Danny/Lindsay #10 ~ "Does IT Turn You On?"

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Hey y'all! I cannot believe we're already on page two! Wow!!!

And for auda's questions.

I really want D/L to keep up all the flirting and stuff like they did in a lot of their scenes together. And I really want them to work together a few times too.

I don't know if they'll become cannon this season. Part of me says yes, but the other part is saying no. Yes because I think they're a very realistic couple.
"the new chick is hot" ;)

*hands you the recorded tape* Here you go, watch it. ;) Me and smiliee decided to be nice and add you some more scenes into it ;)

Em -- We didn't take the clothes, because... We had to bribe them to come down the stairs dangit! We're waiting until they go in the shower, and me and Smiliee's gonna snag em.

Wishlist - Some nice angsty scenes, (we both know thats actually realistic!) Groomy cases, Bloody cases. I want to hear someone say, "Bloody Hell!"

Canon - Maybe towards the end of this season or another one, Why? Because CSI did it, why not them?.. But I think they will become it one of these days, Yup.
yay...new thread! And Yay I got to see Zoo York for the very first time and I loved it! Loved that look Danny gives Mac when Lindsay whips out that knife to cut that piece of meat. Then he said something like "Country girls"

Ok...im not sure if its ok for me to point this out :devil: but in Moriels picture....look for Danny's hands. lol

aww IHNC I didnt even know you liked my avatar in the first place. Thanks! In case you didnt know already I like all of yours.
oh congrats everyone...#10 holy buckets
*hugs*to IHNC,Auda,and Moriel and all d/l shippers..
What I'd like in the next season- I want to see some DL angst- related to her dark secret or something like that. No triangles- we don't need soap bubbles. I'd like to see some continuation from RSRD- maybe Lindsay asks Danny how Louie's doing.

Cannon or not- I think it may become cannon next season. TPTB spent way too much time in both subtle and knock you over the head hints this season for it not to go somewhere.
Danny was like, 'the new chick is hot.'
Lol yeah Auda totally! And I loved those looks of Danny's in Zoo York! And yeah CSI Katie love that whole scene with Linds and the knife! Oh and the one where she totally tackles that guy against the car...Love it! And Mac comes up and says like "What do they feed you in Montana?" or something like that I think! But yeah great stuff! Linds made a very nice entrance into the show with that ep! :D

Okay and as for your questions Auda...:
Realistically, I'd like to see Danny and Linds together outside of work, just a few times....doesn't have to be soap operaish...or anything, just like Danny shows up at Linds' apartment with Chinese (okay Italian! ;) ) or Linds meets Danny for a drink like at the end of Stuck on You. I think they could do it very tastefully so it doesn't take away from the show, just like a minute and half scene at the end or in the middle or beginning...lol! It could totally work!

And as far as canon...I WANT them, really want them to become canon before this new season ends...I have my fingers, toes and everything else crossed for that to happen. However, looking back over all the history's of all the ships I've shipped...I do not see this happening! TPTB have an awesome track record for making a ship go toward canon but then having it take many years to get there. So I HOPE and WANT it to be canon this season, but realistically I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't until the next season, maybe longer if they're particularly cruel!
**Moriel growls and gathers rotten fruit and pitchforks to throw at TPTB in case that prediction is correct!**
Good questions Auda! :D **hugs to you, IHNC, Smiliee, Allie...ah hugs for everyone! :lol:**
I like triangles, in fics, but for on the show, Not really so much. Nope.

I want Angst. More angst. and yeah, I want to know her bloody secret!
iheartnickcath said:
I like triangles, in fics, but for on the show, Not really so much. Nope.
I want Angst. More angst. and yeah, I want to know her bloody secret!

"Tsk, tsk, tsk!" IHNC whatever am I gonna do with you?! Lol! :lol: At least we agree on no triangles in the show...but all that angst you're asking for?! :p Moriel doesn't like it... :( **pouting!** I do want to know her bloody secret though...totally agree on that! :D

P.s. Where's this new avie from IHNC, NCIS again? :D
i would realisticly love to see danny and lindsay out on the town..and not just in a pub seeing their boss play his guitar..im talking about a nice dinner and maybe a show..i would love for this to happen

[stella and lindsay sitting in the break room, danny walks by and smiles at lindsay,she smiles at him]
Stella:got any plans tonight lindsay?
lindsay:eek:h no..nothing
Stella:let me refraise that..got an plans tonight lindsay.with danny?
[lindsay looks down and smiles]
Lindsay: how did you know?
Stella: trust me....i could tell
[stella stands up,walks toward the doorway,turns her head and smiles]
Stella:bout time

ok..that was my little senario..i hope you like it..wow..that was the first ever d/l thing ive wrote..i hope its up to your guys standards..i was thinking of writing a fanfic..but im too scared to do it..so anything would help me..
^I like the scenario, and I could see it happening.

It could be interesting if they opened an episode with them on a date, and they get called away to a crime scene.

Another thing I just thought of: This isn't very realistic. But it would be very hilarious if the new detective started to try to flirt with Danny,
Danny: Sorry, but I'm already taken.
A bit later when Danny and Hawkes are alone
Hawkes: Who are you going out with now?
Danny: Lindsay
Welcome back Angsty!Twin!!
Pizzapie - I could see that happeneing too, and I really like your little cappy thing! ;)
Moriel - Of course Angst!.. Hey, be glad I don't want a triangle though! :D .. and yup, NCIS again, back when Kate died. I have another one I'm going to use next. I adore it :D I changed icons again. my ot3 baby!
i don't want DL to become canon. *ducks flying objects*

purely for the sense that CSI is a procedural drama, and it's not meant to dig into the relationship aspect.

also, i like ships because it has a lot more to do with imagination than with what's actually happening. it's a lot of implied, that lets the viewer just take it where they want it to go. if they make DL canon, and it doesn't turn out like the way i pictured it in my head, i hate to say it, but it will bother me.

i like to ship characters because it gives me a chance to take two characters that have chemistry and flirt like the devil, and use my imagination to turn them into something more, and give my own spin to things. i wouldn't want to be told which way to take these two characters' relationships.

but yeah, no soap bubbles, triangles, etc. miami's giving me enough soap issues as it is, i don't need NY to do that too.
iluvroadrunner said:
i don't want DL to become canon. *ducks flying objects*

purely for the sense that CSI is a procedural drama, and it's not meant to dig into the relationship aspect.

also, i like ships because it has a lot more to do with imagination than with what's actually happening. it's a lot of implied, that lets the viewer just take it where they want it to go. if they make DL canon, and it doesn't turn out like the way i pictured it in my head, i hate to say it, but it will bother me.

i like to ship characters because it gives me a chance to take two characters that have chemistry and flirt like the devil, and use my imagination to turn them into something more, and give my own spin to things. i wouldn't want to be told which way to take these two characters' relationships.

but yeah, no soap bubbles, triangles, etc. miami's giving me enough soap issues as it is, i don't need NY to do that too.

you know..i was thinking about that the other day.when i was supposed to be sleeping, i love imagineing what will happen in the d/l relationship..and i would of course be sooooo happy if they hooked up..but a little dissapointed to..nah..more happy..estact actually! but i think the track that d/l is on now..is much more better,because if they hooked up ..and broke up :mad:[god forbid that] it would be awkward..but i love 'em..and i hope they keep down the road there on..
allie :D
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