Danny/Linds #12 "Country vs. City Kind of Foreplay!"

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Thanks for the candy Mo... glad you liek the avvie, and that's Danny's butt, c'mon! you've got to know that! :lol:

GREAT SPOILER TOO! yea! that's so exciting it's about timeee... :rolleyes:

heh, now everyone'll will look at it..
Hiya all!

Newbie here...
I love them two together because I think they just have this incredible natural chemistry and I sure hope they're gonna try that date thing again soon. :)
Other than that I love good fanfic and rp... and right now I don't know what else to say except if anybody wants to chat, I'm on yim: candace_delorenzo
Hi MesserinMontana! Welcome! :)

I know that there wasn't any D/L action in the last episode...but these two made up for it in the broom closet. I bansished them there until they kiss and make-up. It's quiet right now.

Okay, next week Linds and Dan will be working together...I think Mac is there but gets called later on to another crime scene. Supposedly one of the Suicide Girls is going to flirt with Danny asking him out...I think he's supposed to ask for a raincheck...but I can't be for sure that those scenes with make it into the episode...writers have a way of changing things *coughridescenecough*...So basically, if this chick does flirt with Danny, what should Lindsay do? I have a feeling I'm going to dislike this goth chick a lot. :mad:

Happy Shipping, shippers! Go have fun tonight! ;)
Lindsay will open a can of whoop as on that chick, I'll gaurentee that! At least they'll be working on the same case though, that's definetly a good deal right there. Very positive, and she'll be in the majority of the eppy. Still mad about that by the way... And I'm with you on the mom :D I won't like that suicide girl either.
Hey guys!!
a feeling that this episode will also be full of angst like the other ones. If the suicide girl goes ask Danny out , it make make Lindsay realize just how much she does care for Danny. We may see a bit of Jealous Lindsay in this episode.
Sorry about that, i didn't realize. So from now on i'll make sure i don't do it again. I might have done that on a few other posts before i realized. So from now on i'll keep an eye on my posts. Hope i'm not in trouble.
I sure love all the wonderful pics of Danny and Lindsay.
I can't wait to see what's going to happen next for there relationship!
^^Not a problem and no, you're not in trouble. It can be confusing since Shipper Central rules are stricter than the rest of the board. ;)

ETA: All reviews of the episodes should go in the Graded thread over in the NY forum instead of in this thread. thanks
Yeah, saw the new ep last night. And it was so great that I didn't even really miss the D/L interaction.

Although there, indeed, could have been some glances. Just to keep the continuity; show that everything is not quite "alright" between them. Or perhaps some accidental touch causing a akward moment. But I'm not complaining - just insisting that they at least use these options during the next weeks. :D

And since Danny will be there for her (his words, not mine ), I'm sure that she'll be able to put her past behind her soon.
I totally agree Misery. At some point she will turn to him for help and together they must be able to solve all. :p
6. So since Mr. Casey escaped I think it's safe to assume the whole team (especially Hawkes, but still the whole team) is now in danger. Since the reason he killed those other two people was because they had stood in the way of justice, and now by capturing him the whole team stood in the way of him getting justice so logically then, the whole team would have to die for trying to prevent him getting justice for his brother....I can't say I'm excited to see a serial killer on the loose targeting our team...(TOO MUCH ANGST! ) but it will defintitely give us more interesting upcoming eps!
Ah, Mo, the angsty thoughts your fluffy heart comes up with are just amazing. ;) I personally like it if something like that would happen. As long as no one is getting killed of I can handle a lot of angst. :lol: I love nail biting suspence; not knowing what is going to happen next. All it needs to make it perfect is a happy ending though.

Btw, love your avie. You got me humming that (imo awful) song the whole morning. :lol:

although I saw a preview for next week and she's doing an interrogation- I love when she does them.
Me too, Radical618 She just always comes in looking so sweet and almost shy and then sinks her teeth in the interrogation like a pitbull. :eek:

I'd love it if Lindsay would get jealous. It will be a great way to give us angry Danny again (I love pissed of Danny :devil:). He could react something like: "Well, you cannot be in a relationship with me right now, but if some else hits on me you get all possesive all of a sudden. Make up your mind Lindsay!" That seems like such a great way to spice things up again. *keeps fingers crossed
I'm with you, Mo !

I think that will exactly happen! And in a way, Danny would be right. He's a very handsome guy, with needs, and although it sounds romantic and all, he's not the type of guy who will wait for a girl to change her mind about him. Knowing that she likes him a lot simply can't be enough for him. But, hopefully, this will be the type of situation that will make Lindsay think. I mean, they can take things slow; like Danny said, they can go out, have a few laugh. No one says that it has to be a serious relationship right away.
Hi Shippers!

