Danny/Lindsay #10 ~ "Does IT Turn You On?"

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Okay, we have posted this picture before, but I just want to reiterate a point:

THIS is the definition of "tension so thick, you could cut it with a knife."

See? Even Mac agrees with me! :p

The hotel has interent access!!!!!!!!!! I wont be on that much but as much as possible!!! And LA is beautiful for those of you who haven't been here before, alright signing on for now, I'll bb on later if I can! I love you guys!

and Twin what does OT3 mean... :lol:
LadeeBear Love that pic hon! LOVE it! And yeah there's some definite "tension" going on there! :devil: :lol:

Rad! HI!! **waves!!** Yay for hotel internet access! Wohoo :D :lol:
i'd go with a. physical stuff is fun, but i love dialouge. the wordplay, double meanings and innuendo are a lot of fun for me.

ETA: and vex, since my brain's being a retard and i can't seem to find anything today, can you give me a more direct link? please? :D
allie I love your avvie.. what eppy is that from? Don;t think I've seen it... :( :lol:

and I'm happy for the internet access too but it's a 15 min limit per person for like every hour or something like that... :rolleyes:
You gals make me giggle! :lol:

I have a question, and why...
Would you rather Danny and Lindsay HAVE a realtionship, but their scenes are limited (but they hold hands, :gasp: kiss...) or
Have more flirtion banter?
I'd have to say flirtion banter, becasue it leaves more doors open about the Danny/Lindsay relationship, and leaves open more ideas for fanfictions!
Just thought I'd ask. What do you think would help the ship move along?
I hope this isn't chatting, forensicsgrl! :D
I would like to have a mixture of both, I like to see some flirtation, I think it would be cute to see them develope and leaves some doors left to be open, thats the angsty side of me, but the other side -the still angsty but yet has some fluff side- wants to see a hand holding and a kiss, even a kiss on the cheek would be fine with me.

Twin -- Haha you sure you wanna know ;)
Oh Oh Oh... **pick me to answer, pick me! Heehee!** I'm sure all my angsty pals will disagree with me **hugs to them...IHNC, Rad, Smiliee, Vex....geez there's too many of you! Lol!** But anyway! To answer your question Aly I am definitely hoping for them having a relationship! The hand holding, hugging, kissing (definitely kissing! :D)...I want it all! And if they have to show it to us in limited clips, I'm okay with that, as long as we know they are together! That's definitely what I want! :D
I have to go with the flirtatious banter, since it's so amusing to watch. CSI is a serious show, so I love to watch the little comedic moments whenever they write 'em in! Plus, DL comedic moments (walrus documentaries, anyone?) are the best. :D

I can't think of another "would you rather..." right now, but when I do, I will let you know!

LadeeBear said: Plus, DL comedic moments (walrus documentaries, anyone?) are the best. :D
Lol, I can agree with that LadeeBear!

And I finally got to watch "Bad Beat", yay! I liked it! Totally loved Linds at the beginning, "This new girl stuff has got to stop!" and then "Someone threw away a perfectly good shotgun!" (loved her voice as she says this...too cute! :D) And then of course the walrus scene!...And may I just say to jump back to our "Who would you rather see jealous, Linds or Danny?" discussion...we totally see jealous Linds in this scene! That was my first thought when she walks up and goes "Thirtieth birthday party Messer?" I know it's a joke...but there's this I can't believe he's watching some other girl cattiness that comes out in her voice! I loved it! :D And of course D/L's head tilt together is just way too cute! That and the look right before she walks into the room where they're watching the vid...it's this "OMG did I just see what I think I saw?" It's fabulous!

"He in NOT watching what I think he is....is he?"
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