Danny/Lindsay #10 ~ "Does IT Turn You On?"

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LadeeBear said:

I am gone three hours to see my best friend perform in "Fiddler on the Roof" and somewhere between Act 1 & Act 2 we've added two more pages to this thread? Hurrah!

Fluff = the love (and the apparant winner, currently)

And, seeing as I have no idea what is going on besides contributing songs that remind us of D&L's relationship, I totally did a couple of songs from Jekyll & Hyde and made them into songfics over at FF.net (click me if you want to read them all), but this one has got to be my favorite.

This song truly reminds me of Lindsay's perspective, as she could think this in any espisode, but it really, really nails 'the looks' between the two of them.

from the musical Jekyll & Hyde

I sit and watch the rain,
And see my tears run down the windowpane...

I sit and watch the sky.
And I can hear it breathe a sign...

I think of him,
How we were...

And when I think of him,
Then I remember...


In his eyes I can see
Where my heart longs to be!

In his eyes I see a gentle glow,
And that's where I'll be safe, I know!

Safe in his arms, close to his heart...

But I don't know quite where to start...

By looking in his eyes,
Will I see beyond tomorrow?

By looking in his eyes,
Will I see beyond the sorrow
That I feel?

Will his eyes reveal to me
Promises or lies?

But he can't conceal from me
The love in his eyes!

I know their every look,
His eyes!

They're like an open book,
His eyes!

But most of all the look
That hypnotized me!

If I'm wise,
I will walk away,
And gladly...

But, sadly,
I'm not wise,
It's hard to talk away
The mem'ries that you prize!

Love is worth forgiving for!

Now I realize -

Everything worth living for
Is there, in his eyes!

Love is worth forgiving for!
Now I realize -

Now I realize -

Everything worth living for
Is there, in his eyes!


Lol leave it to you to come up with a showtune when I fail to. I've heard that one. Love it.

I think Angst and fluff are equal. And they both make me say "aww" several times (although, you much know that doesn't take much). With fluff I say aww because it's so cute and with angst because I feel so bad for them and it's adorable how they're always there for each other. Lately I've been in the mood for an angst fic, but before that I was in a fluff mood. It just depends. I think my angsty moodness is because "Broken" is an angsty song and it's been stuck in my head ALL DAY. And everytime I sing it, I think of Dantana.
It just depends.
Mmm, not for me! My exception is "RSRD" ep and fics linked to it...otherwise, it's fluff all the way baby! :lol: Maybe a teeny-tiny fight thrown in every once in awhile...gotta be able to have "make-up..." every now and then! :lol: :devil:
audacity said:
Hey, where's Girlygirl been? :confused:

HI *jumps up and down to get Audacity's attention* I'M RIGHT HERE!!!!!! :D :D

I'm so touched and surprised that anyone noticed I was gone. I didn't mean to be gone so long but with the way all of you are speeding though pages a couple days away can seem like a life time.

vexus said:

I think she ran off with Danny. Because it's very quiet in that broom closet.

Yep, we took Lindsay took her away to Victoria's Secret . She's picking out a cute number for Danny as soon as girlygirl returns him back to the broom closet.

My, my, my Vexus , are you following me again? :confused: It's so very hard to keep secrets with you knowing my every move. That said, I will admit, I was with Danny but it really wasn't nice to leave the poor boy all alone in that broom closet while you took Lindsay; you should all be ashamed. :lol: I was just being nice and I must say he is very energetic; I hardly had a moment to breath let alone come up for air and post. :devil: Maybe you guys don't know this but our Danny doesn't like it when someone's attention isn't solely on him.

Anyhow, I bumped into Lindsay and some of our shippers coming out of Victoria Secret as I was on my way in (I passed Danny along to Dingbat {you can thank me later Dingbat } for a while) and after seeing the sexy little outfit our country girl bought I think the reason the broom closet is so quiet is because Danny may have had a heart attack; we might have to check on him. :)

Seriously though the reason I was away was because I went on vacation with my family (remind me never to do that again) and I didn't have time to post my leaving nor could I get internet access from the hotel we were staying at :mad: but I'm back now and still trying to convince my muse to help me in writing the next chapter of my fic. Right now I'm bribing her with M&M's so we'll see how it goes.

Wish me luck. :D

P.S- I voted Fluff

GirlyGirl Hi! :D You crack me up! :lol:
I was just being nice and I must say he is very energetic; I hardly had a moment to breath let alone come up for air and post.
Energetic...now there's a gutter thought in there, for sure! :devil: Lol, Linds is so gonna beat you for that one hon! ;) Can't say I blame ya for stealing him...but still! :D
after seeing the sexy little outfit our country girl bought I think the reason the broom closet is so quiet is because Danny may have had a heart attack; we might have to check on him.
Lol, either he had a heart attack or he attacked her as soon as he saw her...using up some of that "energy" he's got! :devil: Gutter, gutter, gutter! D/L's doin' it in the broom closet! :devil:**
Good luck with the fic...and yay for voting Fluff...we are SOO winning! Wohoo for Fluff and all my fluffies...we're so taking over the world! :lol: **hugs to the angsty's just cuz ;)!**
And on that fabulous note...
**Moriel skips off to sleep...dreams of half nekkid Danny and various other guttery thoughts in her head!**
showtunes!!! *squees* i loves my broadway....

