Danny/Lindsay #10 ~ "Does IT Turn You On?"

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I wonder why Lindsay is the one pulling away. I guess I just didn't see that one coming. If anything I would have thought Danny would have been the one pulling away because he doesn't seem like the type of person that would like to be tied down.
GRRRR!!! I was so hoping this wouldn't be angsty! Or at least a lot less angsty...man! This means that they're gonna do that "get closer, pull back, get closer, pull back" dance...and I hate that! Man! This makes me mad...I really hope TPTB don't lead them on some huge circular route to finally get them together...and if they use this to not get them together, I'm gonna be hurting someone! That's for sure!
Well, she did pull away in "All Access." And for all of Danny's commitment phobia, I think Lindsay has something simmering under the facade that could very well keep her from getting close to people.

Spoiler space, because the spoiler tag isn't working for me.

ETA- Sorry, just saw Moriel's post- yeah, if they use this not to get them together I'll be pissed. However, I think it would fly in the face of the entire season's buildup. They better not be getting rid of my D/L. However, (being pessimistic right now), they could have decided it's a hated story line (please tell me it's not) and this is how to end it. But they both look at each other in the 2nd ep. If they have something in the first ep, I think it would be a good sign.
Seriously even thinking about them not getting D/L together is gonna ruin my day! Grrrrr! When did Linds pull away in "All Access" she didn't pull away...that I remember! I agree that Linds most likely has issues under the surface...but I will be pissed as heck if they use that to break up D/L....after all that build up for D/L this season, if they just bust that up....I'm gonna maim TPTB something fierce!**
My spolier thing is screwy..so im doing the space thing
Moriel..ive never seen you this mad..holy cow. but i will be soooo sooo pissed off if this is some attempt to build us up..then if they dont get together, to shoot us down. we arent imagineing all of there chemistry.and i think its sad that lindsay 'pulls away' from Danny after he tells her that they have chemistry..maybe she will think about it in the 4th episode, and talk to him about it..my hopes are still up and my fingers are still crossed..

Um yeah I'm mad! I hate it when TPTB do this! It sucks, big time! They do this all the time, they make it look like a ship is gonna sail smoothly and then they step in and screw with it! They've done this with every ship I love and I hate it! Dang it!.....deep breathes, in, out, in, out....okay, I'm going to retreat to my happy shipper bubble and try to not let all the crappiness of TPTB ruin my day! D/L will overcome this, they are too perfect for eachother to not make it...they WILL be together, they will.

Auda where are you? I need some major fluffiness! Lynn, Rad....I know you two are angsty's but you can still help me form a lovely D/L bubble...like our Catnip bubble Lynn I need a D/L one now too...help! :D
pizzapie & allieluv_csi, I fixed your spoiler tags for you both ;)

the spoiler tags can be touchy, and won't work if you have more than one paragraph, or even an extra space in whatever you want to put behind the tags.

Here's the code for those who need it:

Type out spoilers all in one paragraph[/spoiler*]

remove the '*' from the code ;) And you're good to go.
Moriel ..im doing my best to help you out..really i am..but i see im not doing a very good job..we need Auda and the others here...*yells into distance* " Auda....others ....anyone?"

we are very alone Moriel ..and we are very upset about this...hold me..please

love[but not TPTB b/c they are so mean]
^Thanks forensicsgirl, for both fixing them and explaining what was wrong.

Guys, we need to take up a collection to replace Danny's glasses. He and Lindsay apparently broke them while *gets smacked by the PG-13 meter*, and he can't see his Montana anymore.
oh how much money do we need..i will give all i have. *pulls money out of pocket starts counting* i have 12 dollars and 43 cents..is that enough?

Please read before you have a heart attack!! :eek:

Ummm...why is everyone upset? This stuff is called angst!!!!! It's what Lynn wants. Did everyone think there would always be smooth sailing? If so, then what Lindsay and Danny have isn't a relationship. Lindsay might be experiencing something that has nothing to do with Danny. How do we know if it ends badly?? Furthermore, how do we know what is really going to take place. This stuff is two or three months away---things change...No kneejerk reactions allowed or I'm sending you all to the basement. This is coming from 'emo' girl here. Relax, Auda is always right. This is my first ship and I've always been pretty correct (well usually) about how things will work out. No getting down on Lindsay is allowed. She's too hot for Danny to reject him...after all she broke protocol for him. She just may be working through something that we have no idea about!!!!!Love to all, Auda
*wants her angst* hahaha. Told yall Angst shall rule! Ain't that right my Twins?

Wait, now why do we want to buy him glasses again? .. {smirks}
Auda...I know it's called angst! That's why I'm having a minor freakout! I say minor because it is a knee-jerk reaction to apparent D/L angst ahead! And no my fluffy friend, I did not expect them to have smooth sailing all the time, you're right that wouldn't be a real relationship. And you're very right it could be something else entirely that Linds is dealing with. I hope that's what it is! And they are just way too perfect to not be together...and they've gone thru way too much for and with eachother to not be together! I've just seen TPTB ruin too many ships, hence my instant freak-out and pessimism! Now that this spoiler box is huge, I'll calm myself down and remember that it is indeed a couple months away and plenty can happen....D/L is meant to be together, and so they will be! Auda has said so and I choose to believe my fluffy friend!

Lynn...no angst! :p **hugs to you hon!** But no angst! :D
Why is everyone so unhappy?! I love the angst! I guess I kind of saw something like this coming.

Ha ha,we need to buy him new glasses huh?

And Moriel. I just noticed your banner and I totally LOVE it!
Thanks allie. I'll put in 10 dollars, but the glasses cost 50... come on people, cough it up!

True, maybe Lindsay was having a problem with the case or something.
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