Danny/Lindsay #10 ~ "Does IT Turn You On?"

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oh goodness, that spolier..oh spoliers, they fill me with happeness, and i really hope its true, but i wont be for sure until i see the episode,then watch it agian. then watch it agian, and if i have to i will do it with every episode..its not slippin through my fingers..
iluvroadrunner said:
still, people are going to react, whether or not the spoilers come from the mouth of TPTB or not.

and Moriel, it kind of is at flack's expense. flack gets injured and then both of them leave the hopsital to go 'comfort' each other, instead of being by his side? no. uh-uh, doesn't work.

if it happened in any other scenario but that one i may be happy about this. but the way things stand now, i'm not happy.

but they might've been ther for who knows how long comforting him. They never really told us how long they were there.
I have to say if something did happen after the hospital, it is human nature. I know many people who have reached out after a trauma, just because they need someone close. It may not be pretty, but it's human nature.
I gotta say I agree with Rad & IHNC, sorry Em! Seriously though, the spoiler is for the 2nd episode of the season...so I don't think that whatever happens in that episode has to be a direct result of the "Still want that ride?" comment ya know...they could have something happen when they say it does and still have comforted and watched over Flack a lot. Personally I think they stayed as long as they could (hours I'd guess!) and then they left only after the nurse told them visiting hours were over (we just didn't get to see that scene)....that's my take on that. So I don't have a huge problem with it...it's not like Flack got hurt and Danny and Linds totally skipped on visiting him at all just to hook up with each other...ya know?! Plus I don't think TPTB would do that...it's not their style.
**hugs to you Em hon!**
How do we know that something wasn't already going on or that something happened at all after the 'ride.' We have all summer and they have all summer---I seriously doubt the season will begin a day or two after the last episode. They have time to get to get to know one another and decide what exactly their relationship really is...So if something is going on between D/L, I don't necessarily see it happening because of Flack's situation or see it as something that will dominate the show. ;)

Hi Audrina good to see you here! :D

I have to say that IHNC is my hero. Iheart you! :)

Okay, right now my pulse is racing, and I'm about to let out the biggest scream of my life! :eek:
What did I do??.. But you already know I love ya, Auda!. My fluffykins! hehe

Why are you about to let out the biggest scream of your life? Wait, does it match the time I put dirt in your bikini? :lol: Wait, that wasn't me, that was Em, yeah.
allieluv_csi said:
oh goodness, that spolier..oh spoliers, they fill me with happeness, and i really hope its true, but i wont be for sure until i see the episode,then watch it agian. then watch it agian, and if i have to i will do it with every episode..its not slippin through my fingers..

I'm with you. I'm hoping it's true, but I'm not gonna believe it until I see it. I really want to believe it, but I'm scared that if I get my hopes up that they will be crushed! And I really don't want that to happen!
^^First of all, I feel like I have been neglecting you IHeart lately---you know we used to pick on each other whenever possible! Secondly, you heart Lindsay. Third, you heart D/L.

And I don't think it was Emily that put dirt and sand down my bikini, it was Cyko! Just remember that Danny loved that bikini and my blonde hair before you dyed it Elvira black in my sleep--- :eek: :eek:

I had Lindsay buy a bikini like that before we locked them in the broom closet! I think she's wearing it in the broom closet as we speak---or was wearing it---LOL! Bad Boy Danny! :devil:

BTW: Don't worry about the D/L ship. If the writers decide to take the canon route, I'm sure they'll handle it in a classy way...I think they'll want to get this one right. I don't think the D/L relationship will dominate the show. ;)
How do we know that something wasn't already going on or that something happened at all after the 'ride.' We have all summer and they have all summer---I seriously doubt the season will begin a day or two after the last episode.
That is a fabulous point Auda! **hugs to you hon!** That would make much more sense anyway, cuz I doubt they'd have poor Flack still stuck in the hospital after all this time! I mean he could still be healing (hence the new detective for a case or two...Grr... :mad:) But I think he'll be well on his way to recovery! (Something I know you'll like Em! ;) ) Which if that is the case (and more and more I think it is, it makes a lot of sense!) then I have NO problem with D/L hooking up! Cuz like you said Auda they could have been together already before the "ride" comment (something which I would almost be okay with...I could see it happening) or they could have gotten together in the whole "summer" interim...so yeah. Fun stuff! Can't wait to see what other kinds of spoilers we get, hopefully we'll get more that confirm this first one! And hopefully they won't cut this scene! :D
**fingers and toes crossed in hope!**
I read the spoiler and I hope it's true. Crosses my fingers and hope it's not false.

How is everybody?

How are my Angstytwins

Dear Danny,

Hun, for dinner tonight, can you pick up some fried tarantulas and some m&m's. I'm starved. Meet me at the broom closet and we'll enjoy our dinner "together".



**Updated Black Eyes, Blue Tears*** Angst here
Dang, I forgot about the hair. :lol: -- Although Danny did say you still looked cute ;) .. Aww I missed you too, Auda. You know Auda, you've neglected me. *tear* .. Yeah, this agreeing with you lots lately, is freaking me out, quit doing it!

Doing good, Angsty!Twin!Vex How bout you? :D

I love the Angst, You write angst amazingly! :D

Don't forget the fact that we'll be there with cameras on!
iheartnickcath said:

Doing good, Angsty!Twin!Vex How bout you? :D

Don't forget the fact that we'll be there with cameras on!

I'm fine Angsty!Twin! IHNC, I've been busy. I've been doing school and I got a new job, so my time has been limited.

Are we taking turns holding the camera?
I totally miss you :D

Of course, we're taking turns! Don't forget to add our own little caption, Danny said he likes those ;)
Taking turns holding a camera? Would this be the camera aimed into the broom closet where our lovely D/L is hanging out... **Moriel grins and does her best not to think gutter thoughts after that comment! :devil:**
Can I take a turn holding the camera too? Oh please IHNC! Pretty please? :D
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