Danny/Lindsay #10 ~ "Does IT Turn You On?"

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iheartnickcath said:
Danny: My egg roll
Lindsay: No Mine
Danny: Play twister for it?
Lindsay: Your on!


Either way they both win though, they are plaing twister after all, and we all know what that leads too.
I bear (sp? :D) a present as well...
Bonjour fellow M&M shippers!

RAD! Did you have fun?? :cool:

Everyone go and review Allie's fic!! Plenty of D/L!

Pizzapie, have I told you lately that you ROCK?!

Okay, here's my Christmas in July wish: (please note that I write these things in like less than a minute)---this so-called poem sucks :lol:(I can actually write a little better than this), but it gets the point across!

Dear Santa,

Please bring to us
Danny and Lindsay
without all the fuss
Only a little angst
with lots of fluff
Lock 'em up tight
in your broom closet of fun
Make sure they don't see
the light of the sun
Please let the PTB know
we ain't gonna rest
until they do what's best
Don't let them let it go
we want the D/L canon delivered to us
with a big red bow! :D :lol:

Auda, that poem is adorable!

Hm, I would like to see a Jealous!Lindsay. But Jealous!Danny would be interesting too, so I would say that I'd want the detective option.

Take-out owns. Psh. So, I'm gonna go with that one.

Thanks Ladee! :D

I think I'd like to see jealous Danny...SHE'S MY MONTANA NOT YOURS! LOL! :p

But jealous Lindsay would be fun---she'd give some ole gal a good country ass whoopin' for messin' with her man! :lol:
I've read a fic where Danny was jealous and its good its over at fanfiction it's called combustion. But haven't read any about her being jealous it would be interesting if done the right way.
Hi y'all! :D

Pizza love those presents! I love to see good reviews of Linds/Anna and especially when they're Linds & Danny reviews...those rock! Thanks! :D

And I just realized I didn't answer my own questions...lol! Okay I think for the angsty one...I think I'd want to see the new girl flirt with Danny and even ask him out and Linds get jealous and then Danny tell the new girl he's taken and run after Linds. (But I only want this if he does run after Linds!) Although I would like to see Linds, as Auda put it...
she'd give some ole gal a good country ass whoopin' for messin' with her man!
Now that might be a bit soapy, girls fighting over Danny...but I would love to see Linds' kick some ass! :lol:

And as for the other one...yeah I agree with y'all about the takeout! They are takeout folks...They could have Linds storm off in a jealous rage, Danny quickly turns down the new girl and runs after Linds...ending up at her place with takeout to show her it's her he really wants!
See IHNC I can handle some angst...just as long as it isn't prolonged and tragic! :p :D And back to the takeout...that option leaves them alone in an apartment...and who knows what could happen from there! :devil:

Auda I like your poem! Well done...here's hoping Santa gives you what you asked for ;)

Rad I LOVE your present...that's my avie! :lol: Fun times! :D
you people need to stop posting like crazy. sheesh.

i say jealous lindsay and not necessarily take-out persay, but like a street vendor hot dog and a walk through the park kinda date would be more their style.

i think anyway.

and allie, the board won't let me see the fic cuz i'm not a member...pm it too me?

and before you tell me to stop being a loser and join, i don't need another board.
Auda I did have fun, it was tiring though, playing volleyball 7 hrs a day for 4 days.. :rolleyes: but nevertheless it was fun..

Moriel glad you liked my presents... walruses are always fun... :p
We're spreading like wildfire on this board.
Which, I suppose is a good thing.

Anyway, here's a question then to pose, if we wanna get more specific here (Emily, I know you already answered this one in the post above mine): Which would you rather see: Jealous!Lindsay or Jealous!Danny.

And I am not answering my own question, simply because I can't decide. LOL.

I'm not a member either, allie

Auda thou wrote a poem! *gives you a "vid" of Danny & Lindsay from the camera in the ceiling* What? We have more then one camera, thank you very much, see me, Twin & smiliee thought this one through ;)

Twin brought present! Yay. Very cute pic of the two of them, and I love you too! :D
Rad I did like your present...walruses are indeed fun! :D :devil: **hugs to you for that one!**

LadeeBear that's a great question! A hard question though...hmmm...I like jealous Danny cuz I think he'd do something about it, like it would force him to make his move, ya know! But then again we've seen alot of Danny angst, so I don't think we need more of that. But jealous Linds...I see her taking it harder and it affecting their relationship moreso then jealous Danny...did that make sense? :D So I guess I say Jealous Danny...but either way, I don't want it to last...not too much angst please! :p

What? We have more then one camera, thank you very much, see me, Twin & smiliee thought this one through
Oh, oh, oh IHNC ! **waves hand excitedly!** Can I have a tape too? Oh please...I wanna see too! :D :devil:
I would much rather see Jealous!Lindsay, don't know why... it would be interesting to see. But Jealous!Danny would be funny to see.... :lol:
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