Danny/Linds #12 "Country vs. City Kind of Foreplay!"

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I'm ready for tomorrow. I hope we see some Danny and Lindsay interaction, but it would surprise me if we didn't considering what happened last week. We all know Danny is ther for Lindsay and she is there for him ,even though she is not herself lately.

And I say for tomorrow's episode, we need to have mexican. I love mexican! (Somebody please pass the salsa, cheese dip and the chips please?)

Oh yeah, and some margheritas! Please?
I know I'm a little late on this, but I'd still like to post my thoughts on the Love Run Cold ep regarding our ship. ^_^

But before anything else, Danny looked hot in that tight green shirt. Heehee.

Okay. If anything, I'm more curious about Lindsay now than I was before. I really didn't think she'd leave Danny hanging in the air like that (I'm taking about their supposed date) without an proper explanation. That scene where Danny asked her to lunch was cute, and their conversation at the station was okay albeit a bit cliched. Lindsay looked really tormented while talking to Danny; it's obvious she wants nothing more than to be with him but something's holding her back and I want to know what it is!!

My mind's been racing for all the possibilities. Maybe she's pushing him away because she's had a bad experience with getting involved with a co-worker back in Montana, or she's afraid something might happen to Danny if they do get involved. I don't know, and I better stop because I'm starting to babble.

I can't wait for the next episode. I want to see those to in a room after their talk.
**Mo wobbles in...exhausted from a looooooong day, but determined to say Hi before collapsing into bed for the night! ;)** So HI!! :D

Chell hey hon! Glad you finally got to see the ep, pretty good huh! Sad but good...and yeah sorry again for that lapse of angst there with my sad scenario! My pessimistic side rears it's ugly head every once in a while before I can shove it down again! :p But no worries, my fluffy side clearly has control again!
Wow, Mo, thats really shocking, really.
Lol! :lol: You mean the fact that I was actually angsty Lynn?! ;) Yummy avie by the way, stare at it much? :lol: **Mo hugs her angsty buddy!**

Vex did you say Mexican? YUM!! **Mo starts blending the margheritas!! And grating cheese, lots of cheese...mmmhmm!** And I agree too, I would like a scene of D/L maybe, but yeah I wouldn't be surprised if we didn't really get any! We got 2 HEAVY D/L eps, I think they'll take a breather from that so it doesn't feel like the Danny/Lindsay show! (Not that I'd mind that of course! ;) )

Keich Hi!! **Mo waves happily!** How are ya?
Comment away, we love it! (Before I forget, nice avie!)
Yeah I totally agree I really want to know Linds' back story I think that will go a long way in explaining her actions with Danny....as for my latest guess...not sure how exactly it would pertain to this thing with Danny, but then again I guess it doesn't have to relate directly cuz she said stuff from her past she had to deal with...
that it has something to do with Linds having a sibling killed, most likely a sister...because several times in the upcoming eps Linds can't deal with the deaths of children...and I know we've speculated that Linds may have lost her own child, but somehow I think it fits better that Linds saw her sister get killed and blames herself for it, even though there wasn't anything she could do...plus I'd bet her mom blames her for it too...cuz at one point in an upcoming ep Linds says something about not being able to deal with mothers...and that would explain that....so yeah, that's my two cents!

Okay seriously time for bed!! Can't wait to see how tomorrow goes, I'm really curious now! :D

**Mo skips off tiredly to sleep!**
Hey Mo! I'm okay, the semester's over so now I'm free! And I hope you have a good night's sleep! :D Oh, and thanks (re: my avie). :D

Anyway, about you guys speculation on Lindsay having lost her child, the idea of her having already given birth before had never occured to me. I guess I never saw her as that type of girl...but hey, I guess I should try thinking outside the box, right? But yeah, that'd be interesting.
Hmmm...There have definately been a few interesting theories going around about Lindsay's secret. I'm gonna agree with Mo's though.

Honestly, I don't think they would have something like Lindsay losing a baby, it just doesn't seem like something that they would do to one of the main characters on a CSI show. I don't know, that's just my theory.

It's probably true that we won't have to much D/L in tonights ep, I am hoping for at least one scene though. Something short and sweet, and hopefully not overly awkward. :rolleyes:

Woohoo! Mexican huh? Perhaps someone should bring some antacids...just in case... ;) As for me...Tortilla chips, we need more tortilla chips!! :D
I think that tonight's going to have an awkward moment or no moments... dodges flying objects It seems like that's what the writers would do. Myabe they'll talk as co-workers but that's awkward for them... I mean a normal conversation for them is.. "Footage from your 30th birthday Messer?" "Walrus documentation." Yea, see we mgiht not be getting quite that for a while... just IMO though, I could be totally wrong... :p
**Mo sneaks in....shhhh, I'm at work!! :D**

YAY for being free keich! That's awesome, wow you're semester is out early! Sweet deal! :D
Okay so as for Linds being "that kind of girl" hmmmm, I would say if she lost a child that would mean she was married before, not because you can't have a child out of wedlock :p but more because that seems truer to her character...which is why I had that freak out about her having a husband left in Montana. But the more I think about it...the more I don't think it's that. I mean it could be, but I don't think so. (I could of course be in denial, cuz we all know I will believe whatever I want in an attempt to make myself happy! Lol! :lol: :lol:)

