Fogi stop you're embarrassing me! Heehee! Oh who am I kidding I love it!
**More hugs to fogi! Moriel giggles...I'm humble, uh-huh! And now a little nervous, lots of pressure to write a long post, lol!**
Lynn hon, no reason to be jealous!
I think you're fabulous and I've got plenty of hugs for you too!
**big hugs to Lynn, for so many reasons! ** And hey Gutterbuddy, you gotta stop stealing everyone! You Angsty's are gaining numbers too quickly! Fluffy's we're gonna have to put together a tactical strike team and steal some people!
**Moriel puts on her face paint and camoflage...this is fun! :lol:**
LadeeBear hon, love the pics! That ep is one of my D/L fav's for that scene! Danny can't stop staring and Linds just keeps grinning! The girl is totally working it!
She knows she's looking hot! :devil:
As for your question...(good one by the way!)...I think I'm gonna go with Option
B ...I mean an angsty case would be a good kick in the butt for them, a nice jump start to their relationship, yeah. But I'd rather have them get together on a good note ya know, no sad tragedy to mar the beginning of their relationship. Plus I love all those fun moments to watch...they're way too cute! (like at the end of SoY and Fare Game! Love those!) (I do still kinda like the idea of having them argue and then them have a huge passionate kiss!) but as far as getting together over fluff or angst...gotta be true to my fluff!
(Sorry to my angsty friends
Lynn, Rad but I gotta go with the fluff!)
I think I might like to see them go undercover as a crazy couple. They argue, in a fun, playful way, and then someone points out how they are meant to be together. Cliched, I know, but hey it's TV. They can still make it fun.
It wouldn't be a bad thing to see them get trapped or stranded somewhere together---Danny whines, Lindsay wants to smack him. They could get stranded on a case that takes them somewhere outside the city, then get stranded. Lindsay has to change the flat tire, while Danny tries to flag down a semi-truck to take them back!
Auda my fluffy friend! Hi!
**waves...hug for you!* Nice post yourself there, hon!
And I love the undercover together as a crazy couple...that'd be hysterical to watch! Anything with them undercover as a couple would be fabulous...and then people would totally comment..."You're so meant to be together...!" LOVE IT!
And yeah stranded together...oh my, that would be fabulous! Stirs up all sorts of....ya know, images and ideas...heehee! :devil:
**GutterBuddies where are you? You feel me on this? Come on...D/L stranded together...gutter thoughts abound! :devil:**
Rad Hi back!
**more hugs to you!**
**Moriel waves and tosses lots of chocolate cream pie at Lynn, Rad, Auda, Vex, Smiliee, Em, Allie, Fogi and everyone else I didn't mention! Yay for a pie fight! And ducks out of the way of retaliation! :lol:**