Danny/Linds #12 "Country vs. City Kind of Foreplay!"

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vexus said:

If there was a given situation, who's home do you think that they would go to for Tnanksgiving, Danny's parents or Lindsay's parents?

As much as fun as Danny would have in..., whoa, wait, better rephrase that for ratings purposes :eek:... Um as much fun as it would be to have Danny visit the state of Montana (whew, that was close ;)) I think part of Lindsay's drama stems from her family due to the issues she had with informing the suicide girl's mother in O.H. Given that, I can totally picture her overwhelmed by the Messer clan (and much beloved) :D.
worried Danny... I like!!!!
Me too... In Not What It Seems, the look on his face broke my heart! He looked so sad and heartbroken-- I couldn't help but feel the same! What I love about Carmine is that he's gorgeous and a convicing actor. Same with Lindsay... :)

L: Well it may be stupid, but I’m going anyway
D: You sure?
L: Yeah, I’m sure and there’s nothing you can do to stop me
D: You’re sure about that too?
L: Wh-what do you mean?
D: Grabs her and kisses her!!
Screen goes blanc – credits roll
Oh, sweetie. If it was up to me-- you'll be a writer for the show. :) That scene is absolutely stunning and HOT!
Yay it's Wednesday, yay it's Wednesday, Yay it's Wed-nes-day today!! **sung to the tune of "Oh Susanna"!** I love today...it's my last day of work for the week AND we get our new eppy tonight! YAY! :D :D I'm SOOO excited, I'm singing! :lol:
And that's two more to add to the list. It's gonna be hard to chose.
I know, it is hard to choose! Thanks for putting a poll together by the way dutch! You rock! :D
I knew you'd love that!! Would make me happy too if they did something like that. At least we then get some nice memories to get us through the episodes were 'Lindsay' is probably gonna be out of the picture
I did love it, that kind of angst/fluff thing I can handle! That would totally make my day if we got that! PTB, please!!! :lol:
Danny/Linds #13 "Can't Deny The Chemistry Anymore!"
Aud! Hi honey! **Hugs!** :D Yeah I like that one too! I think that was the other one I voted for! ;) Cuz it's just SOOO true! :D
I love seeing Danny chase after Lindsay, but in this case I would love to Lindsay go to Danny and tell him how she feels.
Yeah I think that is more fitting to their situation, although I am dying to hear Danny tell her he loves her...I would melt and then squee for a week!! :D :D
As much as fun as Danny would have in..., whoa, wait, better rephrase that for ratings purposes
Mercy!! :eek: Totally followed where that was going and dropped straight down to the gutter! :devil: Good one hon! ;) :devil:

Alright y'all! I cannot wait until tonight! I am really hoping I get to watch this ep as it airs...but either way, cannot wait! Hopefully we will get some D/L...hopefully some good D/L at that! We deserve it, dang it!! :lol:

Fingers and toes are crossed! :D
hmm you think D/L will do thanksgiving? I'm sure Danny'd love to stuff her turkey LOLOL

I'm also soooo anxious about tonight, given the plot. Smacked makes me really happy but DL would make me happy too.
If there was a given situation, who's home do you think that they would go to for Tnanksgiving, Danny's parents or Lindsay's parents?
Good question Vex. I think they would go to Danny's parents (this year). Just because they (at least I think) live nearby. And since we are almost certain that Lindsay's problems have something to do with her family I don't think they'd go there before she has solved those.
As much as fun as Danny would have in...
:lol: :D :devil: :D :lol:
I can totally picture her overwhelmed by the Messer clan (and much beloved) :D.
Love that idea :lol: Mercy
Oh, sweetie. If it was up to me-- you'll be a writer for the show. :) That scene is absolutely stunning and HOT!
Aah txs kissme *hugs Let's just hope TPTB look here for some inspiration!!
Thanks for putting a poll together by the way dutch! You rock!
It was my pleasure. I love polls!!
MacsGirlMel said:
...I'm sure Danny'd love to stuff her turkey...
:devil: ;) :eek: ;) :devil:

And to all who celebrate it tomorrow: Happy Thanksgiving!!!
I'm sure Danny'd love to stuff her turkey LOLOL
:devil: Mel! That's awesome! And uh yeah, I'm pretty sure Danny would LOVE to do that! :devil:

Cannot wait until tonight, really really hope we get some D/L...I'm so nervous about it for some odd reason, dunno why! Gah...lol! :lol: We just need some dang it! :lol:
I'm nervous too Mo partially because I'm going to a play and don't know when I'm coming home.. :rolleyes: I want to be back in time to watch it from the beggininng. But, i gotta do what I gotta do. I send the Gah. We need some major DL, angsty... or, or, *in a samll voice* fluffy.. :p

Hides from Angsty!Twins
I just wonder if we will barely get any Lindsay again tonight. I know that she is going to be bit by the snake, but I think they will use it as an excuse to barely have her in the show. After all, she'll probably be in the hospital, and we will get some mention of her, but not see her. I'm being pessimistic. I'd love to see Danny go to her, but after hardly seeing her at all in the last few episodes, I'm not feeling hopeful. Doesn't mean that I don't wish we get some D/L, just that I'm not hopeful. Darn, I think I'm turning into an angsty.
Is this a thread where you prefer to discuss things after most have had a chance to see the episode, or can you comment before? I've seen tonight's episode already. I don't want to say anything if it isn't alright, so I thought I'd ask.
Just a helpful hint... you can just hit edit above your post instead of double posting. The mods don't like it when we do that. :) And you can post info about the episode in spoiler tags which are [ spoiler] [/spoiler ] (That's without the spaces.) But I would really like to hear what happened! I don't have the episode for another hour and a half! :) I love the spelling of your name, too, by the way, catey!
I hope we get some decent D/L tonight! If we don't, I'll be very sad... :( It's strange actually; when I first started to watch CSI, I just mostly concentrated on the cases and now I'm mostly eager to see the character's relationships and interaction!

It makes the show so much better. :D
No prob, Catey! I did the exact same thing when I first joined! :lol: So, do you have any spoilers? I have forty minutes and I'm dying over here!
Hello, hello, hello! :D 3 hours and 20 minutes to go...that is if I actually get to watch it as it airs...otherwise I'll be with Rad and watching it later! ;)
We need some major DL, angsty... or, or, *in a samll voice* fluffy..
I heard that hon! :lol: Knew we'd get some of you angsties in the end! ;) :D

Catey you've seen the eppy already? Wow! Lucky you hon! Where do you live that you get to see it so early? :D And yeah like Smi said (Hi Smi honey!! :D )
go ahead and post your spoilers in spoiler boxes...we love spoilers! ;) :D

Oh I hope we get some D/L...oh please, oh please, oh please!! :D
It's called having a Starchoice dish, and getting a Halifax, Nova Scotia station that plays Csi:New York, at 7:00p.m. my time, 3 hours before the rest of the stations around here. :D
I tried posting a spoiler, but by the time I figure it out, the show will have aired. Just a question, if I try to post a spoiler, and put the boxes around like Smi showed me, do I still see the post, or should it be in the spoiler box, like when I read other people's spoilers? I had posted something, but removed it, because there was no spoiler box around it. Sorry, I'm totally new at this. :D
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