Danny/Lindsay #10 ~ "Does IT Turn You On?"

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^I think you see there that Lindsay's not very shy about sex. I mean she didn't particularly seem uncomfortable asking "Who's the other walrus?" and tilting her head to match the guys.
And of course, later in the season, she outright asked Danny if phone sex turned him on.

Dialogue or Touch? I can't choose *whines*

BTW, at least for the Americans, RSRD is being rerun Wed. Nice DL moments there...
iheartnickcath said:
Lindsay's like, "What the heck is that? I gotta get closer on this one!"
Lol, something like that Lynn, heehee! :lol:
I think you see there that Lindsay's not very shy about sex.
True Pizza and may I just say...it's sad that just that comment sent me to the D/L gutter! :devil: **Moriel shakes her head...I'm just evil, seriously!**

I CANNOT wait for season 3 y'all! I SOOO wish it were, well like NOW! :D
Okay here's a question for y'all...(this may be a bit tough to answer...I know it is for me!) Anyway... Which of all the lovely D/L moments we've had this past season, would you say is your favorite? (Heck I'll be nice, which 2 are your favorites?!)
I honestly can't choose which one is my favorite. Perhaps, it's the migraines. But I guess if I had to, I'd say the 'hand holding' scene and the 'carrying scene.' Well, maybe the 'look'in "RSRD" or the 'look and deep tongue roll' by Danny in "Stealing Home"---at the ME's. :cool:

I love em all, Moriel!
Iloveroadrunner , I sent you a PM.

Thanks guys for the comments on the ficlet. That fic just came to me right before I went to bed last night and I just had to do something about it. I have to get the angst out, if you know what I mean!

And to answer the question about what I want to see regarding Danny and Lindsay, I would love to see some physical interaction but not too much as so it takes away from the show's storylines.
I think my favorite D/L moment would have to be the end of Stuck on You. It was just so cute and I love it!!! My second favorite D/L moment would have to be the carrying scene Cool Hunter. I loved how she called him Cowboy!
*throws a pie at Auda for no reason* What? You can tell Danny your yummy and then Linds can kick your booty! -evil laugh-

Auda, come on, Admit it, theres a small part of you that likes angst!

We love ya Vex, and we know what you mean ;)

I'm going with the carrying scene as my favorite -smirks- I can take that one to the gutter anytime I like!

Gotta love it, Pizza
Ah, Moriel, that's the first thing I thought of when I heard Lindsay's walrus comment. She was completely jealous.

Ah, inanswerable question Moriel! LOL. I can't pick two! Well, since I have all wonderful DL clips downloaded, I would have to say that the end of "Fare Game" with the bug-eating (how cute are they, together, honestly?!) or the end of "Stuck on You". The end of SoY is just priceless. Although, I love EVERY DL moment, I think that those two scenes really brought out the cuteness factor in the two of them as a pair, because we see them outside of a case, just being natural with each other...and it's so freaking adorable! :D

Thanks, Iheart. You always know how to cheer me up! Did you bake it? Hugs going all around...:)

Smiliee, "Stuck on You" was a wonderful D/L episode. It was fun and it gave us shippers something to smile about.

And yes, maybe I like some angst, sometimes. I like it when it fits into the story and the investigation. But 'drama' is my middle name, so I enjoy something lighthearted or sweet.
You know I love ya, Auda. Why, yes I did make it. -gets whacked by Smiliee- Okay Smiliee made it.

"SOY" Was A NICE episode. I likey.

Auda Drama - Well that does have a ring to it, doesn't it? -smirks- See, Angst can be nice. It can be used for something else too :devil:
Auda Hi my Fluffy Friend! **Moriel waves!** Don't cave to liking angst hon, IHNC will smirk and flaunt it forever! :p **You know I love ya IHNC, gutter buddy! Heehee! :D**
As for my question...yeah it's a hard one isn't it y'all! All of you have said good ones...um, hmmm....shoot I love them all! But I guess since I posed the question...I should probably answer it! :lol: Um let's see...there's the "hand-holding" scene, Danny checking Linds out in her hot dress in Risk, the "date" in SOY (for that matter, every D/L interaction in SoY), the bug-eating scene in Fare Game, Danny carrying Linds in CL, the phone sex convo in LOLD, "I might have to ask you to marry me!" in SM, all of RSRD :lol:, "What's to see?" and "crush" comment in SH, "I think you're cute" while looking at Linds in Heroes, Danny's concern over Linds being hurt, and of course..."Still want that ride?" in CoTP.
Yeah I know, I know...I just listed off many of the lovely D/L moments we've had...I also know I've missed a bunch, so feel free to fill in any I missed.
Now looking back over all these fabulous scenes...I don't think I'm gonna go with any of the obvious ones, although I ADORE them all! I think for now (this is subject to change!) I'm gonna go with...
the "Does it turn you on?" scene, just cuz that's priceless! And Danny's face after she asks that is fabulous!
And then Sid's "Crush" comment...I know this isn't a direct D/L interaction, but it revealed that this "thing" that we adore between Danny and Linds is something more then just a lot of flirting and our imaginations! (And ya gotta love that!) :D

**Psst, fogi how's this for long?! (hugs to you!)**
I love your fic, Vexus!

Your list is great, Moriel. I really loved the "I think you're cute" line from "Heroes."

I don't know if Lindsay was jealous during the 'walrus' scene---after all Danny wasn't in the video. But I think she was definitely shocked and wanted to know what was going on. She said those lines to basically get Danny back for some of the things that he said to her---it was a great scene. I think both of them were intrigued by the tape, however.

I would love to see more of those fun moments between D/L. The comedic banter between the two of them is priceless.

Smile :)
Moriel! I love that cap! And as for the question.. I'd like to see a relationship with little screentime. But I'd like to see some physical interaction as well.. :devil: You know, how I roll.. And yes, Twin. I really want to know what that means-- but PM it to me... :lol: TTYL guys... :)
Just a quick post. :)

I'd like to see both A and B. ^_^

Re: pic from CotP, I was skwee-ing silently when I saw how concerned he is of her. And INHC's right, it's my avvy. :D

Re: pic from Bad Beat, that was one of my fave D/L scenes. Lindsay tilting her head cracked me up. :lol:

I can't wait for the next season!!

*disappears like a bubble*
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