off] ..and a lot worse than that.

(taken word-for-word from MM)

So, that makes me think that Lindsay's been traumatized by something. But that's only a slight possibility. I could be completely wrong, but it seemed that during that convo, she was recalling something from her past.

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