Danny/Lindsay #10 ~ "Does IT Turn You On?"

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I'm pretty sure it doesn't actually Dannyfangirl :D
(This spoiler is for ep.3 and the hostage is for ep.2 as far as I know! ;) )
But thanks for the thought! :lol: And yeah they're not getting rid of this ship....they're not stupid enough to risk the anger of many, many D/L shipper! :lol:
**Moriel sits in her happy D/L bubble...watching M&M clips and sharpening her pitchfork in case TPTB decide to be dumb!**
Wow. Episode 2 is the hostage thing? Kind of soon. I thought it would be like the middle of the season.

*knocks on the bubble (not breaking it) and asks if she can come in*
Nope it's really soon...I like that they start up the D/L storyline that quickly! :D

Sure Dannyfangirl all my D/L lovelies are welcome into my happy bubble! Just be forewarned...I'm mostly about the fluff, so too much angst and I'll douse you in whipped cream! ;) :D or water...right Lynn? :lol:

**Moriel stands on her head...my ship will sail, my ship will sail....they will become canon, they SO will!**
Cool beans :D I like the D/L themed lj...it's cool!
Wait so...when you say Jenn is your twin...do you mean Jenn...LadeeBear...Jenn? And is she really your twin? Sorry, I'm just curious! If so...that's awesome! :D

Time for another game y'all! Let's see....let's go random and fun!
Would you rather see....
A.) Linds and Danny playing strip poker! :devil:
B.) Linds and Danny playing Twister! :devil:
C.) Linds and Danny playing truth or dare? :devil:

And I'm actually gonna answer this question right away, since I don't really do that...heehee. I think I'm gonna go with C.! As much as I LOVE strip poker and Twister (can we say HOT!) I would love to see D/L play Truth or Dare! Can't you just imagine it! It's a really slow day...and everyone is bored and hanging out in the break room (even Mac!) and someone suggests a game..."Hey let's play Truth or Dare!" (I could see Flack suggesting this!) and then it goes from there...hmmm, I sense plot bunnies coming on! Ohhhhh, this could be fun! I may just have to go write that fic! :lol: :devil:
I don't think that TPTB are planning to get rid of our ship. On the contrary, this spoiler kind of proves to me that they are taking this ship seriously. After all the flirtation, it's time for some serious talking about the chemistry. And that's exactly what they're gonna do. :D
^^She really does suck at poker.

I'm all about B. Because Twister so rules. and thats what we already have them playing in the closet. Dangit!... but they tried strip poker until the found out the chips had cameras too... dangit, I told Auda about that!

I need an LJ moodtheme....I need to finish that.. {sighs} I already had a Carmine moodtheme. Did I mention that was a hot one?
I agree, Fabian . I think it's kind of cool that Danny's gonna be the one to bring it up. Shows he's really done some growing up...which I guess would happen after your brother's beaten within an inch of his life and probably dies later, followed by a coworker being beaten and raped, followed by an ex-coworker and best friend being found dead and to top it all off...his other best friend gets a whole blown into his stomach and is in the hospital *takes a deep breath*. It's understandable that he might realize how short life is and want to take things more seriously.
Moriel , to answer your question if Jen and I are REALLY twins, then not only were we separated at birth, but our mother had a really long labor period. She's two years older than me. I say we're twins because we both love musical theatre, CSI:NY, D/L, livejournal...we're both Christians and we even get the same muses for stories. So we might as well be twins although I know real twins aren't THAT much alike personality wise. And to answer your multiple choice question B. but with a group and then at some point in the twisting, they touch and Lindsay does her usual almost-blushing thingie.
I'd go with c - truth or dare. I think that would be so funny to watch. If Hammerback was playing, he might dare danny to kiss lindsay. That would be so cool, and funny at the same time, to see their inital reactions.
Oh Fabian! It's so good to see you. I couldn't agree more. ;)

After flirtation there does need to be some serious talk---then they can flirt all they want. Flirt at the lab, flirt on a date, flirt in bed! :devil:

I agree with the person that said if the PTB wanted to drop this ship they would have just left the D/L storyline the way that it was at the end of last season. The last D/L scene in "COTP" left a lot up to the imagination. They could have just pretended nothing happened and then went on from there. But frankly, I don't think so.

Cheers! I think we all need a group hug! :D

Moriel, cheer up my fluffy friend. I don't think you'll be needing to 'get' the PTB just yet! :lol:

Moriel, I say that if Lindsay doesn't kick flirty chick's ass, then we both go and do it...no one else is allowed to flirt with Danny except Lindsay!! :mad:

EDIT: I chose "C"---'Truth or Dare'---leaves room for so many options. :cool: Lindsay insists that Danny play strip poker with her---because she will win. Danny must remove all of his clothes. Then Danny suggests that they play "Twister." Naked Danny will insist that Lindsay is wearing too much clothing while they are playing "Twister." So while twisting ensues, Danny begins removing Lindsay's clothes. She doesn't protest---I love this! I have a one track mind...:devil: :devil: :devil:
No dangit! If anyone gets Danny its me, you hear me? Me!... But I'll share him with Linds... I say we kick that hoochie mama's @$$ and drag her down the street for flirting with Danny!
I'd go with Truth or Dare, because this might would actually get them to admit to something that everyone knows- but they think they don't.

I think Lindsay would be horrible at poker- I don't think she'd be able to have a straight face. Although, if it's strip poker, it could a be a good thing...
Yeah...Lindsay and, as Flack said before, Stella could not play poker. I still like the twister thing, but truth or dare is my runner up.
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