Danny/Lindsay #10 ~ "Does IT Turn You On?"

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Thanks Moriel i have that but i cant seem to get to timing right on it i guess i am going to have to keep playing with it Lol
You know, It's been a while since I've posted in here, but after reading some DL fics, I've started loving them again. I've been reading some spoilers, and, I'm taking them with a grain of salt. I don't think I';; really be convinced until I see the eps. Because remember that pic of smacked where they were getting ice cream during corrprote warriors i think and it never aired?

Happy birthday GirlyGirl!

And, ahem, joinmyboard. http://s3.invisionfree.com/Anna_Belknap (Sorry, had a little cough. :D )

Happy birthday, Girlygirl! Hope you had/have a good one! :D

And somehow I can see Lindsay as the one "pulling away". *shrugs*

Gotta go! :D

Happy bday GirlyGirl! I've read the spoilers and i'm not too worried coz there's a couple of months til the season starts, in the us anywayz, so they'll probably edit the scripts and stuff before then, they always do. there not confirmed so anything can happen.
Okay so frankly, I'm excited about this. At least one of them is willing to fess up about their feelings. And I know that you guys are upset...some of you...because Lindsay's pulling away but might I remind you how in the best tv shows, the writers love to prolong things, just to tease the viewers? They're not going to have them making passionate love to each other at the beginning of season three because we would enjoy it way too much and they love to tease us. So they have to draw it out as long as possible. I think the soonest will be at least the end of season three. I know that might not be what you want to hear that's just my opinion

*Runs and hides from any pies that might fly at her for saying this*
I think you all are missing the point. Lindsay is into Danny. But relationships are not just cut and dry. If you've ever been in love before, you know that declaring one's feelings is a little more complicated, especially when you have been through hell before. Something is going on with Lindsay that is deeper than we know. It is not simply about her not being into Danny. I think it has to do a lot with her past---but that doesn't mean that she doesn't want to end up with Danny. Plus from what I have heard, a women in this particular episode is going to be flirting with Danny in front of Lindsay. She could be really upset with that---maybe thinking he's a player. Don't get too upset by this. I still believe that Lindsay is totally into Danny, if not totally in love with him. Just look at the way she looks at him in "COTP" before he asks her about 'the ride.' Body language says eveything! Smile everyone and relax! Listen to me---I'm all knowing when it comes to my D/L--LOL!

Happy B-Day, Girlygirl!
I'm excited too! I'm not really a big angst person, but this is big (if they keep it in before the premiere!!) What this does is open up their relationship-verbally. Now it's more than just Hammerback declaring that Danny has a crush on Lindsay. Now he's admitting it. Perhaps that is what Linds needs---for Danny to admit it. Maybe then she won't pull away. Maybe she's scared that he doesn't care about her as much as she cares about him. But I still feel like her feelings run deep for him!
I think that Danny cares about her so much and that Lindsay cares about him so much,she's afraid if she admits her feelings about him, it would drive him away. Danny on the other hand, has never been in love before so maybe he doen't know the right things to say and he is afraid of Lindsay rejecting her.
Just a thought, which Audacity touched on, but this story is probably the opener into Lindsay past where we start to fine out more about her and that in her past she probably had a really bad relationship or her parents were always fighting or something that makes it really hard for her to trust people so getting involved with anyone not just Danny freaks her out.

Again just a thought and I'm completely in love with these two. :D And thank you so much to everyone who wished/is still wishing me a happy birthday. :)

Happy Birthday Girlygirl..
And i agree with you all..i think it makes sense.

Hi y'all! **Moriel pops in an waves!**

Auda my fluffy friend, you make so many good points I don't know where to begin! :D You have such a nice way of calming my freakout with a simple post...well done! :lol:

I liked what you said Auda, about now it being more than Sid saying Danny has a crush on her, and how maybe that's what Linds' needs, confirmation from Danny himself that he really does care deeply for her. I could see that she's scared she cares more for him then he does for her. ( I don't think that's true necessarily, but I can see her thinking that!) And I totally agree...I think her feelings for him run deep! I think both of them have deep feelings for eachother! Heck I think they're in love! But you're also right, being in love isn't cut and dry, it comes with baggage and I'm thinking that's what we're getting with Linds pulling away, past baggage of hers. And yeah I don't think her pulling away means she doesn't want Danny...and as for the woman flirting with Danny...if Linds doesn't kick her ass...I SOO will for her! :mad:

I'm completely in love with these two.
Me too GirlyGirl aren't they just fabulous! :D
Yay for you calming down! Besides I think the hostage spoiler comes AFTER this so I doubt they're getting rid of the ship.
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