Danny/Lindsay #10 ~ "Does IT Turn You On?"

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I love my angst, nothing wrong with a little angst at least, come on even you fluffies gotta have some angst...
Yeah IHNC nothing wrong with a little angst...just as long as the emphasis is on the little! ;) :D Heehee, come on I can't admit to liking too much angst here, I've got a lovely fluffy rep and minions to uphold! :lol:
P3Karen, Em and Rad yeah, little angst...mixed with bubbles! Prefer more bubbles, but an even mix I could live with too :D
And yeah Em seeing Danny help Linds in a time of need would nice...like Rad said, Danny to the rescue! I like that hon :D
Allie you'll do great on your fic, I'm sure! :D
LadeeBear I agree about the hug, I'd love to see that! As long as it wasn't too cheesy! ;) Cheesy is good, but just not with D/L...ya know! But yeah...hug is good! :D

Okay let's play this game... which would you rather have happen? A new guy starts flirting with Linds and asks her out...or the new detective starts flirting with Danny and asks him out?
**and since that is a bit too angsty for a fluffy like me ;)....here's another one!**
Which would you rather see...Danny and Linds out on a date at a cute Italian restaurant, or Danny showing up at Linds apartment with takeout?

I like this game! :lol: Let me know which one you want! :D
**Moriel dances away happily!**
Moriel21 said:
Okay let's play this game... which would you rather have happen? A new guy starts flirting with Linds and asks her out...or the new detective starts flirting with Danny and asks him out?

*is too lazy to read all but the last post* I'd rather see The new detective flirting with Danny, then they go out for a little, then we get a jelous Linds, then Danny confronts her about whats wrong, they talk, they they end up getting together, because they both relieze why that bugs them so much :) (If that makes any sense to anyone else)

Which would you rather see...Danny and Linds out on a date at a cute Italian restaurant, or Danny showing up at Linds apartment with takeout?

Take-Out, why? Because it is cute.
Moriel21 said:
Allie you'll do great on your fic, I'm sure! :D
oh thankyou..i can do it..now that you believe in me! :D

Moriel21 said:
Okay let's play this game... which would you rather have happen? A new guy starts flirting with Linds and asks her out...or the new detective starts flirting with Danny and asks him out?
uhh defently new guy flirting with linds..i love jealous danny then they get in a fight..and refer to next question

Moriel21 said: **and since that is a bit too angsty for a fluffy like me ;)....here's another one!**
Which would you rather see...Danny and Linds out on a date at a cute Italian restaurant, or Danny showing up at Linds apartment with takeout?
after danny and lindsay get in an argument.danny brings takeout to lindsays apartment..and roses..and appologizes to her!!!!

Moriel21 said:
I like this game! :lol: Let me know which one you want! :D
**Moriel dances away happily!**
as you can see..i answered them both..yay me
allieluv_csi said:
Radical618 said:
allie I love your avvie! :p

oh my gosh im sorry ..i didnt even relize we had the most similar avvie..ohhhh im sooo sorry..uhh ill change..it..oh gosh im soooo sooorrrryyy

nooo! don't change it! I like it!!!!! Dont change it, I wasn't implying that! Dont change it!!!

Amd Moriel I'd rather see a guy asking Lindsay out... and then see her turning him down, or her accepting and then realizing how miserable she is because it's not Danny...
I brought some presents...

you have great interaction between the characters. For example Danny and Lindsay. They have great on screen chemistry that is entertaining to watch. When I read that Aiden's character was going to be fired, I was shocked. I couldn't believe that anyone any good good replace Aiden. I was so wrong. Lindsay's Character is brilliant, really clever. Keeping her past a mystry in great. Her interaction with Danny is just pure brilliance. I can't wait to see them get together.

From tv.com

Danny is cute, I like him paired up with the new girl Lindsay. Speaking of the new girl, Lindsay is a riot, sweet little mid-west girl in the tough street of New York, but don't underesitmate her, she can definately hold her own

From here

When Aiden left the show I was angry but then Lindsay showed up and I like think she is so awesome!! Her and Danny would be really cute together and they already flirt so much.

From here

Anna Belknap has earned a spot in my favorite actresses list

From here
and Radical ..ok..ok..i wont..just dont hurt.....me

oh that is the neatest thing ive ever read..neatest..i giggled like a little school girl..hehe.still gigling.
Moriel the answers to your questions 1. a new guy starts flirting with Linds and asks her out but of course she says no 2.Danny showing up at Linds apartment with takeout
p3karen said:
Danny showing up at Linds apartment with takeout

I agree with that one too. That would be so cute... maybe it could be some kind of bug take out... :lol: just kidding. Danny and Lindsay seem like Chinese take-out-people... :lol:
I think they seem like the Chinese take out type too... "some kind of bug take out" LMAO twin!

Thanks Pizza :D
Danny: My egg roll
Lindsay: No Mine
Danny: Play twister for it?
Lindsay: Your on!

and yay Pizza updated. *smooch* You are love!
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