Danny/Linds #12 "Country vs. City Kind of Foreplay!"

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It was a good idea to keep Danny and Lindsay apart for this episode, not just to please the non M&M fans, but also because it creates this idea of tension between the two. Built up.. hot.. lusty tension! :)
I agree that it was a good idea to keep them apart. The actual episode was filled with suspence and the story required a lot of attention. Throwing romance into the mix would just interfere with that. Especially since it would be the first time that they would actually see each other after the hallways incident (that we know of).

I hope that whatever happened to Lindsay is not that bad (like losing a child). It would just be too soap operish. Whatever it is, I hope it's not anything too dramatic. A person can be in pain without the enormous tragedy.

And since Danny will be there for her (his words, not mine :)), I'm sure that she'll be able to put her past behind her soon.
**Mo sneaks in on her lunch break....this is getting to be a regular occurrence! Heehee!**
Hi my lovelies! :D How are y'all today?

I haven't actually seen our ep yet, so sad I know! I have to get up insanely early in the morning for work, so my night owl habits have to changed :( (which means taping my shows and watching them later :( ) But no worries I know all about what happens, so spoiler space and all is not needed! :D

Mis! Hi hon! :D
I agree that it was okay not to have a lot of D/L in the ep last night...too much of them would have taken away from the focus of the case, especially since it was such a huge dramatic case it wouldn't have fit. That said, I really think the writers should have given us something (an awkward smile, a normal smile, a look, something!) to acknowledge this huge moment, or really moments they've had the last few eps. A 2 second look, a 3 second smile, I really did not expect much more than that, didn't even need more than that really...but that there was NOTHING did suprise me actually. So yeah...that's my 2 cents! ;)

it creates this idea of tension between the two. Built up.. hot.. lusty tension!
Lol, now that I like Lynsey I'm always pro-hot-lusty-tension!! :devil: Especially of the D/L variety! ;)

And since Danny will be there for her (his words, not mine ), I'm sure that she'll be able to put her past behind her soon.
Yeah I sure hope so Mis, I mean I don't want her to just 1 minute be horrid and the next be perfectly fine, but I don't want it to be loooooonng and drawn out either! And yeah at least Danny will there...that's good! :D

Okay back to work I go....have fun y'all! And remember...OUR SHIP IS SAILING!!! :D :D :D

**Mo sneaks back out...whistling happily as she goes!**
P.s. Isn't my new avie purty...I'm so proud of it! :lol:
Moriel21, LOVE IT!! very cool!

Ya so during Study Hall today i started writing a M&Ms fic... it's not done and i'm not sure if it's gonna be a oneshot or not but I had writers block on my CaRWash fic and had M&Ms on the brain!! Maybe I'll write more now!! or just read some! hmmmm... ;)
Yeah, so I absolutely loved last night's episode even though we didn't get any M&Ms. I thought the storyline was fabulous.

TheCoroner said:
Ya so during Study Hall today i started writing a M&Ms fic... it's not done and i'm not sure if it's gonna be a oneshot or not but I had writers block on my CaRWash fic and had M&Ms on the brain!! Maybe I'll write more now!! or just read some! hmmmm... ;)

Every Tuesday and Thursday I have seminar and we can have an iPods or whatever you want to keep yourself enertained so I bring my iPod and watch my D/L moments! And then when I smile the person next to me looks at me like I'm crazy! And then I tell him I'm watching CSI and he knows what my deal is. :lol:

Ooh! I wanna see the fic!!! YAY!
I really didn't mind not having d/l scenes last night. The content of last night's episode was far too detailed to entail a squee scene. It was like in "Heroes" when you didn't have any d/l moments. It would have been inappropiate. However, I want some scenes next week!

