Danny/Lindsay #10 ~ "Does IT Turn You On?"

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Twin's pimping me out :D hehe. Thanks you guys for liking the fic, and yeah theres gonna be a sequel, I just don't know when, since Em wants her FM ficcie ;) That I'm holding for ransom :D
iheartnickcath said:
Twin's pimping me out :D hehe. Thanks you guys for liking the fic, and yeah theres gonna be a sequel, I just don't know when, since Em wants her FM ficcie ;) That I'm holding for ransom :D

I smell angst coming on! :p Lol! Ya know I loves ya Lynn heehee, and your ficcies...angsty though they may be! Although this one was pretty good angst-wise, maybe cuz it was so short! ;) :lol:

Way to pimp her Rad, although she doesn't really need it...she sells herself! :D (And I SOOO didn't mean that in the way I just realized it could sound! I meant your fabulous personality wins people to you without any pimping needed!) **Moriel blushes and hope Lynn won't hate her after that foot in mouth major blunder!**
Okay I have written the first chapter of my spoiler fic. I really don't think it's that good but I never think it's that good. So it's up to you guys. CLICK ME!!
Moriel21 said:
**Moriel giggles...and tosses pies at Lynn, Rad, Em, Jenn, Misery, Allie...and everyone of her other lovely shippy pals...and ducks for cover into her lovely D/L bubble!**

Ok come on Moriel..i thought you loved me..i thought we had something..then you go and throw this pie..you..are..so......*throws pie back* haha..sucker..you fell for it..hah

oh and so this isnt spamming..i love d/l..i want september 20th to come..its my Bday present from CBS. [my bday is septemeber 17}


yes, you've told me you're holding the fic for ransom. but you haven't told me what the ransom is. that kind of prevents me from paying the ransom, in order to geth the fic.

teeheehee. everyone's pimping things. and i have nothing to pimp. i'm feeling kind of left out. but not really!

and in responds to the pie chucked in my direction. *knocks on the door to Moriel's bubble*

*when door opens, sprays her with seltzer water.*

*then runs*
Moriel21 said:
iheartnickcath said:
Twin's pimping me out :D hehe. Thanks you guys for liking the fic, and yeah theres gonna be a sequel, I just don't know when, since Em wants her FM ficcie ;) That I'm holding for ransom :D

I smell angst coming on! :p Lol! Ya know I loves ya Lynn heehee, and your ficcies...angsty though they may be! Although this one was pretty good angst-wise, maybe cuz it was so short! ;) :lol:

Way to pimp her Rad, although she doesn't really need it...she sells herself! :D (And I SOOO didn't mean that in the way I just realized it could sound! I meant your fabulous personality wins people to you without any pimping needed!) **Moriel blushes and hope Lynn won't hate her after that foot in mouth major blunder!**

She needs no pimping... I was admiring her from afar... and YAY!! a sequel!! should be good..

*Throws pie at Moriel and Twin*
*peeks into the thread*
*ducks to avoid being hit by pies*

I missed you guys! *whines* Right now, I am in my sister's room, on the floor, using my laptop because my house has like, no internet connection anywhere in this house because of a stupid thunderstorm last week. Thus, I have been absent and have returned to see a bajillion - okay, more like 4 - pages added to this thread.

If you all are following my story over at FF.net, I am planning on doing a chapter this weekend (sometime when school does not interfere with my writing...and yes, I am unfortunately back in school. *kicks stupid FL school system for making me start my senior year July 31st*) about that spoiler for episode two. Honestly, I don't even know if these spoilers are credible - I have problems trusting these things until I actually see them air, because remember, the creators of Friends gave away "spoilers" for their season finale, and even taped a fake finale for a live audience just to keep the real one secret - so I am not sure whether or not to believe that this 2nd episode one is true, but regardless, it will make a killer plotline to my fanfic!

Anywho, I would like to see D & L play Truth or Dare, just because I think it would be the most realistic and sensible game that they would play, maybe like on a long shift or a car ride to a scene, and integrating the whole team into the mix would yield some comedic results.

I love all you crazy shippers!

Whenever I get the chance I will be back on.

Hey! Missed you too! I didn't follow friends, but they really did that? That's just mean. They could not tell anything, but giving out fake spoilers and a fake finale is so stupid and cruel.
--Gets whacked with pies--

And here I was going to sing. hmm. Oh wells. *throws pies back at Moriel and Twin and sneaks one on top of Auda's head. :lol:

You know I love you, Moriel!

Em -- The Ransom is........ Come on guess. Its easier that way.

Missed you Jenn!

Spoilers can be fun when they wanna be. {runs to threatens the spoiler} :D
**takes back the pie!** Lynn if you're gonna sing...I take it all back! :D Oh please sing! I loves it when you sang :lol: **hugs to you!**

Heehee...I just LOVES me my D/L and my D/L shippers! I so cannot wait for Sept. 20th y'all...gah, I'm gonna go crazy way before them! :D :p

**Moriel tiptoes into the middle of the thread....very innocent....and sprays chocolate sauce and whipped cream all over everyone! Especially, Lynn, Rad, and Auda! Gotcha all, lol!**
Wow. My fic's getting good reviews. On here and ff.net. Thanks you guys. I really thought it was sucky to be honest. Well...maybe not sucky...but I thought I'd get more constructive criticsm (which I don't mind. Feel free)than praise.
Moriel21 said:

Heehee...I just LOVES me my D/L and my D/L shippers! I so cannot wait for Sept. 20th y'all...gah, I'm gonna go crazy way before them! :D :p

**Moriel tiptoes into the middle of the thread....very innocent....and sprays chocolate sauce and whipped cream all over everyone! Especially, Lynn, Rad, and Auda! Gotcha all, lol!**

*Vex sneaks behind Moriel and sprays her with chocolate sauce, whipped cream and you have to have ice cream!

I can't wait for sept. 20th. I wished we had at least a spoiler pic or something. The suspense is killing me! :lol:

How is everyone tonight?
That reminds me. I need to confirm my account on FF.net. AHHHH!

I love D/L and my D/L buddies, and Angsty!Triplets, and friends :D .. I even love Auda..

Good one Vex!

I know, the suspense is killing me too, its like its taking forever!
guess? guess?

do i need to write something for you? cuz if i do, it may take me a while.

and i don't care if you're going to sing, i refuse to take my pie back. *drops lemon meriangue on Lynn's head*
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