Danny/Lindsay #10 ~ "Does IT Turn You On?"

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Angst shall rule! I agree with Smiliee in that I did something like this happening but not this scenerio. We just have to see how the writers want to handle this situation.

How are my Angsty!Twins! doing today? Good I hope.
smiliee said:
Why is everyone so unhappy?! I love the angst! I guess I kind of saw something like this coming.

Their upset cause Angst is winning! :D

Ha ha,we need to buy him new glasses huh?

I think I came up with the why... He's using it as an excuse, so he can see her more.

And Moriel. I just noticed your banner and I totally LOVE it!

I second that!

Vexus said
Angst shall rule! I agree with Smiliee in that I did something like this happening but not this scenerio. We just have to see how the writers want to handle this situation.

Angst shall rule, indeed!.. Yeah, something always happens.. But the angst, baby, the angst! ..Writers are just doing what us Angsty's like.

How are my Angsty!Twins! doing today? Good I hope.

I can't speak for twin, but I'm doing great! :D Thanks for asking, and yous?
Tired, had orientation today for my new job and I have been on the phone for 30 mintues trying to have a book fee removed from my account summary at my college. GRRR! Frustrating!
^I totally know what it is like with college book fees, VexVex. They suck. :rolleyes:

Ever heard of the old adage---there's a time for fluff and a time for angst. My fluffies, how can we appreciate fluff unless we go through the angst? :p

I know that it sounds as though the angst is going to get the better of D/L, but it won't. The PTB have invested a lot into this ship. Nearly every episode (during the last half of the season) had a D/L scene in it. To me, Danny confronting Lindsay about their feelings is a big step for him. Over a year ago, he was nervous about Mac saying that 'love' could happen to him. Then Danny was nervous about the idea of 'cuddling.' Now that he's grown up a bit, he seems like maybe he might be ready for a real relationship. Just because he feels Linds is pulling away doesn't mean she will ultimately---there are 24 episodes in a season!! Danny discussing his feelings only reinforces, to me, every look, stare down, comment, and tongue roll towards Lindsay!!

I say fluffies and angsties should come out, shake hands, have some pie, and then have a big water gun fight! That will work to smooth things over between angst and fluff. :lol: :lol:
Oh now you wanna have pie with us angstys?.... eh, I can work with that, what about the rest of you angstys?
A time for fluff and a time for angst huh Auda? Lol, cute my fluffy friend! :D I guess I can admit to that...begrudgingly! :p
Okay so Auda said..."Now that he's grown up a bit, he seems like maybe he might be ready for a real relationship. Just because he feels Linds is pulling away doesn't mean she will ultimately---there are 24 episodes in a season!! Danny discussing his feelings only reinforces, to me, every look, stare down, comment, and tongue roll towards Lindsay!!" Okay yeah Auda...I can agree with that. Him actually being willing to talk with her about it, does say he's way more mature and ready for a real relationship which is fabulous! And yeah just cuz Linds pulls away now doesn't mean she will ultimately. I was thinking this over while I was running my errands just now (I know obsessed right? Lol!) and I figured out why I'm freaking out about this. It's not so much the angst itself as the fact that it's unknown future angst. Since I haven't seen what actually happens, my imagination runs wild, and believe me my imagination comes up with angst that is way worse than anything they'd actually show! I'm a drama queen, so I freak myself out and think that's what they'll do...hence the panic!

I've just decided I get way to involved with my ships...I just want them to work out so very badly! :D (Lol, I know can we say obsessed? :lol: I know, I know! :p)

As for the Fluffies and the Angsty's shaking hands and having pie...okay I can do that! :D I loves the Angsty's :lol: As for the water fight...sweet deal, bring it on!
**Moriel hides her super duper massive water gun behind her back and giggles!**

Pssssttt...Fluff Rules! :lol: :lol:
Fireman's hose, Em? Rock on, I didn't know we could use those! :D
**Moriel pulls out her fire hose and sprays the whole thread!**
*Gets blown back by the force of the waterhose*

Okay,Okay, I get it!
* Vexus reaches back behind her back and grabs her waterhose and a bottle of soap and sprays at the same time, drenching the fluffies in a mixture of bubbles and water*

*hee, hee* :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Bubbles? Yay I love bubbles! **bubbles, bubbles, bubbles!** (Movie line anyone?!)
Good one Vex! :lol: Good idea on the water fight Auda it was about time we cleaned up all the pie and whipped cream that is lying around in here! :D And ya know I think D/L might need a little water turned there way...things are getting pretty hot in that broom closet! :D Wait never mind, temperature rises...clothes come off... :devil: **Moriel ducks the meter!** I didn't say anything! Just not to spray them with water quite yet! :D
**Moriel whistles innocently and sneaks up on Lynn and Auda with her fatty fire hose!**
Moriel, I'm gonna get you if you squirt me. I'll make you read angsty D/L and C/N fics, and Em, if you squirt me again, the same threat applies to you. :p

Vex, The Angst baby! We want our angst!
*I want to say Finding Nemo to the movie line... :D

okay so the previous spoilers...

Yes, it sounds angsty, and yes it sounds like "get close, pull away, etc." And honestly, That bugs me. I like that it'll be angsty, don't get me wrong, but I dont want more than like 2 eppys of that. If the angstyness goes on for a long period of time, I'll have Fluff withdrawls, because I like relationship fluff too!!! So go angsty!D/L but there better be some Fluff!D/L too. And it is weird that Lindsay would be the one to kind of back off. I would've thought it would be Danny as well, but you never know. In the end, they'll hook-up..

And Moriel deep breaths... (I'm right there with you... :mad:)
Rad! Hi! I adore you, have I told you that? :D (Great guess on the movie line babe! You are correct! :D)
And Moriel deep breaths... (I'm right there with you... )
Thanks hon...I needed that! And I'm glad you're with me...that helps :D
I can handle a little angst (hey stop laughing Lynn! I can handle it! :p :D)...as long as it's not prolonged and really sad! A couple eps I could manage, it's when it starts to look like it's gonna go all season or tear the couple apart that I start to freak out! And like I said, part of why I freak...is that I don't know what's gonna happen, so I imagine TPTB are gonna destroy our ship...which would be SO sad! :( :mad: And retarded of them after all the buildup and obvious chemistry and hot tension between D/L! So yeah....I'm gonna take several deep breathes and go watch M&M videos to cheer up!

Lol, Hi Lynn honey! :D
Moriel, I'm gonna get you if you squirt me. I'll make you read angsty D/L and C/N fics
Well if that's the case... **Moriel gives Lynn a big friendly squeeze! :D .....and then soaks her with a huge bucket of water! :lol:**
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