*does anybody have any doughnuts? I want some doughnuts!**
Hello shippy buddies! :D **Mo pops in and hands several warm fresh fluffy doughnuts to Vex!**
Kate, Smi, Vex! Hi my lovelies! :D Kate glad you liked my avie, I just loves it! ;) And I can't wait to read your ficcie, you should totally post it! :D
Smi you get to watch D/L during class...wow that's awesome! Lucky you! :lol: Vex how are the doughnuts? ;) And yeah hon, totally want more D/L next week! :lol:

Okay so I posted this on my other board...but I'm just so proud of this review (lol! :lol: ) that I had to post it here too! :D

Okay I finally was able to watch the ep...Lol, I rushed right home after work and watched it! (Well as much rushing as sitting in an hour and a half of traffic can be...but that's besides the point!) The point is that I liked the ep! I was a little worried after hearing how creepy everyone said it was....
Which brings me to my first observations, in my opinion this was the most CSI-like I have ever seen this show be! What I mean is, in my experience CSI-Vegas has always been the really bloody icky creepy gross CSI and NY (while still plenty creepy and icky) has been the cooler, not so bloody one....but that was clearly not the case here, there was plenty of creepiness to go around. And normally I am not such a fan of the creepy bloody stuff (which still makes me laugh cuz despite that I love this show!! ) but it really worked for this episode, drama wise this was one of the best cases I've seen on here yet!

A couple more things....

1. I kind of wish I had not known that Shawn Casey was the killer before watching the ep, because I'm curious to see how long it would have taken me to figure it out. I think I would have figured it out fairly quickly...Danny's "only sober guy at this party" line was a dead give away to me!

2. After watching it, I am VERY glad I waited until today to watch it, when it was light and I didn't have to attempt to sleep immediately afterwards. I have a vivid imagination and I KNOW I would have dreamt about the guy with no eyes chasing me or something!

3. Hawkes being the ME on that case was a nice twist, and when Mac was explaining to Hawkes that the symbols on that shirt were symbolizing him and then Hawkes turned back and superimposed over his face was that green skull...okay that was completely creepy!

4. This ep had alot of action which I loved (Hello Danny and Flack giving chase...running, jumping....is it Hot in here?!! :devil: ) but I loved that they showed how smart everyone was too....not just Mac, but Stella got to show off, Hawkes got to show off, and Danny knew his mythology too...I loved that!

5. I was really disappointed that there wasn't more Lindsay, but the scenes she was in, I thought she was great as always! And I loved that they gave her that last line...it just fit for me somehow that she'd be the one to tell them that!

6. So since Mr. Casey escaped I think it's safe to assume the whole team (especially Hawkes, but still the whole team) is now in danger. Since the reason he killed those other two people was because they had stood in the way of justice, and now by capturing him the whole team stood in the way of him getting justice so logically then, the whole team would have to die for trying to prevent him getting justice for his brother....I can't say I'm excited to see a serial killer on the loose targeting our team...(TOO MUCH ANGST! :( ) but it will defintitely give us more interesting upcoming eps!

7. And finally for now, I had to laugh at myself because about half way through watching the ep I caught myself still looking for signs of D/L and waiting for them to have scenes together! Even though I knew in advance that there clearly weren't any scenes of them together...I was still looking and hoping! (Apparently somewhere inside of me there is an eternal optismist...or a deluded shipper high on her shippy crack...not sure which one I want to be! :lol: )

Anyway overall I quite enjoyed the ep, and cannot wait until next week...hopefully we will get plenty of the D/L scenes that were not present last night! :D

Presents for you...just cuz I likes y'all!! :D
It should be illegal just how HOT this man is!!
Concerned but still SO pretty!!

**Mo skips out whistling happily to herself!!**
Keich? No way, it couldn't have been.

And since Danny will be there for her (his words, not mine ), I'm sure that she'll be able to put her past behind her soon.

Yeah, i agree, Misery. Danny will be there for her and pull her through it... and no, I'm not giving up my angst!

"Pressie 1"

D: Now, if I wanted to buy one of these for Linds, would she wear it?
M: No
Me: No.
D: Damn you!
Me: :devil: :lol:
D: She would, wouldn't she?
Me *shrugs*: Find out. if not, You can always give it to Auda.

