Danny/Linds #12 "Country vs. City Kind of Foreplay!"

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$10 dollars says we get a DL hookup this season. who's with me?
Count me in, Radical. TPTB are giving us a LOAD of hints that are leading up to something sexy and hot. :) Besides, Lindsay's going to figure her stuff out and then-- YAY! She'll get together with Danny!

It's almost for certain!
So we're almost to the new thread... anyone have any thread name ideas? I've come up witha few.

DL 13- She likes him, A LOT!
DL 13- First his shirt, then hers!

any other suggestions?
Hello, hello, hello!! :D :D Gah I'm so over work right now! :p Lol! We're totally busy and it's annoying, I mean really work is taking over my time and not allowing me to post on here as often...how dare it! I mean really what gave it the right?! (Lol okay so I need the money, but man if I didn't....!) :lol:

Anyway, good morning my lovelies! I am being bad and posting while at work, but my boss isn't here yet, so it's all good! ;) **Mo giggles and passes out grande chai lattes to everyone!!** :D
Angst baby! Angst!
No, no, no....you've been hanging around Lynny too long! ;) It's called Fluff hon...fluff, fluff, fluff! :lol:
Canon is my favorite word... Sailing in smooth waters as well... those thins coinside very well together... no?
They surely do! They are two of my favorite phrases for our lovely couple! :D
Hey, where's my twin?
Here I am Fluffy Twin! :D Hi!! **Mo tackles her Fluffy Aud and huggles her!!** :lol:
I keep getting excited when I think about the fact that our ship will sail---it will. Write it down.
I know hon, me too, totally! :D I keep randomly thinking about it and grinning, I think the people I work with are starting to think I'm crazy :rolleyes: But I don't care! Our ship is going to sail dang it, YAY! :lol:
So when they do get together, who will run to whom? Will Lindsay run to Danny? Or will Danny chase after Lindsay?
While I will forever be a fan of the guy chasing the girl...I always love that! I think Linds should run to him, or show up on his doorstep in the middle of the night...but I think since he has pursued her and she said I need space, that she should be the one to run to him now...(hmmm, plot bunnies are forming.... :D )
Also who's gonna put mistletoe up all around for the holidays so that our lovely couple will definitely have to share a sweet kiss?
Oh me, me, me! I am all over that! We'll just cover the ceiling in mistletoe and that way they'll have to kiss....all the time!! :devil: :lol:
God i'd run to that man, he is sex personified!
Mercy I know, isn't he though! :devil: He is so freaking gorgeous! :D
Who knows maybe that'll get her to see life is short.
Lynny I sure hope that's what happens, she needs to realize that and then run into Danny's strong, handsome arms! :D And by the way....you SOOOO are! ;) :lol:
Nice to know I’m not laying there face down alone anymore
Uh yeah no worries hon, I have resigned ever getting out of the gutter, it is now my permanent home! :devil:
$10 dollars says we get a DL hookup this season. who's with me?
Definitely there with you, I'd LOVE to win that bet! :D
There's my blonde moment for the day.
Smi!! Hi, lol! :lol: You're entitled a few blonde moments...I have them all the time! :lol:
DL 13- She likes him, A LOT!
Nice Rad I like that alot! :D

Can't wait for tomorrow night...we need some D/L...hopefully, oh so hopefully! And I want it fluffy dang it, fluffy, fluffy , fluffy!! :D
Rad ... where are you getting all these great new thread name's from?! lol This is a good one "she likes him, A LOT! :lol: soo true!!!

Mo Hiya huni!!! man i have missed sooo much in here!!!!
***Hugz Mo, Vex, Rad, IHNC, Delia, Aud, Dutchy... And everyone else!!!!***

Everytime i come here i have so much to catch up on... and then i dont have time to post! :( i am totaly with you on the work thing tho Mo... I have 2 days off a week to try and cram as much DL in as possible!!! :lol: and yeah i need the money too.. gotta be savin for my NY trip!!! :D hehe

I sure hope there is some good DL tomorrow!! :D God knows it is very much needed and well deserved!! :D i so wanna see the look on Danny's face when he finds out Lindsay has been bitten!! :eek:
worried Danny... I like!!!! :D
Chell loving that pic, where is he looking? :eek:! Tomorrow's eppy is gonna be specatcular spectacular! I'll sing my favorite Tuesday song:
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya, tomorrow!

DL 13- Eye!sex is their favorite sport!
I'm curious
Aren’t we all Vex, I think they really need to speed things up, because the curiosity is killing us.
Please PTB save us!!! :D
$10 dollars says we get a DL hookup this season
I’m with you Rad And since we’re probably all gonna bet on this outcome we’ll at least all have our $10,- back at the end of the season :)
DL 13- She likes him, A LOT!
DL 13- First his shirt, then hers!
DL 13- Eye!sex is their favorite sport!
Nice ones Rad,

How about:
DL 13- May be their lucky number!
DL 13- He won’t be stood up twice!
DL 13- We have this thing, this chemistry
DL 13- Don’t tell me you don’t feel it!

..work is taking over my time and not allowing me to post on here as often...how dare it!
Mo, I know what you mean hon!! But at least when I have a busy week it’s already Wednesday again before I know it :lol:
it is now my permanent home!
Yeah, I’ve never had a roommate! ;)
..man i have missed sooo much in here
Glad you got the change to catch up again Chell. I try to check here at least once a day. And even then it’s hard not to miss out on things :(
Besides, Lindsay's going to figure her stuff out and then-- YAY! She'll get together with Danny!
You’re right kissme we’re so sailing!!! :D :D

Thought that just hit me. Wasn’t there some talk about something happening between them mid season?

