Danny/Lindsay #10 ~ "Does IT Turn You On?"

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Grrr...I need to get out more. I don't know that one either. I'll look up the lyrics.
Then I shall copy the lyrics so that you can read them! Cause I just did and they're great.

Nothing Without You - Bo Bice
We've been through this over for a thousand times
Come on, come on, come on
Tell me what's on your mind
It doesn't matter baby what I say
You never seemed to hear me anyway

What's going to show
It's never enough
It always comes down to something
How could I live
Why would I try
I could learn to live without you
While that's a lie
No giving in, no saying goodbye
All comes down to one thing that all of this means nothing without you
All of this means nothing without you

I've thought a thought you reach out
Thought I thought you tried
Waiting here for something, nothing's all I find
Nearly natural alter standing on the shore
Writing now to listen, I'm outside the door

What's going to show
It's never enough
It always comes down to something
How could I live
Why would I try
I could learn to live without you
While that's a lie
No giving in, no saying goodbye
All comes down to one thing that all of this means nothing without you
I won't give up, I give in, no, cause you know I won't let you down
How could I live
Why would I try
I could learn to live without you
While I would die
No giving in, no saying goodbye
All comes down to one thing that all of this means nothing without you
Why would I try
I could learn to live without you
While I would die
No giving in, no saying goodbye
All comes down to one thing that all of this means nothing without you
That all of this means nothing without you
Moriel21 said:
Yeah Dannyfangirl it's a country song...and liking country or not, you should listen to it, it's a fab song! Have Lynn sing it for you, she does a great job...lol, right Lynn hon?! ;) :lol:

Hey Country can have some great D/L on teh DL songs. :D .... I'm not singing it. :lol: I done sung it. I think Auda threw something at me. {glares at Auda} So I put something in her.. Uh nevermind.

Now... I think Linds should be taken out of the closet. Give her Danny-withdraw for a few hrs.
haha taking them out of the closet is cruel and unusual punishment to them.
Lookit my new avatar! It's the eyes meetingness! *happy dance* Speaking of avatars, I instinctively tilt my head each time I see yours Moriel. 'Spretty sad.
I love the lyrics to "Best in Me" by Blue. I've written a songfic with the lyrics. (Yes, I know, shameless self promotion. But if you haven't read it, go read it!)

Another one I heard lately is "Look through my eyes" by Phil Collins. I'm going to try to write a fic based of the lyrics, hopefully in the soon future, rather than the later future (But no garantees)

There are things
In life you're learning
Only in time you'll see
It's out there somewhere
It's our way in if you keep believing

So don't run, don't hide
It will be all right, you'll see
Trust me, I'll be there
Watching over you

Just take a look through my eyes
There's a better place somewhere out there
Oeh, look, just take a look through my eyes
Everything changes, you'll be amazed what you'll find
[There's a better place]
If you look through my eyes

There will be times on this journey
When all you see is darkness
But out there somewhere
Daylight finds you if you keep believing

So don't run, don't hide
It will be all right, you'll see
Trust me, I'll be there
Watching over you

Just take a look through my eyes
There's a better place somewhere out there
Oeh, look, just take a look through my eyes
Everything changes, you'll be amazed what you'll find
[There's a better place]

If you look through my eyes
All the things that you can change
There's a meaning in everything
And you will find all you'll need
There's so much to understand

Take a look through my eyes
(Take a look through my eyes)
There's a better place somewhere out there
Oh, just take a look through my eyes
(Just take a look through my eyes)
Everything changes, you'll be amazed what you'll find
(You'll be amazed what you'll find)
Oeh, look, just take a look through my eyes
Everything changes, you'll be amazed what you'll find
[There's a better place]

If you look through my eyes
Look through my eyes
You'll find a better place
Just take a look through my eyes
You'll find a better place
If you look through my eyes

Just take a look through my eyes...

Edited to fix line breaks.
Dannyfangirl cool song! I like it! :D And I LOVE your new avie hon, that's gorgeous! :D I'm envious! ;)
And yeah I totally tilt my head whenever I look at my avie too :lol:

Lynn but you sing it so purty! :D I's loves it when you sang! :lol: And as for Danny withdrawals for Linds...sure go for it! I'll go get Danny and....um, keep him....keep him safe while we make Linds do without him for a bit...no worries, he'll be totally taken care of! :devil: :lol:
**Moriel runs to the broom closet, giggling all the way!**

P.s. Pizza love that song hon! Nice one :D And I'll read your fic...tell me where! :lol:
^Which fic? The link to "Best in Me" is in my post, and the other isn't written yet! (Got one in progress right now)
pizzapie said:
^Which fic? The link to "Best in Me" is in my post, and the other isn't written yet! (Got one in progress right now)
Oops my bad! Didn't see the link! :lol: Cool! Okay I'll go check that out :D Cool beans!
I love all the songs! They're awesome!

:lol: With everyone's moms shipping... or not shipping... Danny and Lindsay. That's hilarious. My mom won't watch any of the CSIs. She says it's what she deals with at work all day. Which it sort of is. But my brother ships Danny and Lindsay!
My brother hates any chatacter I love. Once I mentioned hating Sophia from LV and he went on and on about how much he loved Sophia.
You wrote a fic, Pizza ? Don't hold out on us, girl! Bring it here as a present! :)

These are really beautiful lyrics. Keem em' coming. :)
Smiliee your brother ships D/L? That's awesome! :D Cool beans! :lol:

Dannyfangirl no worries, my brothers love to tease me about my ships and how they do or don't exist! :D I just put my fingers in my ears and ignore them! :lol: Though really I should just force them to watch all the D/L eps so they can see that this ship is for real! :D
Moriel, in answer to your 'fluffy question' on the last page---Fluffy Rule #19, says that 'in any case that D/L and Tanglewood are involved in a storyline, one must momentarily forget the fluff and allow the angst to flow.'

But yes, there are always exceptions to every rule! *coughsnowbacktothefluffyfuncoughs*

Great songs everyone! Boy,songs are great for fics! Pizzapie, two thumbs up for your songfic...:)
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