"Pressie 2"

L: Are you sure Danny didn't do anything? To like anything of mine?
Me *whistles*
Danny will be there for her and pull her through it... and no, I'm not giving up my angst!
Hello my angsty friend! Lol, we're all over tonight! :lol:
Danny will indeed be there for her...he said if there was anything she needed and I do believe he meant it with all his heart! :D And she will turn to him, I know it...she wants him and loves him, she's just taking longer to be able to accept that she can/will be with him! ;) You say you're not giving up your angst Lynn but I know your fluffy under it all! :lol:
"Pressie 1"

D: Now, if I wanted to buy one of these for Linds, would she wear it?
M: No
Me: No.
D: Damn you!
Me: :devil:
D: She would, wouldn't she?
Me *shrugs*: Find out. if not, You can always give it to Auda.
D: Now, if I wanted to buy one of these for Linds, would she wear it?
Mac: Eh maybe...
Lynn: I dunno...
Me: Depends...
D: On?
Me: Where she wears it...on a date maybe, to your apartment not for more than 5 seconds! :devil:

L: Are you sure Danny didn't do anything? To like anything of mine?
Me *whistles*

L: I'm so gonna be home late tonight after this, bummer I really wanted to :devil: with Danny tonight!
Me & Lynn: Yeah you did! :devil:
okay so I'm slightly fluffy. because sometimes, ships need a little fluff, and you gotta admit, you need a little angst.

D: Now, if I wanted to buy one of these for Linds, would she wear it?
Mac: Eh maybe...
Lynn: I dunno...
Me: Depends...
D: On?
Me: Where she wears it...on a date maybe, to your apartment not for more than 5 seconds!

Me: Do it! You can do it!
Mac: Don't do it, trust me, everytime Lynn
Me glares at him.
Mac: What she said.

L: I'm so gonna be home late tonight after this, bummer I really wanted to with Danny tonight!
Me & Lynn: Yeah you did!

Linds: how do you two know so much.
Me points at Mo: the wise one. me. I rule.
Linds: So will I end up with Danny.
Mo: Yes.
Me: Yes. *mumbles* but he'll cheat with me.
Mac: What?
Me: Nothing!
okay so I'm slightly fluffy. because sometimes, ships need a little fluff, and you gotta admit, you need a little angst.
Lol, yay! ;) And yes my dear, I agree...a nice balance of fluff and angst makes for the best ship! **nods!** :D
Me: Do it! You can do it!
Mac: Don't do it, trust me, everytime Lynn
Me glares at him.
Mac: What she said.
Me: **nudges Danny!** Dude you're so getting lucky!
D: Really?
Me: Dude you so are!! :devil:

Linds: how do you two know so much.
Me points at Mo: the wise one. me. I rule.
Linds: So will I end up with Danny.
Mo: Yes.
Me: Yes. *mumbles* but he'll cheat with me.
Mac: What?
Me: Nothing!
Me: **smacks Lynn's arm!** Hey! He's mine! **glances at quickly at Linds...** I mean...um clearly yours Linds! :D
L: Am I missing something?
Me: You won't be as long as you go over to Danny's right now! Oh and wear this **Mo hands her the t-shirt Danny bought** trust me you'll like what happens! :devil:
iheartnickcath said:
Keich? No way, it couldn't have been.

Sorry I got kinda lost, but what couldn't have been? Heehee, I'm still a little out coz of all the beer I drank so...hehe. Sorry.

Anyway, I still haven't seen the latest ep, but if you guys say there weren't any D/L scenes in it, then I'm actually quite glad. I think it's a good idea that they dropped the romance storyline in the meantime. Besides, there would probably be more of that in the later episodes, maybe when the much anticipated dark-secret-revelation is drawing near. :)
Mo I love that picture of Lindsay, she looks so pretty in that one...