Well what if Danny hears she’s going to leave for a while. He then totally freaks out and storms to her apartment, or even better, to the airport to stop her :cool:
They start arguing; yelling and throwing accusations back and forth. She snaps at him; telling him to mind his own business, he accuses her of being stubborn and stupid for leaving without asking for help. Followed by this little conversation:
L: Well it may be stupid, but I’m going anyway
D: You sure?
L: Yeah, I’m sure and there’s nothing you can do to stop me
D: You’re sure about that too?
L: Wh-what do you mean?
D: Grabs her and kisses her!! :devil:
Screen goes blanc – credits roll :)

See I can do both ANGST and FLUFF :p And of course it’s totally cliché and we’ve seen that a thousand times already, but never with D/L :D
Rad you are rockin' the thread title suggestions today hon! :D Go you! I love the ones you've made so far! :lol:

We could do...
Danny/Linds #13 "Can't Deny The Chemistry Anymore!"
Danny/Linds #13 "There's Something Going On!"
I dunno...I need to see exact transcript of LRC convo and then I can make up more...but yeah like the ones we have so far...good stuff! Can't believe we're almost to another thread, we rock!! :D :D

Chell Hi Honey!!! :D So nice to have you back, yay! In honor of that... **Mo giggles and dumps a big bucket of Rocky Road over Chell's head!** Welcome back hon! :lol:

Yeah doesn't it suck when works steals D/L time, makes me mad... :mad: Lol! :lol: :rolleyes: But when ya need money, what can ya do right...oh well! :D

And yeah totally can't wait for tomorrow...it needs to be good, really really really needs to be good!! :D
DL 13- May be their lucky number!
DL 13- He won’t be stood up twice!
DL 13- We have this thing, this chemistry
DL 13- Don’t tell me you don’t feel it!
Nice dutch! Very nice, I like those! :D Cool beans!
Yeah, I’ve never had a roommate!
Well cool beans, and what better place to start then the gutter! ;) :lol:
L: Yeah, I’m sure and there’s nothing you can do to stop me
D: You’re sure about that too?
L: Wh-what do you mean?
D: Grabs her and kisses her!!
Screen goes blanc – credits roll
Awwww YAY! I love that!! :D See now that kind of angst I can handle because it is immediately followed by sweet fluff! I would LOVE it if we got that! That would make me happy!! Plus all that anger translates into PASSION! :devil:

**Mo joins Rad singing...Tomorrow...tomorrow...it's coming tomorrow...let's hope for some good D/L!** :lol:
Excuse me if this is off topic, but how do you add a picture beneath your name id? I think Vexus' is funny, but I just want to add an icon. I have no idea how to do this. I feel computer(or internet) illiterate. Any help would be appreciated. Once again, I apologize if this is off topic, I just feel comfortable to ask in this forum. You all seem really nice, and funny. Thanks.
Would someone mind to pm catey1234 about how do add a banner? I know how to do it but can't explain it worth a crap. :rolleyes:

Thanks guys. :)
Moriel21 said:
We could do...
Danny/Linds #13 "Can't Deny The Chemistry Anymore!"
Danny/Linds #13 "There's Something Going On!"
And that's two more to add to the list. It's gonna be hard to chose.
I dunno...I need to see exact transcript of LRC convo and then I can make up more..
dutch! Very nice, I like those! :D Cool beans!
[/b]That transcript is actually how I came up with my suggestions #3 and #4
:D See now that kind of angst I can handle because it is immediately followed by sweet fluff!
I knew you'd love that!! Would make me happy too if they did something like that. At least we then get some nice memories to get us through the episodes were 'Lindsay' is probably gonna be out of the picture
catey1234 said:
..Excuse me if this is off topic, but how do you add a picture beneath your name id?...You all seem really nice, and funny. Thanks...
1CSIMfan said:
Would someone mind to pm catey1234 about how do add a banner?
catey check your pm's. I don't know if I am any good at explaning how to do this but I'll give it a try :D

And we're not voting for actual thread titles yet. Just passing the time :) coming up with some nice suggestions ;)
I'd make a poll but I've got no idea how to do it. Could someone who knows make a poll for our thread name or tell me how to do it? Thanks!
Danny/Linds #13 "Can't Deny The Chemistry Anymore!"

I think this one is my favorite!! :D

Howdy to all of my shippers! Keeping up the D/L love are we? :cool:

Answering my question from earlier---I love seeing Danny chase after Lindsay, but in this case I would love to Lindsay go to Danny and tell him how she feels. While I don't think she should just run to him and say 'Hey, settled my past let's make a go of it,' I think they should definitely start out in the right direction.

But after a while, they will get naked and have some broom closet fun. I'm thinking we should lock them up in the closet again until they kiss and make-up. LOL! ;)

Okay, for all the fluffies out there---guess what your prize is? Danny with nothing on (Linds is coming along for the ride too!). I think after all that they have been through, D/L want some fluff instead of angst. Now for all of you sweet angsties---your prize---Hammerback and his glasses. Sorry, I couldn't think of anything else. LOL! You know I love you all. :)

Happy Thanksgiving to all of those celebrating! :)
audacity said:
...all the fluffies out there---guess what your prize is? Danny with nothing on...for all of you sweet angsties---your prize---Hammerback and his glasses...
Don't know why :D ;), but I'm suddenly in a very fluffy mood :D :devil: :D

OK since we've already have so many title suggestions to chose from here's a poll (kinda early, but we can always make another one ;)) Happy voting y'all:
I want also want Lindsay to make the first move. Because I have seen, that it has been Danny that has pursued her and I would love to see the roles reversed.

D/L #13 - Eye!sex is their favorite sport!

-is the one that I pick for the next thread title.

If there was a given situation, who's home do you think that they would go to for Tnanksgiving, Danny's parents or Lindsay's parents?
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