Danny/Lindsay #10 ~ "Does IT Turn You On?"

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I want them to have a relationship but i also like the flirtatious banter so i`m torn maybe they can have both,

my two favorite D/L moments are but so hard to choose ok ok the phone sex talk and when he carrying scene from Cool Hunter
My favorite D/L scene... I think the part in Stealing Home when they're out if the feild looking for the rest of the beads or whatever from Sara's mermaid outfit... I dont know why I just love that part... Oh, and The part from All Access when Lindsay goes berserk... Danny so caring.. *awww*. There's so many more though... I could go on and on... ;)
I would love to see more of those fun moments between D/L. The comedic banter between the two of them is priceless.
Hi Auda! Yeah I agree with you...the banter between Danny and Linds is awesome! They never cease to make me smile! :D
Your list is great, Moriel. I really loved the "I think you're cute" line from "Heroes."
I know huh! The more I watch that part the more I like it! And I found a cap the other day, I'll have to look for it, but you can totally see Linds grinning at Danny when he says this...it's hard to catch in the actual clip, but it's cute! :D
I'd like to see a relationship with little screentime. But I'd like to see some physical interaction as well.. You know, how I roll
Rad, Hi!! **waves!** Heehee, I know how you roll! ;) Basically just like IHNC and I do! :D I agree with you hon, totally want to see some physical interaction! :devil: And I totally forgot about the scene of them in the field in "Stealing Home" hmmm, have to go rewatch that ep! (darn that'll be hard! ;) ) And yeah I love that scene in "All Access", Linds emotional and Danny kinda taking care of her...that's a great one! :D

Hi Keich! Yeah I like your avie, that's a very cute D/L moment, brief but the concern is so real! And I SOO can't wait for the new season too...Totally!
oh wow..i have to choose a fave d/l scene..ummm ok..i would have to say all acess..when she rushes out of the interagation and danny goes after her [ah Moriel you mentioned that]..
anyway my other faves would have to be..ahh what am i kidding...its just the little things that happened between them , that your like..'oh my gosh..'...defenitly the stares between them[eye sex] in Zoo York..
but otherwise..any episode that Lindsay and Danny are in are my favorites..

*shakes fist* How dare you make me choose

{pouts -- Fogi never gives me hugs! .. *shakes fist at Moriel* LOL JK}

Field scene? Was that the one where he's talking about wheat? -is so lost-

I love pictures. I think they have very cute looks and moments together. Its really hot. -snuggles them then locks them in the closet- What? You didn't expect me to let them out long did you? ..

Angsty!Triplets unite! .. {kidnaps smiliee and pizzapie } They like angst. I take them. :D
Ooh, here's another Would you rather...

Would you rather:

A) see Danny and Lindsay's relationship develop over a case. Say for instance, another case came up like the one in "Stealing Home" that really affects Lindsay and her emotions (or Danny and his emotions), and then they eventually bond/console one another because of the case. Or, would you rather...

B) see Danny and Lindsay's relationship progress through a series of events, unrelated to cases. Take, for instance, the scene at Cozy's, where the two clearly had no other reason for being there on a case assignment, and were just bonding for fun. Same thing with the end of "Fare Game", where they just enjoyed eating bugs together. Haha.

Well: which one would you rather see happen?

Moriel can write an awesome post! That's my fluffy girl! She gives the best hugs. :cool:

LadeeBear said:
Ooh, here's another Would you rather...

Would you rather:

A) see Danny and Lindsay's relationship develop over a case. Say for instance, another case came up like the one in "Stealing Home" that really affects Lindsay and her emotions (or Danny and his emotions), and then they eventually bond/console one another because of the case. Or, would you rather...

B) see Danny and Lindsay's relationship progress through a series of events, unrelated to cases. Take, for instance, the scene at Cozy's, where the two clearly had no other reason for being there on a case assignment, and were just bonding for fun. Same thing with the end of "Fare Game", where they just enjoyed eating bugs together. Haha.

The first one is cleary an angsty one. The second, a very fun type question. I love the idea of these two flirting and having dinner and such. Some of my most favorite scenes have been in "SOY" and "FG." However, I guess I might have to go with the first one(althought there is a way to combine the two). Because NY is a forensics show, and people want the focus to remain there, I think it would be great to see Danny and Lindsay come together during perhaps a series of cases.

I don't want to see them come together under a stressful situation(slightly angsty, maybe?). But a terrible situation may be rather good to kick their butts into gear and get this ship off the ground.

I would love to see a series of cases, in which, Danny and Lindsay have such a good time working on, they can't help but see how much fun it is to be together.

I think I might like to see them go undercover as a crazy couple. They argue, in a fun, playful way, and then someone points out how they are meant to be together. Cliched, I know, but hey it's TV. They can still make it fun.

It wouldn't be a bad thing to see them get trapped or stranded somewhere together---Danny whines, Lindsay wants to smack him. They could get stranded on a case that takes them somewhere outside the city, then get stranded. Lindsay has to change the flat tire, while Danny tries to flag down a semi-truck to take them back! :lol: :lol: :lol:

All in all, I would love to see them (after a case), talk about their feelings---less is more. We don't need emo/soap-opera stuff, but something to cement their feelings for each other. Then a simple kiss. Then the following week, the show could start with them rolling around in bed----JK!!LOL! :eek:

I made about twelve pies for my fluffy and angsty friends---I think we should shake hands and come out pie throwing!

Meanwhile, did anyone bother to check on our favorite couple?? Maybe we should reward them for being so good and let them join our fun! ;)
LadeeBear said:
Ooh, here's another Would you rather...

Would you rather:

A) see Danny and Lindsay's relationship develop over a case. Say for instance, another case came up like the one in "Stealing Home" that really affects Lindsay and her emotions (or Danny and his emotions), and then they eventually bond/console one another because of the case. Or, would you rather...

B) see Danny and Lindsay's relationship progress through a series of events, unrelated to cases. Take, for instance, the scene at Cozy's, where the two clearly had no other reason for being there on a case assignment, and were just bonding for fun. Same thing with the end of "Fare Game", where they just enjoyed eating bugs together. Haha.

Well: which one would you rather see happen?

I like B because there relationship could progress over time
i like b. cuz its cuter and fluffier. and has more banter. and anyone can bond over cases. the real way to see if the relationship would work would be to if they could have fun with each other.
I like option A but then again I do like B because it reminds me of Stuck on You. And Stuck On You was my favorite moment between Danny and Lindsay.
THis may have been discussed before. But did anyone notice the lining in Lindsay's jacket when Danny is carrying her in CH? It appears to be a Burberry. :eek: Why not? :lol: Right. She deserves it!!

I was just looking at the picture and wanted to address my findings. Can't wait for Season 3!!!

I choose option A. There nothing better than ANGST to bring a couple together. Then their gonna have to deal with the consequenses of their actions.

YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's only my opinion.

Holy Cow, I have another Angst!! Taking Notes, Fluffs?!

Auda, The couple are hiding behind the door, listening to us jabber about this, They had imputs, but -smirks- Their gonna, tied up... not really, they really are!.. What? They were trying to escape. -pouts-
Kelleigh said:
THis may have been discussed before. But did anyone notice the lining in Lindsay's jacket when Danny is carrying her in CH? It appears to be a Burberry. :eek: Why not? :lol: Right. She deserves it!!


I never even noticed that! Maybe I shoul pay attention more often, I'm too busy noticing that the looks that they give each other are not just casual looks, these looks lead to something.That's why I love this downtime with the show, it lets us imagine what just will happen and what we expect from the show.

Off to notice the "Cool Hunter" pic.
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