let's see...DL song from broadway...

i've always thought danny was a bit of a maureen...but i don't think he's really let that side of him come out with lindsay. so that's a bust.

ooo...i think i've got one. ok, say in the sense that lindsay doesn't want to get involved with danny because she works with him. then you get this one (it's from Camelot):

Before I gaze at you again
I'll need a time for tears
Before I gaze at you again
Let hours turn to years
I have so much forgetting to do
Before I try to gaze again at you

Stay away until you've crossed my mind
Barely once a day
Stay away till I can wake and find
I can smile and say

That I can gaze at you again
Without a blush or qualm
My eyes will shine like new again
My manner poised and calm
No sign of fear
Not even a sigh
And so to when we gaze again

...i love this song. so pretty...
The poll won't work for me :( but if i could vote i'd vote for FLUFF! i can handle a little angst (like RSRD) but not alot. we want d/l to be happy, not sad.

As for songs.... i'm stumped. sorry :(
iluvroadrunner said:
showtunes!!! *squees* i loves my broadway....

let's see...DL song from broadway...

i've always thought danny was a bit of a maureen...but i don't think he's really let that side of him come out with lindsay. so that's a bust.

ooo...i think i've got one. ok, say in the sense that lindsay doesn't want to get involved with danny because she works with him. then you get this one (it's from Camelot):

Before I gaze at you again
I'll need a time for tears
Before I gaze at you again
Let hours turn to years
I have so much forgetting to do
Before I try to gaze again at you

Stay away until you've crossed my mind
Barely once a day
Stay away till I can wake and find
I can smile and say

That I can gaze at you again
Without a blush or qualm
My eyes will shine like new again
My manner poised and calm
No sign of fear
Not even a sigh
And so to when we gaze again

...i love this song. so pretty...

I've only seen the movie Camelot and didn't like it that much but I like the song. Yeah, hehe I can't see "Take Me or Leave Me" fitting them. Oh dear, just mentioning that song it will be stuck in my head for days! I guess "Without You" from RENT might fit, but it fits most couples.
Moriel if you're a strictly fluff person than I assume you're not going to want to read the story that you helped me come up with? *is hurt*. Heh. This would be my first multichapter Dantana angst. I hope it's good. But right now I haven't even finished the chapter so I must get to that.
Holy freakin' cow! I was gone for 1 day... 1... and I'm like 10 miles behind everyone... Thankfully I'm going home tomorrow so I'll be able to go on the comp for more than 15 mins.. :lol: anyway... Moriel said I was supposed to tell you guys what I thought of RSRD. I thought it was one of the best I'd seen...

1) The 911 thing between D/L of course was cute... he was concerned *sigh*
2) I love the looking through the window at eachother... (Who doesn't?!)
3) I LOVED that Lindsay went to the hospital with Mac to see Danny... *another sigh with a squee*
4) Carmine's acting was amazing, I cried...
5) Aresanob... DAMNIT FRANKIE!!!

Okay so there's my review for you all... basically my favorite parts were the D/L ones... :D as for the Angst/Fluff poll... What did I vote for my Angsty!Twins??!!


*get's hit with Moriel's pie and runs in the broomcloset with D/L to plot out a plan...*
Radical618 said:

*get's hit with Moriel's pie and runs in the broomcloset with D/L to plot out a plan...*

I don't think they'd want to be disturbed right now. Yay so someone likes angst! So when I get out my spoiler fic you'll read it right? It's based on the hostage spoiler so I've barely started it but I assume it will be angsty. Not too much tho, so will you fluff people at least give it a try?
i was in Camelot, therefore, am partial to it.

and Dannyfangirl don't worry. there are plenty of angstys in this thread. they'll adopt you and love you and that'll be the end of it. :D
Dannyfangirl no worries hon, I'll read your fic! :D I'm looking forward to it! I'm not so much against angst in fics, cuz I know they usually turn out happy...(hint, hint! :lol:) But yeah I'll read it, can't help you with it and then abandon you to it! :D

Rad! Hi hon :D Yeah we kinda went crazy the last few days...Great review of RSRD hon! I'm so glad you got to see it! :D Yeah I loved all the same parts you mentioned, that's really one of my fav episodes!
And I KNOW you voted Angst hon...but I still like ya! ;) Plus we Fluffies are still winning! :lol:

**Moriel tosses pie at Rad, Em, Dannyfangirl, & Jenn and everyone else....and runs! And hey...where's Lynn and Auda?!**

Wow I was gone for almost a day and we already have a new page! Holy Crap!

Anyway, I'm lovin' all the songs! They're awesome!

And as for the angsty/fluff poll I voted for ANGST!!! YaY! Go angst!
Hey, guys, Danny's very much enjoying the sexy outfit that Lindsay bought at Victoria's secret, he's asking if we send him something.

I like angst.

The title is Love Run Cold. Looks like there is a scene between DL where Danny asks why whenever its time to acknowledge the chemistry she pulls away. (hmmm, I wonder why she does- it's not in them). DL are on the same case, and Mac/Hawkes on a different one, I don't know about Stella. If you want more info, please pm.
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