Danny/Lindsay #10 ~ "Does IT Turn You On?"

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I don't want no stinky soap bubble. Its no fun. Boring. I would love it if they became a couple, but I like to have angst moments, please. Angst, I tell you, ANGST!.. yeah I'm gonna stare at my icon now.
Since I love angst, I would love some angst this season. But not too much. Just enough to make it interesting and to make us begging for more. I would like for them to have a bit of a fight, but not a big one that would end the relationship, but enough of one that would make them head to the broom closet.
^I knew we added you to the Angsty!Triplets for a reason ;) Wouldn't it be funny if they actually had an ep where they got locked in the broom closet?.. I would swear Auda was sending my notebook out for sure then. *glares* I know its you.
**Moriel ducks in....** What's this I'm hearing...angst, more angst, no D/L canon...fights...Ahhhhhh! I can't take it! :lol: "Fluffies help me out here! The Angsties are bombarding us!" Lol! :lol:
**Moriel pauses, realizing it's quite late and she may sound a tad crazy....Oh well!**

Allie I liked your little scenario, I think that could work...it's nice but not too soapy! :D (Don't be scared to write, you can do it! :D)

Pizza loved your little thing...if that happened with the new Det. I would laugh so hard! :lol: And yeah they should be on a date and show it....I like it!

Awww yay, Hi Rad! **hugs!** glad to see you back! (even though you're an Angsty! :lol:)

IHNC I like the newest avie! And yeah I'm glad you don't want a triangle...might have to throw something at you if you did! Lol :lol: Awww... **hugs to you!**
But seriously you and your angst...don't know what I'm gonna do with you! And it would hilarious if there actually was an ep where they got locked in a broom closet...I would die! That would be the coolest ever! :D :devil: Can you imagine, they get locked in there for awhile, figure no one's gonna rescue them, so they start to "entertain" :devil: themselves...until they are interrupted mid-way through, by Stella "saving" them? That would be the most fun thing ever! :lol: :lol:

Just enough to make it interesting and to make us begging for more.
Vex That might be okay...but still...I just hate to see fighting...I know couples fight in real life, but I watch tv to escape real life! Lol :lol: But a little fight followed by serious broom closet making out, I mean up...I could live with that I think! ;)

i don't want DL to become canon. *ducks flying objects*
Duck faster hon! Lots of rotten fruit flying your way! Fluffy friend...what is this?! :D Okay seriously... Em...lol...I can kinda see your point, kinda! I too like the mad flirting, imagining and the fanfics...but I would like them to be canon WAY more! And they can make them canon and still leave us plenty of imagining to do and fanfics to write! And that would be the best of both...not too soapy, still plenty to the imagination, but definitely knowing they are together! That's what I want! **Hugs to you though Em, just cuz!**

Okay, I'm off to sleep my shippy friends! Adios! :D

**Moriel skips out, dreams of Danny shirtless filling her sleep deprived mind!**
Thanks, my OT3 is love :D .... Back OT: I love my angst, nothing wrong with a little angst at least, come on even you fluffies gotta have some angst...
iheartnickcath said:
Thanks, my OT3 is love :D .... Back OT: I love my angst, nothing wrong with a little angst at least, come on even you fluffies gotta have some angst...
okay your right about that but only a litter bit of angst but
i still love my fluff :D is D/L still in the broom closet or are they in the shower now got to love Danny in the shower :devil:
We all know I'd rather see Angst more than bubbly stuff between them. But I like the "Bubbles" sometimes too. I wouldn't their ralationship all angst, but I wouldn't want it all bubbles either, a mix of the 2 is perfect in my book!
i agree. you need to have a mix and a balance. otherwise, they're too fluffy to believe, or to depressing to watch. and that's no fun.

but so far, danny seems to be the main source of angst on the show, so i would like to see lindsay causing some trouble instead. we've already seen (somewhat) how lindsay has acted towards danny in his time of need, now i'd like to see it in reverse.
There is the one seen in All access I believe when she gets mad at the suspect in the interrogation room and she walks out and stuff.. (good scene btw) and he kind of comes to the rescue and calms her down a bit, which I liked a lot. But I want to see something big happen, like with her secret, something happens and she remembers it and then Danny comes to the rescue... something along those lines would be cute.
Moriel21 said:
Allie I liked your little scenario, I think that could work...it's nice but not too soapy! :D (Don't be scared to write, you can do it! :D)

Thank you..*hugs* i think im gonna write my first fanfic...woooohhooooo GO ME!!!!!-just giving myself the support i think i need ;)-but im dead scared so ..i hope it turns out well..
love :D
*peers in the broom closet*
'Ello! :D

I come bearing a gift: http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h269/thankgoodness/DannyandLindsay.jpg

Awh, ain't they just the cutest?

Anyway, wishlist: I really want a scenareo where Lindsay falls asleep with her head on Danny's shoulder. I just think it would be cute to roll at the end. HUG! More hand-holding "experiments", maybe. ;)

I'd like to see a fight, too. Nothing major, just a little rift, and then they apologize, thus inducing the hug!

Off to work now, so I shall see you shippers later!

Radical618 said:
allie I love your avvie! :p

oh my gosh im sorry ..i didnt even relize we had the most similar avvie..ohhhh im sooo sorry..uhh ill change..it..oh gosh im soooo sooorrrryyy
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