Maybe Danny would use the Suicide girl flirting with him as a way to get Linds to see red...but I doubt the Suicide girl is his type. I mean judging from what he thought about the 'goth' couple in "Jamalot" and his lack of tolerance for the kids in last week's episode...I see him as someone who likes girls who are a little more serious minded not into high end sexual conquests and "Carrie" type performances. Plus if Danny wanted someone he could go anywhere to find someone to make Linds jealous. I doubt he's having a problem finding comfort while Lindsay is making up her mind. He probably will like the any attention he can get right now though. ;)
Good Morning!! :D I LOVE Saturday mornings! :lol: **Mo skips in happily, well rested...and passes out pumkin spice lattes and yummy scones to everyone!**
glad you liek the avvie, and that's Danny's butt, c'mon! you've got to know that!
Rad! Hi hon! **Mo smacks herself on the forehead!** Duh, how did I not know that was Danny's butt...silly me! ;) And such a fine butt it is too! :devil:
they just have this incredible natural chemistry and I sure hope they're gonna try that date thing again soon.
MesserInMontana welcome to our lovely ship! I know you'll love it! :D And I gotta tell ya, I love your name! It totally sent me to the gutter! :devil: (something you'll find I do alot! :lol:) They do have awesome natural chemistry don't they, I just love watching them, they really were made for eachother! And have no fear hon, I am pretty sure they'll try that date thing again! ;)

Aud!!! Hi Honey! **Mo tackles and huggles her Fluffy twin!!** Yay you put them back in the broom closet, I was gonna suggest we do that! Well done! :D They needed some time in there to work things out! :devil:

Vex, Ronnie, Rhon Howdy! **Mo waves happily!**

Ah, Mo, the angsty thoughts your fluffy heart comes up with are just amazing.
Lol, hiya dutch! :D I know right, I am a total fluffy but somewhere inside of me is a paranoid angsty fighting to get out I think! But so far I have managed to repress that side quite well, besides FLUFF rules! :lol: I mean I know we need some measure of angst to make the fluff sweeter, but still...it's all about the happy ending! **Mo nods!** (As for the song I know right, it gets stuck in your head and you can't get it out! :lol: )

Mis! Hey hon...lol glad to see your on my side, gotta love that! ;) :lol:

Okay first I gotta say, my fluffy heart senses angst coming on! I know, duh right...but still, grrrr! :mad: I know it can't all be smooth sailing, but you gotta allow me at least a "GRRRR!" Okay now that that's done...Yeah I think the main point of having the Suicide girl flirt with Danny is to make Linds jealous. I think she'll overhear the girl ask Danny out and she'll see red. I'd love it if the chick asked Danny out, Danny saw Linds look up with this insanely jealous look on her face and then he got this smile on his face "sweet she's jealous!" and then said his "nah no thanks" line....that'd be awesome! I don't know that Linds will say anything to Danny about it (although I'd love it if she did so we could get another good 'feelings' coversation out of them!) but I think she'll just get pissed at the girl (I'd LOVE to see her kick the goth chick's ass!) Either way though, there should be plenty of D/L in this ep, which will be fun! And hopefully it won't all be angsty! fingers are crossed!! Oh and I think this ep is the start of us finding out about Linds' secret, so that's cool!! :D

D/L is SOOO gonna sail y'all! We're CANON baby and that's all I got left to say!! :D :D

**Mo waltzes out singing "Love is the Air"!**
Holy really long posts Batman!!

ok... so my thought is that there won't be much (at least OBVIOUS) Danny/Lindsay until the end... ya know kind of like Grissom/Sara::shudders:: but they might drop some stuff that will build up to that like the hug or the actual asking out or something like that. I mean come on Dannys a NYPD cop! Y'all seriously think he'll be even REMOTLEY interested in a goth chick? I'm thinking NO!
*peaks in*

ummm... hi? another newbie here (shout outs to Newbies in da House! ... okay... i promise never to do THAT again!).

anyway, i just wanted to share a little story: i will be the first to admit that i have never been a huge CSI fan (of any in the franchise), but about 1/2way through last season, i happened to get home from work late. i flipped the tv on, i was too lazy to change the channel, and there was one of these 'CSI show-thingies' in mid-episode. i ended up catching some really hawt guy calling some cute little brunette "Montana."

me, being the sucker for 'hawtness' that i am... i sat and watched.

a few weeks later... i realized: Oh crap. Apparently i am now a CSI fan!" my friends were floored. i swore i'd never get hooked. and now, through random rambling e-mails at work (a lot like this post!), i now have 3 co-workers hooked too!

i've read a lot in the last few weeks in the anti-D/L world... but i just thought i'd say that thanks to the whole DL-Connection (yes... that's what we call them at work... don't ask!), there's a little group of us that tune in every week, where we wouldn't have before! we twitter and twee about them, and we found ourselves loving the show, too!

(did i mention he's really hawt! ??

(thanks for putting up with the rambling! i'll sneak out now!)
Hi celsie. Welcome to the Danny/Lindsay thread. While we're always glad to have new posters, I must step in and ask that you read over the Shipper Central rules as they differ from the rest of the board.

Also, please refrain from mentioning "anti-DL" in this thread. Everyone has the right to their opinion but this is not the thread for that discussion.

Also, posts need to stay on topic. Real life can be mentioned as long as it's brief and does not take up the entire post.

Here's a link to the rules and please play close attention to the section titled SPAM.

Shipper Central Rules
I racked my brain and I kept thinking....

We all know that he wants to be with Lindsay, right? He told her that he would do anything for her if she would just ask. Maybe when the suicide girl asked him out, he was just trying to be polite to her and ask for a "raincheck". I think he did that on purpose to show Lindsay that he does want to be with her. I could be wrong, but It is a theory.
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