I was so dissapointed that Linds wasn't in much of Wednesdays eppy, although I saw a preview for next week and she's doing an interrogation- I love when she does them. So Hopefully there will be more of her in next weeks eppy. I wasn't shocked that there was no DLing going on this week, it would've been nice to see some awkward eye glances while they were in the sorority house though... but whatever. I'm glad that they gave Linds the umm, honor(?) of telling Mac and stella that Shayne had escaped though, kind of cool... I guess...
Lol, yay! And yes my dear, I agree...a nice balance of fluff and angst makes for the best ship! **nods!**

Thats a good, Mo :D And that it does.

Me: **nudges Danny!** Dude you're so getting lucky!
D: Really?
Me: Dude you so are!!

*whacks Danny* Wake up and go over there and kiss her!.. or me, *gets whacked by Mac and Mo* I meant Mo.

Me: **smacks Lynn's arm!** Hey! He's mine! **glances at quickly at Linds...** I mean...um clearly yours Linds!
L: Am I missing something?
Me: You won't be as long as you go over to Danny's right now! Oh and wear this **Mo hands her the t-shirt Danny bought** trust me you'll like what happens!

L: Now why do I want to wear this shirt for?
Me: Because she said so.
L: Still doesn't explain why.
Me: *whispers into her ear* things will get me whacked by the meter.
L smirks: Really?
Me looks at Mac's watch: Yes, but if you don't go in 20 mins, you won't.
L: Why 20 mins?
Me: Do I need a reason?
L: Consider me gone.
Me: That'll be nice.
*gets glared at by Mo* What? Not in that way. I just mean she better be going to Danny's, sheesh.

Sorry I got kinda lost, but what couldn't have been? Heehee, I'm still a little out coz of all the beer I drank so...hehe. Sorry.

I've missed thee Keich.

I still wished we would've seen her more in the episode, but of course Danny looked HOT. as did Flack and Mac. :devil:
**Mo looks around....no boss! Sneaks into thread and passes out Halloween candy in celebration of Friday the 13th! :eek: :lol:**
Howdy y'all, how's everyone this lovely day?! :D
Besides, there would probably be more of that in the later episodes, maybe when the much anticipated dark-secret-revelation is drawing near.
Hey Keich! :lol: Yeah I think there will plenty of D/L still to come! **squeee!!**

Rad hey hon! :D Love your new avie, that's awesome! And your new banner, cracks me up!! :lol: :lol: Who's butt is that?
Mo I love that picture of Lindsay, she looks so pretty in that one...
although I saw a preview for next week and she's doing an interrogation- I love when she does them. So Hopefully there will be more of her in next weeks eppy.
I know isn't she just so gorgeous Rad! I just wubs her! :D And yeah I agree,
I love when she does interrogations, rock on! And yeah from what I've heard there will be plenty of her in this ep... and she and Danny should be working the case together too, so there should be plenty of D/L to go around! Yay for that!! :lol:
Thats a good, Mo And that it does.
**Mo nods!** Well good as long as we agree hon! ;)
*whacks Danny* Wake up and go over there and kiss her!.. or me, *gets whacked by Mac and Mo* I meant Mo.
DEFINITELY me! You got Mac and Nicky already! ;)
L: Now why do I want to wear this shirt for?
Me: Because she said so.
L: Still doesn't explain why.
Me: *whispers into her ear* things will get me whacked by the meter.
L smirks: Really?
Me looks at Mac's watch: Yes, but if you don't go in 20 mins, you won't.
L: Why 20 mins?
Me: Do I need a reason?
L: Consider me gone.
Me: That'll be nice.
*gets glared at by Mo* What? Not in that way. I just mean she better be going to Danny's, sheesh.
Me: **high fives Lynn!** Well done us, another ship successfully put to sea, at the hands of the Angsty and Fluffy Girls! **For more adventures of this ship pairing duo check out...well any show that we ship! :lol:**

I am such a DORK!! :lol: :lol:

**Mo laughs at herself and slips back out before getting caught by her boss!**
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