But I'm hoping like Amanda said, that they wouldn't do that to her...I'm still feeling the she-saw-her-sister-die-theory I think...we'll see though! Hopefully soon, cuz I'm dying to know here!! :D
Amanda did you ask for tortilla chips? ;)
**Mo sneaks up and hands Amanda some medium salsa then dumps a big bag of yummy salty tortilla chips on her head and runs!! :lol:**
I think that tonight's going to have an awkward moment or no moments
Rad Hi hon! As much as I'd love to disagree and throw things ;) I'm kinda thinking you're right. I'm expecting little D/L interaction and if we do get some that it'll be awkward...I don't want it to be, dang it! But I think it will be. Hopefully though that won't last...nah, It WON'T last and our ship WILL sail!!! :D :D :D

**Mo sneaks back out before her boss can catch her and get her in trouble! ;) :p**

Psst...8 hours 40 minutes :D
*Runs in - waving happily - throwing M&M's at everybody* - Yeah we've made it to yet another wonderful wednesday

How, awful. I had/have some i-net problems. And first things I read are suggestions of Lindsay having a husband in Montana, losing a child, seeing her sister die. And here I thought I was the pessimist. :lol:

I don't think she's married (I don't know why, but it just doesn't feel right).
She just looks so sad sometimes, so maybe it is possible that she lost somebody. I just saw the promo for "Stealing home", which will air here tomorrow night. And I remembered that at the end she was watching pictures of her family so I guess it's possible that something happened to a parent or a sibling :( .

As for tonight's episode. It would be kind of strange if the first D/L contact we see is not a little akward. They cannot have them have that conversation and then let them work together as if nothing happened. *big hug for all the fluffies.

I just imagine that from now on things can only get better rather than worse.

*runs away again - happy watching all and hope to be able to talk to you later
my theory...

Lindsay does have some problem with kids... so maaaaaaaaybe... well... what do we know about her mother? Maybe her mom went crazy like Sara's mom and killed her sister. I dunno... i've just gotten into this show so i don't know lindsay's past... whatever it is... Danny'll be there for her future! ;)
Ohh...that is a very interesting theory TheCoroner. :eek: That isn't even one that had crossed my mind. But it would definately explain her issues with kids and Mothers. And it sounds like a more plausible scenario for the show to use. Not too soap opera-like,which is something I think they try to avoid. Which episode is the "Mother issue" episode? Is it tonight? Or next week? Or later than that? :confused:

*carefully brushes chips off of shoulders* Wow, that didn't sound cliche or anything... :rolleyes:
Since we have already had chips and salsa as an appetizer...Time for the main course! :devil: *turns and beings to fling burritos and tacos at Mo *
Hi everyone!

Well, since everyone's throwing around their theory's so I think I'll add mine.

I think that Lindsay lost a child back in Montana. But then I'm not sure that the spoilers really go along with that. But I think it would be awesome to see one of the characters with a kid. Because as far as we know none of them are even married.

So yeah, I have three hours until tonight's episode. Does anyone think we'll get a D/L moment? The only reason I don't think we will is because of their conversation last week.
Whatever her secret it is going to be filled with so much angst, we have to be prepared for it. I have heard so many ideass, it is going to be interesting which one the writers have used.

I have brought a update of my fic "Black Eyes, Blue Tears"

And only 1 and a 1/2 hours till the episode, I'm ready! :)
Hi my fabulous shippy buddies! :D **Mo runs in happily....not sure why I'm happy :lol:, but hey who am I to question it?! ;) Lol!**

dutch hey hon! :D Lol, it's hard not to be pessimistic when considering Linds dark secret...sadly, lol! :p
I just saw the promo for "Stealing home", which will air here tomorrow night. And I remembered that at the end she was watching pictures of her family so I guess it's possible that something happened to a parent or a sibling
Okay I have a new theory! Linds had a brother (possibly a twin, if not they were very close in age with him being older!) and they were the best of friends, he was her protector and she was his sweetheart...and something happens and he gets killed protecting her, and she thinks she could have stopped it and so she blames herself and her mom blames her too. Yup that's my new theory! :D

Kate, Amanda hey!! Nice theories :D **Mo ducks the flying burritos and dumps a big bowl of the yummiest gooeyist guacamole on Amanda and runs away giggling! :lol:**
Smi Hi Hon! :D Mmmm, yeah sadly I'm thinking we might not get a scene :(, just cuz of how D/L heavy it's been lately, and I'm guessing they won't want to overload us (not that we'd complain! ;) )! :D

Vex but I don't like angst! :( :( Do I have to prepare for it? Can I just be in denial in my happy D/L bubble and not think about the angst to come?! :D :lol:

1 hour and 50 minutes for me! :D

**Mo dances off still happy! :D**
LOVED IT!!! like NO M&Ms but a really good plot!! We need more Linny(or at least that's what i call them ;)!)

Incredible plot tho!!
chelliyah said:
oh oh.....and the bit when they walk across the street..?? i think he kinda brushes his arm across her boob on purpose!!!!

Now see I am glad that I wasn't the only one who noticed that. I saw it, rewound it, looked, rewound it again, and then said to myself. "Danny you naughty boy, you got you a feel". However, I kept that to myself b/c I didn't want to seem ugly, or thinking bad thoughts. Or good thoughts, ever how you look at it I guess. :eek:
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