Good morning my lovelies!! How are we all today?! It's freaking early...but still it's a good day! How can it not be...we have Pam writing our eppy tonight and we should be getting a D/L is good again in the M&M house! :lol: :lol:
Okay I have to share this right off...I cracked up at this!
I was listening to my country radio station last night and the DJ comes on and goes
"Okay I have a dedication here...this song goes out to Montana! It's the new one by Gretchen Wilson and John Rich of Big and Rich...called 'Come To Bed'!" (I love this song!) I had to laugh...and I so wanted to call in to the radio station and be like "Danny called and dedicated that to Montana didn't he!" Isn't that awesome! So I posted the lyrics in our song thread...y'all should go check them out...I think they're great and they almost fit D/L kinda where they are right now...but yeah it just made me laugh!
"Come To Bed" :devil:
MO! Heya huni!!! i have missed our food fights.. so i thought i would bring you a lil' treat....
Chell!!! Hi hon! Yay you're back! We've missed you around here!
**Mo grins at her food fight pal...and then sneaks up on her and drops a bucket of green jello on her head and runs away!!** :lol:
i seriously cannot wait to see this one... its gonna be awesome, even if it is just a 30 second scene!!
Lol, I'm so with ya my friend! I think my expectations are a little high, especially after finding out Pam's writing this! But oh well...D/L can live up to my hopes...I know it!
**Mo crosses her fingers and toes, hoping!**
YES!!! Pam is amazing... I love Pam.. She writes the best DL stuff! I'm pretty excited for this week now, I hopewe're not let down.
I know huh
Rad she totally does rock! I really hope we aren't disappointed too...although at this point if we get D/L looking at eachother I'll probably "squee!" and be happy! :lol:
Alright y'all I gotta start work...but I have 15 hours exactly until it airs for me...gotta stay busy until then!

I'll try to think up some distractions...until's hoping tonight is great!
Aud you out there my Fluffy Twin? How you holding up? Keeping the faith?! Remember my friend, our ship WILL SAIL!!

(Heck it is sailing!! :lol: )
P.s. Just found out I have to tape the eppy and don't get to watch it live!

BUMMER!! Rar! Okay that's all...back to work for me...where is everyone? Lying in wait for this new eppy?! :lol: Keep the faith and I'll catch y'all later tonight hopefully!